Answer honestly

Answer honestly

We all know who you'd pick. So why do you deny that anti-black racism exists?

Why should I have to pick between two severed heads?


I can't hire just with the faces.

Show me the body and clothes, then I might be able to make a decision. Not like it'd be accurate but at least I'd have something to go from other than just "hurr he is white" or "hurr he is black'


I'd prefer the black man.

He has a more shapely jaw, indicative of high testosterone - and thus energy to do what is asked of him, and the focus granted he's qualified - and well-trimmed facial hair, suggesting he takes care of himself and thus is concerned about conforming to social expectations, and capacity to conform to company culture is imperative.

this as well as give me their resumes, if the white guy is an unqualified retard then I'll pick the negroid, it's not racist to pick the better person for the job, despite what all libshits will tell you


cuz its not racism

its rational

not quota hire

no commy upbringing

What you're pointing out is either the negative social constructs surrounding blacks, or whites tendencies to choose other whites.

Neither of which is racism. One is an observation and the other is simply instinctive behavior.

It also means you believe that the employer isn't black. That's the real racism here, if you ask me.

>real life situation
>hire someone based on nothing but the recorded facts of their races education levels.

true solution

hire both

fire worst later

oh wait dems make it hard to fire

lawyers n jokers

Neither, that one dude looks mexicant.
I'll just work harder myself.

>That guy on the left.

my thought process was honest to god "guy on the let looks hispanic, probably lazy and there illegally"

That guy isn't white. If you have curly hair, brown eyes, and tan skin, you aren't white.

>So why do you deny that anti-black racism exists?

Only more proof that diversity is bound to fail.

Are Canadians really this stupid? I need to know because I used to consider moving to Canada. Is it a vocal minority thing like here in America? No one can be stupid enough to consider this premise as even remotely similar to what goes on in real life.

white: Well then lets fight for it then
native: No
white: don't blame in 200 years time if we nearly successfully genocide your people, you asked for it.

Also let's be honest here, this shit is rigged

>pick white
>"wow thats racis!!!"

>pick black
>"right choice!"

>This is payed for by tax dollars
Hang them all now

Who cares? Only someone whose business or even general success wouldn't hire either without reviewing them. Getting a shitty hire especially in the first world is asking for pain

>Blacks : We shall have a better society for black people fuck whitey

>PM : Let's kick up immigration that will reduce racism

>Blacks : YES! We will no longer have to live in poverty because white people don't hire us

>PM : Let's increase immigration from Asia

>Blacks : Our Asian brothers will welcome us with open arms fuck white people

>Asians : Fuck you niggers are dumb we're not hiring you
Did someone who foresaw this do there "Just as planned"?

I don't hire people with asymmetrical skulls, sorry boys

>anti-black racism exists

yes and?

I oicked the black guy though. Im not hiring the fat white masturbator.
At least the nigger will be likeable to women.

>take on a whole extra persons work load yourself
Probably not hey

>fat spic
> normal BMI negro with a promising skull shape
I actually am a little stumped.

I'd pick the white guy, because white guys are more reliable and probably won't steal from me.

Why? Is there something wrong with that?

As expected from the leaf. Shit must suck with all the Asians in your country.

What happens if you don't hire either?
Isn't hiring both more inclusive?
Why isn't a woman represented on this poster, are they saying women aren't qualified?

Fucking Leaf propaganda... sag3d

I'd pick the European, because this is a European country.
If I was in Africa, I'd pick the African.
But I wouldn't be in Africa, because I'm European.

>you're a racist if you make decisions based on nothing but race
If I pick the black guy does that mean I'm racistâ„¢ against the "white" guy?

workload of a spic or dindu?
No problem.

>tfw intelligent enough to pick black

Honesty the black guy was oppressed by the guy on the left. Why in the world would I hire the guy on the left? I hate oppression.

Blacks statistically commit more crimes so the mathematical choice is the white guy

Good decision making isn't racism

Racism is literally a jew meme

Based on the headshots the black guy. He shaved.

It's not the I'm particularly biased against blacks, it's just that I respect latinos cause they work hard. Illegals should be deported though.

Why do you deny that niggers are risky hires?

well first off the picture is irrelevant because we dont know either of the persons skill sets. The white dude could be dumb as a bag of hammers and so could the black dude.

>advertising that kind of job to begin with

I'll hire the one with better qualifications.


Where do you dummies see a white guy?
Was I being shortchanged on the best choice?
I just see a burrito and turd.

What the hell kind of shit is this? What am I hiring for? What are their resumes? Degrees? Professional experience? Ages?

>quick, hire one
I ain't hiring either without seeing a fucking resume and how they dress and present themselves.

No fucking way. Noone sane would do that.

It's not racist to notice that black people are statically more likey to commit crime and be unreliable employees. If people want people to stop being racist then black people need to fix their shitty culture. Cops aren't racist for noticing that black people murder 10x more likely that whites. People notice problems and nothing will change until the real problem is addressed; black culture is fucked and nobody is allowed to say anything about it because "that's racist"


>not coming to the conclusion that this means the guy on the left is more powerful

I dont see a problem

I'm torn, the other guy doesn't look very white either.

>a black guy
>or a mexican
Guess I'm going out of business...

The fabled decent canadian post.


pik black for hanging
ps fix the eyebrows

The position has been filled by a Chinese.

It's not so bad at least it's not fucking Africans.

We can have a successful nation with Asians. Though I do wish they wouldn't allow Vancouver to have all those Chinese signs everywhere. Official languages and what not.

You on the other hand are fucked your nation is being overrun by Mexicans.

United States Of Mexico when?


Because, you fucking idiot, I don't know if you know this, but people in charge of hiring are generally given more than a picture of somebody's face before hiring them. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

Black culture is a product of black genetics. You're fucked from the start if the average IQ is 80.

>implying I'd hire without an interview

I'm a little too experienced for that, OP.

two years on Sup Forums and I'm still not sure how b8 this weak still works

Fuck. My tax dollars at work.

Yes, a lot of Canadians are really this stupid. Especially in the big cities.

Literally coin toss. The Arab might be a more competent worker, but he's just as likely to slit my throat as the black guy.

tbqh I'd probably just shut down the business instead.


I hire both but employ a rigorous probation test involving various skills that have no use on the job like, who makes a better sexy secretary. Im not gay.

I'd hire the best man for the job.

What's the joke



So not very intelligent then?

You don't hire based off just a face, stop strawmanning. Myou know how expensive a employee is? Protip it's about double their wage

kek says buy a robot to do the job

>So why do you deny that anti-black racism exists

I don't deny it. It most definitely does exist, and I'm glad that since I'm white I don't have to worry about it. In fact, other than in threads like this, I really don't think about it much at all.

>Just exercising some of that privilege, ya know?

That black guy looks like a Somali pirate. No thanks.

The one on the right stole my bike last week

Hire as what? They both look like good janitors or baristas and hmmm not much else

Probably black guy has a slightly better chance since he took the time to shave before the interview.

This is fucking retarded

It's not racist to hire the smarter candidate. Sage.


I am white and I like white people more.
>what a surprise.

>you believe that the employer isn't black.

And even black employers try not to hire shitty employees.

I don't get it.

>hiring the black guy, just because he's black, in order to not be "racist"

Uhhhhh... Isn't that racism?

Okay atleast fucking show two white guys and black guys. Make it a fair test.


It's not racism, it's behaviorism.

>"I'd prefer the black man"

Of course you do, cuck

This is pretty fucking stupid.

Hire the white guy. Whites are better than blacks. There is literally nothing wrong with racism.

Manual labor: nigger since slave genes

Analytical work: white man since doesn't have shit for brains


>We can have a successful nation with Asians.
We had one without them you fucking slant eyed insect.

>no smiles

considering I know nothing about the two, I'd actually pick the black guy because he seems more focused on his job and is clean

the white guy looks like hammered shit and isn't looking at me

>hurr durr you don't have merit and rational thought so if you guess you're racist

Gonna need a little more information than that, leaf.

Not all of them. Just most of them.

neither are white

isn't it just as racist to force me to hire the black guy over the white guy merely becuase of his race? or is that hypocrisy over their head?
