Post fapkino

Post fapkino.

For me, it's: Monamour 2006

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lmao that fake blowjob

Trasgredire has my favorite Tinto Brass main chick and asshole scenes.

Assfuck looks very real though, but I bet it was a body double.

I can see her anus!

That scene in Hannibal with Will deepthroating the tube. Hugh Dancy's face makes me diamonds every time.

Attached: kaiseki-will-tube.jpg (656x368, 14K)

When I was younger I wondered why people prefer movies like in OP to actual porn. Now that I've seen all in porn, I like softcore more.

Porn is just bland fucking and nothing else. It's not erotic, not lustful, itz only smells.

Attached: 2338AA42-DC18-42EF-912C-21CCAC37A4EA.jpg (821x658, 83K)

i can't be the only one who was fapping to godzilla movie actresses like crazy. for my pale ass living in the rural midwest everything about them was just magical

i remember her specifically because godzilla vs. biollante was it was ones we actually owned (not just rented over and over). when i got more adventurous i'd pause the vhs to cum on her face

agreed. the kino of kino is gravure videos

Attached: Rima Nishizaki 17.12.25 OME-286.jpg (1200x806, 171K)

More kino like those two?

before tvs did people jerk off to the radio

Attached: xuxa porno.jpg (1600x1097, 457K)

Stop watching brazzers shit.

black and white silent film porn

Honorable Mention: Tra(sgre)dire

Attached: The Pigkeeper's Daughter.jpg (323x475, 37K)


I just remembered Paprika, too.

la bete 1975 is pretty kino

that footjob though

Attached: Beast3.jpg (800x489, 85K)

Eva Green, The Dreamers

Attached: evagreendreamers.jpg (550x371, 27K)

I still rewatch it for the faps

Her pale tits are something

Attached: evagreen300.jpg (570x858, 55K)

I miss the golden age of softcore, 1995-2005
I would stay up watching heaps of movies on a school night hoping for one good sex scene, or even some nudity, to fap to
It's a lost pleasure

I like the bit where she masturbates on the headboard

Attached: Jane March - The Lover.webm (800x400, 845K)


Stay away from popular/professional productions. The real good stuff comes from clips4sale

Best wanks for me:
Bad Guy (2001)
The Skin I Live In (2011)

Haven't seen a movie that made me want to wank in at least like 5 years though.