Then vote for the same policies they fled from?
Why do liberals move to conservative states?
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Missinformation and optimism
that is a great question. probably because at heart they still don't want to work or contribute to society, but still want to live somewhere nice and peaceful
just put them in a gas chamber imo
>libs from california and new york fleeing to the south for lower taxes, cheaper goods, and better quality of life
>everyone here is so backwards! better vote democrat
literally the first to go on the day of the rope
they want lower taxes but dont know what they are actually voting for because blue states don't teach civics or economics.
>Libs destroy a state
>Blame on republicans
>Move to different state
>Want to instill lib policies
you just described Texas
You mean literally every state that isn't CA or New England
I thank god libs haven't invaded kentucky yet. It's one of the few states where millennials are still overwhelmingly conservative. Sad to see north carolina going though, I feel our time is coming
>Liberals move into an area
>It becomes prosperous
>Value of property starts ramping up as a result
>New group of liberals can't afford these property rates
>Move into underdeveloped, historically conservative area
What do you think Kayla's beanhole tastes like?
Stand firm Kentucky
They are retarded.
Liberals are a plague.
Because they don't like paying taxes yet are retarted because they like voting for it.
Gentrification is a result of liberals. Wish the niggers realized that.
Appalachia has produced enough money for them to siphon off yet
they are traitorous cunts. we knew this year's ago, user.
For same reason some people retire to third world shitholes like mexico... they can live there cheap and exploit the local retards. Northerners buy cheap land in the red states and bring prosperity and enlightenment to the less fortunate.
Fuck I knew I shouldn't of cheated on her in highschool.
WA here, king county specifically, the amount of californians or people whose parents moved from california is sickening.
Can I get an F for Colorado? It honestly used to be the most based state in the union. It's still pretty ok, still very white, but holy shit is it getting crowded and expensive.
Let's important so many immigrants that we reduce everywhere has higher cost of living and lower quality of life
Basically this. States like New York and California are ungodly expensive so they move to states like my own native Tennessee for low taxes and cheap everything. I wouldn't even necessarily mind this until then they call our culture backwards and racist and evil and want to implement the very policies that destroyed the states they came from.
Can someone please get these kids some welfare, please.
Conservative states usually are cheaper and filled with trash
Why do Muslims move to western countries and then campaign and vote for the politics they fled from?
Same shit, different skintones. When is someone gonna remove kebab from Europe?
dat 6head though
foul nest syndrome
Montana will be blue in twenty years
my life in florida
She's still an attention whore who's basically a milo-tier loser who wants attention and really doesn't deserve it. She's a moron and it really shows every time she post.
Every damn state in the union is going to be blue if something isn't done asap.
Bad parenting.
You make your bed you lie in it. It's pretty simple.
Liberals are locusts user. They love the low taxes and relative freedom but cant help to vote for the big government leftists every chance they get.
It also destroys the generally moderate, less liberal Democratic party in those states making them even less competitive without a continued influx of libs from the Jew York or Cali or waves of immigrants.
>some of my best friends are faggot trannys
Also, how do we know (s)he isn't lying? Have you ever heard them talk? Very masculine sounding
liberals are basically free pussy, no brains attached
Lexington here, feels comfy
We're from Harlan. Brother moved to Lexington. In his first month, his car got stolen, he got mugged, and someone got shot in front of his house. And a homeless man is living in the basement of his apartment complex in exchange for protection.
Bretty scared of Lexington now senpai
Yeah it shits me. A few big media lefties live in my conservative area. Conservatives have become too tolerant.
Harlan county? Sounds like you need Raylan back.
FUCK she's aged horribly. Sad that this happens to most women
'better schools' for their children to grow up in.
Don't go downtown, East side is comfy
You'll end up back there. You never leave alive.
I'm still in Harlan, thinking about moving to paducah or pikeville though.
Aged horribly? She's like 22.
Jobs. Next question?
Is she the MAGA chick?
How could you not know Kayla? She is the queen of Sup Forums
Are you from the hollow? Do you abuse oxy?
Pic related
>She responds
She's a dumbo
Because they're dumb
I lived in Lexington for a while. I found a homeless black guy slumped against my door inside my apartment building one morning when I was leaving for school (UK). I just looked at him hard, and he got up and ran out the door.
There was a low-rent apartment complex across the street that had trouble, but Lex PD would sit in the parking lot on warm summer nights because they were proactive SOBs.
I felt great living in Lexington, and the police were always visible, always around, and always efficient. I called them once or twice when students did crazy shit, like one time when a kid broke into his friend's apartment below mine. They always responded in under five minutes. One time, when I was walking home from Young library, I saw a couple of cop cars prowling Rose looking for someone; before I knew what was up, seven of them had surrounded me because I matched the description of someone for whom they were looking. They were very professional and courteous, because I wasn't the perp they wanted, but I was impressed by how many came silently out of nowhere. The Lexington PD know what they are doing.
I'd move back there in a heartbeat if I had a job in town. Great place to live. Classical music concerts every Friday on campus. Decent restaurants downtown (Natasha's, Alfalfa, etc.). Good arts scene. Culture. Last thing I expected in Kentucky, but far more of it than I've found elsewhere in my life traveling around the country.
Not an argument, you can age horribly in the span of a single year with bad genetics
what did he mean by this?
percocets are what miners are addicted to now. And I'm not, but if I don't quit my mining job soon I may be
KY state police may be dicks, but they get shit done and keep the order
Have you never seen Justified?
never watched it, but we have a justified museum here now
The amount of times i have seen Democrats say Republicans obstructed Obama, when Obama had a majority in the senate until 2015...
Basically they blame everything on Republicans even in Deep Blue states like NYC & Cali
>lives in Harlan country
>has never seen Justified
NCFAG here...we are overrun by NJfags...sux so bad...cant throw a rock without hitting three mooks...also NJfags call Duke "the Plantation"...will probably kill one soon and put up like a scarecrow at the border on along I95...They can spot their own...Hairy Wops that dress like homeless people
yeah sad to see nc now. it used to be my favorite state to visit. at least it's white hippies moving there and not nogs
Honestly...I'd take the blacks, not even kidding. The blacks would at least assimilate with their own...The hippy whites are the fuckers trying to force trannies into our bathrooms, and getting all kinds of licensing bullshit rammed through
I really hate women
everything they do is for some social status reason
Because liberals vote liberal due to lack of foresight.
Only idiots and jewish overlords vote liberal.
Dude they are not that hard to red pill about it. They lack identity and cohesion. This makes them cling to the narrative for some sence of identity. The second you point to how and why in a way that they can understand their whole perspective changes on race.
Its a tranny
Is that Sinead McCarthy?
Its funny because they think money are infinite and that they dont need infidels to lives. They should just be deported to their countries.
They vote for more brown people. They don't want to live next to brown people. When brown people start moving next door they move to a state where there are less Brown people. Then they vote to bring in more brown people to prove how not racist they are.
Internet Spain media is all day crying for muslims and blacks yet they dont live near them, the funny thing is that they dont even hire blacks or muslims in TV, must be that they dont even want to work with them lol
Also why are they so afraid about White supremacism? Its not like whites want to conquer the world and kill all others races, they just want a place to live. Everytime someone is terrified about White supremacism I just tell them that well, if that happens they could just move to black countries and help them to improve. I guess they would choose to live with whites lol
Conservatives improve the quality of the area. They save their money, they aren't as heavily taxed so they get to keep their money. They become rich, they innovate because of the free market and they improve the quality of life.
Liberals sit with their thumb up their ass and their palm open looking for a handout from the government. When they realize that they live in a shit hole because they were too lazy to do anything to improve.... they go to where the grass is greener.
Come get your phone fixed at my store on S Broadway sometime
t. Lexingtonian
where is her penor?
Also they can be activist complaining about racism and sexism as they know conservatives are civilized. Liberals won´t go to black countries to complain about sexism in there.
Spain has one of the lower gender violence, yet TV is all day about sexism. A dirty whore feminist confessed me that the immigrants benefits to some people, then I ask her: "Yeah, because half of the crimes against women are now commited by immigrants, so the more immigrants come, the more violence against women, so the more money you win being an activist, right?" she stayed silent.
Feminists also cover up immigrants crimes and sometimes they make up aggressions. Liberals love money above persons, even if it means more deaths and violence.
They should be deported with blacks and muslims.
They want to turn red states liberal as well
Its disgusting and hopefully will be the charges read to them as they hang from the neck until dead
Actually she didn't want any attention but then when she got it she liked it too much to do anything to stop it and now she embraces it
Kinda sad desu
Because they want your clay
And you're giving it to them
guys kayla is in need of shekels for her future cosplay projects, so kindly ask her if she can accept donations in her deviantart account.
help a subway spic
The fuck happened to dickie?
Because they lack the humility and self-awareness and even the actual knowledge that that's what was causing the problem in the first place.
Liberal moves from Cali to Texas, saying it's too expensive in Cali. But who do they blame? Big rich CEOs of corporations of course! They don't see the actual problem.
>actually she didn't want attention
That's why she has several pictures of herself dressed as a whore? That's why she tells people that she's on Sup Forums when Sup Forums is an anonymous message board? That's why she runs "Donald trump thinks your wifu is shit or whatever? Nice try Kayla
Oregon is a Grade A example of this.
I want to see her in an SS officer uniform.
Because our cost of living is cheaper, they like to retire to more rural conservative places, and have a habitual need to change demographics and voter blocks.
Same reason why Arabs move into Europe and make it muslim
California's expensive because everyone wants to live there. New York's expensive around NYC - upstate is dead because there's no work. The South has air conditioning, no snow, awful labor laws, cheap power thanks to the TVA, and they're subsidized by the federal government every time a disaster strikes.
It's not like people are abandoning these states - it's just that the demand to live there is absurdly high. It's like gentrification - the poor still have to live, so they just move down south.
There's no work in Kentucky. You're a hair above West Virginia.
That'll never happen. She's not a nazi, she's just a contrarian idiot
I wanna see her cosplaying Mummy.
texas is exactly like this. faggots fleeing from california, get here and see someone like wendy davis or mayor parker and end up voting for them. they dont fucking get it.
take them out shooting, that can help.