Anyone else here voting for Trump secretly, but telling the outside world they're voting for Jill Stein so they can continue getting laid and not lose all their friends and family?
Anyone else here voting for Trump secretly...
More like I'm voting for Jill secretly, and telling everyone here I'm voting for Trump.
Jill a cute!
I'm voting for Hillary Clinton!
Jill deserves all of the votes.
i tell everyone i would vote for trump if i lived in america and that im far right, even my radical left friends dont give a shit because im a nice person
Yeah,. this is exactly my plan tbqqqh familia.
orange hitler... hahahahah
grandma nixon... ahahahahaha
turn your balls in, nu-males
if these people would stop talking to you over your political views then they were never your friends.
Jill "I think removing all student loan debt is the same as the wall street bailout" Stein
If you lose your family you'll stop getting laid?
#FeelTheJohnson2016 like aleppo even matters lol this is america not turkey
>Orange Hitler
...ugly AND stupid.
no because I'm not a massive pussy
I don't want people to think they should feel bad about supporting trump
Real men publicly declare their support for Trump and name the Jew in the workplace. Then you get fired and sit back and laugh as the Jews, feminist, and blacks realize they have created a distopia due to the Atlas of America's infrastructure (the white male) voluntarily removing himself from society. What happens after that is yet to be written.
Have some balls and actually be assertive about your choice. You aren't as a bad as the Hillary supporters, but you are still part of the problem.
>I learned how to use Babby's First Linux™ so now I must buy a lanyard to announce it to the world
Fucking cuck. Just grab them by the pussy.
You're a giant fucking pussy op
Canadian, trying to subtly get people to vote for Trump, secretly excited for no other reason than that I've shorted US currencies and stocks.
I mean, it probably would've been most profitable to just straight up bet online on a Trump win, but I've diversified my risk. Whoever loses, I win.
just fucking own up to voting for Trump, the right people will admire your confidence and honesty.
You'll attract the people you want to attract by being honest.
You'd be surprised how faggoty people have gotten in the past five years or so. Formerly reasonable people have gone libshit crazy and think they're really fighting against the next Hitler. It's like the faggot bodysnatchers got everyone.
There's people I've been friends with since childhood who would probably unfriend me if they knew I was a closet deplorable.
I have a Jill Stein bumper sticker. I'm voting Trump.
dont be a pussy, tell people you're voting for trump and it might give others the courage to do the same
That just means you need new friends. One of my friends is a son of an illegal immigrant, and he doesn't have a problem with me voting for the guy who wants to deport his family.
no, I actually voted for jill but I should've done what you said. I'll probably never get laid
>keep getting laid
Why are you fucking virtue signallers anyway?
this pretty much. the left has gotten really really ridiculously good at making being an asshole equivalent to being a federal criminal
I'm actually voting for Jill, but I definitely agree with much more of what Trump says than I'm willing to admit publicly. I'm open about my beliefs with close friends, of course, but in mixed social settings it would be bad for my career to do so.
I never hold back about my disgust for Hillary though.
This is really fucking funny, I wont bother boring you with details but yes this is EXACTLY what I'm doing so a girl I'm dating won't get pissed off.
SoCal here - stares lost to the blue anyway so telling everyone I can to vote for Jilf so the 3rd parties get more of a chance next time - hoping that takes a chunk out of Killary and let's the Trump votes turn us RED
I tell them I'm voting for Trump and if they disagree, I tell them their opinion will be considered when they also get a job or useful degree.
>It's like the faggot bodysnatchers got everyone
It's been like that in Canada for fucking years now. Amerifriends can't even complain T B H
Fuck all of the above
Pick a less liberal industry, faggot. If you're blue collar, then join a trade (ideally energy- or construction-related). If you're white collar, you better be in STEM, economics, or law.
No, I'm all out about it, wrote an article in my college newspaper endorsing Trump too. Don't have any friends at college so it didn't really matter, got some complements on it though from professors and some students.
>tell parents, clinton supporters, i straight-ticketed the libertarians (didn't tell them the one exception was voting trump for president)
>they're fucking furious about how i "threw my vote away" rather than "try to help make texas turn blue"
I'd hate to lie to them, but I'd also hate to be disowned.
people usually leave me alone when i tell them im voting for myself
>Ubuntu explains everything
With a face like that your vote should be your least problem if trying to get laid.
No, everybody knows I'm voting for Trump.
>associating with shit
Enjoy being stabbed in the back for nothing.
I already work a trade. It's hardly representative of Canada at large. The moment you leave work, mingle amongst other Canadians or just turn on the telly is the moment you realise how kekked we are.
You will get laid more if you say you're voting for Trump. It shows courage, honor, grit, and intelligence.
No. That's pussy talk. Vote for Trump, or whoever you want. If you lose friends over it, they weren't really friends.
Yeah but most of those people are service job plebs or retarded liberal arts majors. I work in law and even our leftists are mostly reasonable. It's possible to avoid "fucking leaf" tier idiots entirely if you only associate with respectable individuals (I'm including tradespeople in this grouping since many of my closest friends work in various trades and are usually 1000% more sensible than liberal retards).
Canada as a whole is fucked, but that doesn't mean your personal life has to be.
Reporting in. I'm trying to convert a lot of lukewarm clintontards.
I plan to act extremely shocked and outraged when Jill doesn't win and claim the entire thing was rigged.
I already voted Trump but told people that I voted for Johnson. I'm an American of Palestinian descent with family who legit considers themselves to be communist. I was told by my brother that If i voted for Trump he would kill me since he thinks we would all go to some FEMA camp since we're Arab. He believes this with all of his heart.
Some of us sand niggers love America (inb4 Taqqiya, I dropped Islam when 9 years ago) MAGA!!!
>Threaten their own family with honour/political killings
>love America
This is why importing sand niggers is bad, everyone. Take note.
I was thinking about voting for Jill, but it looks uncertain if Johnson will secure 5%, so I may vote for him. Honestly though, Hillary is the only candidate qualified for the job, but I'd rather drop dead than see that bitch in office. Won't vote for Trump, but I kinda hope he wins.
TL;DR fuck this election
Surprisingly accurate candidate descriptions.
Nah I just sit here and relate how fuck ed Europe is and why one nation is the best bet for our country to remain Australian as long as we have the majority. JuSt have to carry on about boats and fuckin poos at the servo and most cunts agree.
You'd have better luck getting laid by being an open Trump supporter. Combination of women desiring a strong alpha and the false hope that they can maybe change you if they sex you up enough.
Seriously, over the summer I went to the beach in minneapolis with my MAGA cap and women in bikinis would randomly just bend over in front of me, it was bizarre.
0Wait, Jill isn't gonna win?
na b
His brother threatened him, not the other way around.
tbqh I'm fine with Levantine Arabs, secular bros, can't tell them from Americanized White Hispanics when they're assimilated, except funny surnames sometimes.
Yep. Mom'll disown me if I vote Trump and my sister's too smug about Hillary being the "right choice for America" to care about any reasons to the contrary. Fuck it, I want to vote in Trump just to see the look on my mom and sister's face. That and to Make America Great Again.
I do it all the time. It's by far the easiest way to criticize Clinton voters because leftists only tolerate being attacked on left issues so it's easy to go off on them about DOMA, Endless war, Clinton Foundation corruption, Saudi ties, and whatever else comes off the top of my head. It's really too easy.
I know, I was trying to say (but did a poor job of it; haven't slept in a while):
>Bring in one Arab who actually loves America
>Receive 10 additional commies who want to behead the one above in the street because he loves America
who /notvoting/ here?
I live in KY so it doesn't matter who I vote for anyway
yup excellent point. they cant attack a more radical lefty
its really good because most shills will deflect shillary's bullshit by projecting onto trump so by getting rid of that all they can do is attempt to defend shillary
Hitler was a Democrat and Nixon was a Republican what is this shit
No.I'm telling everyone i'm voting for Trump.Convincing Hillary voters you'll never come into contact again Trump can't win so may as well vote for Jill seems like a good idea though.
I'd vote for Orange Hitler d e s u
Yes; but I tell them I'm voting for Johnson. I'm a Libertarian anyway so its expected; but I live in NC and there's no chance in hell I'm not doing everything I can to keep that corrupt witch out of the white house. Plus I fucking hate Bill Weld (Johnson's running mate).....Trump is more of a Libertarian than that idiot.
Not voting is retarded.Theres 0 reason not to.
I'm telling people I voted for Clinton, but I voted Trump.
But I live with two libtards as part of my apprenticeship at a libtarded law firm so if I shared my views I could lose the apprenticeship
Why not refuse to answer?
Johnson was a governor, he's qualified.
He's a crummy Libertarian; but he's qualified.
Jill is a great girl leave her alone.
Dishonesty is a prerequisite for the profession senpai.
If your family will really disown you for voting Trump you're better off without them anyway.
I like Jill
if this is real, fucking based
i raged hard when that story came up here
i bet her breath smells like oregano
Mostly using it in Hillary discussions so leftists on social media don't immediately discount what I say, have been called out as a trump supporter multiple times while calling out her corruption and I tell them I'm for Jill and they're forced to think about shit that I said
No. We are using Trump to shift the Overton window hard to the right. We are making certain views publicly acceptable again.
>this is the average American voter
Just nuke us now.
Vote for Jill you rotted cunt. She deserves her 5%.
>Wanting to ban Wi-Fi
Fucking hippy dumbass should get arrested and thrown outta the running.
Yeah, I'd vote for Jill.
>tfw no elderly anti-vaccer gf
Bingo. The problem with this election and most American politics is the system is run by only 2 parties. We need more voices in our government, or we will end up with another bunch of shitty candidates next election.
Bernie lost because he ran a socialist platform on a fascist party.
If you can't accept his retardation, maybe you just need to abstain from voting, capiche?
whats with this forced "trump is orange" meme?
although jill is mad left, id rather have her win than clinton or aleppo anyway
Have fun doing that from finland.
How come outsiders always want Hillary like they as some sort of retarded triangles
>shorting the US economy for a trump election
typical stupid leaf
>Jill Stein
Goddamn, she looks SPENT.
>tfw you don't have friends, family, or anyone really who cares to learn your opinions on anything in order to get offended by.
>tfw you don't have friends family, or anyone who cares about you.