Can someone red-pill me on Russia? Why do you guys like Putin so much?
Can someone red-pill me on Russia? Why do you guys like Putin so much?
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He's a nationalist and an alpha. Same reason we like Donald Trump.
He doesnt give a fuck.
and a MANS man
>nerd virgin detected.
He could potentially free us from these bonds by nuking us. If we commit suicide god will punish us, but he could vaporize us all with the flip of a switch.
Putin strong, Putin good.
>1.7m height
>literal manlet
Sup Forums is basically Russian shills circlejerking Russian shills. Along with the people too dumb to realize Sup Forums is now owned by someone who got in trouble when he was at 2chan for selling the site's data to interested parties.
Most anons don't know/care about his crimes with regard to killing journalists and censoring news. There are also missttributed quotes by him (immigrants need russia, russia doesn't need them) that make him appear pretty based. They don't know how he carved up the nation for the benefit of russian oligarchs.
He gets a pass though because that shit happens in virtually every country anyway and russia is notoriously difficult to control without these tactics. He raised russian gdp and standard of living enormously despite nato and us sanctions and named the (((soros))) as a financial terrorist by issuing a warrant for his arrest. He seems to be the only legitimate power that can stop the globslists from taking over the whole planet.
Informed anons are very grateful they don't have him for a leader but are also grateful that he commands the strength of a super power on the world stage.
He's not necessarily a good guy, but he's a leader from when there were good guys. He believes in the type of world in which a country and its people should be proud, ambitious, self sufficient, and unafraid of the rest of the world or whose feelings they might hurt. He's a man's man, even if you don't like him, and the world is in dire need of those.
He likes Chechens and dags a bit too much for a nationalist
Putin gets support from the NAMBLA freaks on this board.
Is he keeping Russia white?
not wanting to annihilate a country and its leaders isn't necessarily the same as liking them.
Everyone knows that, even the most delusional russian shill. Yet for some reason, like you say, it's hard to judge the man's crimes when the country is at least held together after the multiple attacks it has suffered. Besides at least in my opinion he is an excellent and eloquent orator as far as modern leaders.
>Besides at least in my opinion he is an excellent and eloquent orator
I can safely assume that you haven't seen a single live video of him talking, he groans and stutters all the time. Not to mention stuff like "What happened to Kursk (submarine)? - It sank" that turned into memes
Hell, nowadays Peskov is making most statements for him
Putin is just a meme. Don't you watch Murdoch Murdoch?
>Not based Ramzan Ahmatovich
He's the Saviour of the White Race
Ramzan "I killed my first Russian in my sixteen" Kadyrov
not really
If this wouldn't made you love him, nothing ever will.
Respecting someone is different than liking them.
Cuck here. In my opinion, we pretty much under the siege and West methodically chokes us out. It's just a matter of time before shit breaks down and everything will go to shit. It's inevitable. We already lost, west just trying to tip toe carefully around us because they afraid of our nuclear dildo.
Putin is far, far from the ideal leader, but he is the best leader we currently got and he buys us a little bit more of breathing time. The opposition is fucking useless, literally a useless waste of air, anybody with two bits of a brain would have formed the strong opposition, but no, these idiots prefer to rant on cuckbock, twitter and shitpost on the internet. His popularity is a purely a pragmatic choice.
because hes a bonafide badass...
He's nationalist. I don't love the guy but going to war with the guy over fucking nothing is alittle extreme.
You corrupt Slavs should have accepted the West. Soon Poland and Ukraine will compete to control Eastern Europe.
We fucking did in 90's. We fucking dismantled USSR with our own fucking hands. And we fucking got stomped, buttfucked by you, everything is wrong with Russia today is also partially your fault. You made sure that Russia will never recover from it. If not for you piece of shit like Putin wouldn't even be our president.
Well, fucking enjoy fighting with chinks for another N centuries because you handed them Russia on a red platter.
He is just like Our "leader" he takes a good picture and has a cult following.
I think actually nobody care about Putin or Russia, mostly this posts are made by shills.
He's the leader of a nation that does his fucking job. He does his best to save Russia.
I thought he bombed them to oblivion
Can someone explain why a Brit would put Russia on this list?
Putin is alpha
Dumb fucking american
Slit your own throat will ya? Please? =)
Because he's still a bit of a libertarian who fails to acknowledge that America is a failed experiment, so the rest of his list is predictably as asinine.
I'll be honest Ivan, this post made me a little depressed inside.
There's always that one faggot that bases everything on height. He'd still kick your impoverished ass up and down your murky shit covered street.
The motherfucker literally just decided to take half of Ukraine and the entire world trembled and let him do it.
Yes, alpha, cunt.
>prison planet
there is your answer. he is a RETARDED tinfoil faget
>Failed experiment
Youre as bad as the faggots who have put the US in this position. Its not failed, this election is a great leap forward if Trump wins as he will shit on money in politics.
>Why do you guys like Putin so much?
He puts his kike friends in positions of power so they can turn our country into their money and floods Russia with muslim animals.
>give me back my pen
Russian propaganda is the ultimate blue pill. Sup Forums swallowed that blue pill like it was a black dick.
Why did Yeltsin encounter so much resistance in the Grand Soviet if it was our fault?
Admit it, the old dying commies refused to let go and wouldn't allow Yeltsin the means to privatize.
You can't be alt-right and have that position. Don't you read Richard Spencer?
>he will shit on money in politics.
Trump IS money in politics. He even said so in his own speeches. Trump LOVES money in politics. He benefits directly from it. If you genuinely think Trump will be against money in politics you are delusional. He has bribed more politicians than anybody. And now he wants those bribes for himself.
>he hasn't listened to a word the fucking guy has said
You stupid asshole, he was a NEW YORK real estate mogul. New York politics are as shitty as they come, lining the pockets of the shot-callers is how you get permits, plots, and rights to construct.
He has come right out and said that this is the shit he's encountered that he knows has to be stopped. This is Taft- and Grant-level corruption in the government.
>He's corrupt
>This is good somehow
>Somehow he's against his own corruption
Oh fucking hell. The Trump Kool-Aid drinkers are actually this delusional.
>He's a nationalist
The western media are the ones to be blamed, not ours. It works this way: a beta's found that his "native" media lie to him. He starts to search for a new source of information. He sees that the other source has completely different point of view. And as he still thinks in black and white approach, everything America says is a lie for him and everything from the other point is true. Because he can't recognize a lie on the other side. He becomes non-conformist to the regime position, but in fact he just picked other group to conform with. But most of people would conform with the regime media and won't tolerate any information from the other side, which is like a defense mechanism for them.
Also, we don't have "propaganda". It's better call it "agitation", and it is not worse than the western one.
Check this video:
I think you missed the part when he played coy, rose to power, swindled Hillary for uranium and kicked out the Rothschilds.
>literally took down an oligarch and when he was busted tried to leave the remaining assets to Rothschilds
>literally went after one of the most powerful oligarchs shortly after
>not long before all of them towed the line
The best part is he talks like a fucking human being. And he addresses people as adults not autist Children
>literally tells Europe to BTFO
>"Europe has no future"
>baby rape is wrong
>"we must protect our children and culture and respect all nations and their sovereignty"
"Oy vey he's a tyrant"
"Trust in Obummer"
"Good goy"
He is objectively a strong leader.
t. 5ft11 that would get judo'd into fucking oblivion
This is not just a billionaire asking a fellow billionaire for his 5-ruble pen back.
This is an alpha slapping around a beta.
Because he cares about his country and doesn't try to destroy it every chance he gets. He doesn't come up with bizarre psychobabble like "male toilet" and "female toilet" being violent torture.
Other than that his appeal is the relative lack of appeal of Western leftists.
So you think honestly anyone could rise to power without being "corrupt"???
>be Putin
>help prevent KGP coup when working FSB
>act beta enough to be allowed a rise to power
>once established...
>take down Rothschild-linked oligarch
>swindle Hillary for uranium
>reignite a surge in Orthodoxy after hiding it his whole life
>hold press conventions speaking to media about NATO war crimes
>plead with people to recognize the subversive tactics being used against Russia and many other nations (led by Rothschild/Soros)
>Soros tries to assassinate him
>Soros funds pussy cat retards to desecrate Orthodox churches
>(((((media))))) spins it so the bitches shoving chicken up their twats in public seem like an heros
>dumb cunts complain of "freedom of speech" in Russia in authorized CNN interview.
Etc etc etc
>you don't know the half of it
So Hillary can kill a SC Judge, fund ISIS, money laundering, treason, etc etc etc
-----but wait, Putin is the "bad guy" cause he's corrupt. LEL
>it's all about what you do with that corrupt power once obtained. And Putin is one of the very few that put it to good use
>be me
>inside western book store
>literally every single book on General Patton is out of stock
>except one.... Denouncing him
>PS propaganda is legal in the US now. Has been for a few years. (((Western))) media in all forms is about as accurate as a bowl-floater after eating chicken & ribs
We need dictators in Russia just like we need dictators in the middle east. The people are to retarded to govern themselves so putin is a must.
Kiddos don't know history so good
Well said. Thanks for the info.
He sent some oligarchs to jail though?
>Most anons don't know/care about his crimes with regard to killing journalists
Maybe because we know journalists often are psychopathic dipshits. It's like Colombia fighting the spokespersons of FARC or Duterte fighting drug dealers. I'm not going to go as far as saying that journalists are the Western-world ISIS, but a good distance there.
Russians don't actually like him, but any opposing view is squashed quickly. You just see bought media proclaiming the people's love for him and shitposters on here. The same shitposters that lament about Hitler and shit.
Dont you have some crimes to commit?
Meh, 5'7" isn't bad if everything else is good. And Putin was really good looking back in his youth. And he's a really fit & strong leader of the 2nd most powerful country in the world. pretty alpha desu :P
He's a nationalist that gives the finger to kike oligarchs and faggots
>1) USA
What the fuck. Has he ever been here? The streets are paved with SHIT. Detroit, among many others, looks straight out of fucking Fallout.
+15 rub kremlinbot
He puts his kike friends in positions of power so they can turn our country into their money and floods Russia with muslim animals.
Oh look, it's a "Russian user". Nice proxy flag
>Putin bans Rothschilds from Russia
>Soros/Rothschilds declare war on Putin
>George Soros wanted dead or alive = Putin
>leaked memo shows Soros was trying to overthrow Putin
>Soros shills create fake conspiracy site to try and link Putin/Trump
>Putin bans Russians from owning Rothschild bank accounts or stock
>Putins warns Americans "DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR GUNS!"
Say hi to your bosses shillfag
>pic related
Now I know you shills are nuts.
Who's that? Isn't it a Rothschild? Who's the guy?
Good post
the juicy lips
we don't..we just don't want nuclear warfare. whats the point of ending the world with nukes for the sake of an old hag who's out of touch with reality.
>That one guy who wears a tracksuit jacket to a business meeting
Im 6'6" and putin would probs kick my ass
Have fun in your political prison camp
Rip russian 2016-2016
Putin has never fought anyone in his life. He takes children's karate classes where he pays to win against children. In the KGB he was a bureaucrat who signed papers at a desk all day.
are you talking to russians? because in russia, not liking putin is hazardous to your healthy
>whores out Motherland to mudslimes and chinks
>you guys like Putin so much
That's because Sup Forums is on the same level as reddit, i.e. just reacting to ebin maymays instead of objective reality.
>Has never fought anyone in his life
>Won several judo competitions
>Was a bureaucrat at the KGB
>You believed this and believe he didn't go around snapping necks.
We are mostly autistic NEETs and wageslaves who shitpost for fun.
You expect too much from people who can only think in memes.
>decided to take half of Ukraine
And this dumb faggot fucked this up.
Yeah, pretty much this.
>paid to win children's judo competitions
>judo is a tourney aka fake martial art
>pretending he ever snapped a neck
>guy couldn't even hunt on his own
>had to pay a hunter to pose next to a tranquilized tiger and pretend he hunted it
Putin is a paper tiger.
>Doesn't want Muslims
>Wants Chechnya
Pick one, faggot.
>le ''if not Putin then who'' meme
t. cuck
He is right though. It's easy to yell how BASED is russia when you're not actually living in it.
Пиздeц тyт дoлбoeбoв в cвoeм миpкe.
Wow I actually like Soros now. He has some real balls to take on the corrupt faggot Putin.
Wants chechnya. The only people who want chechnya is oligarks because they can pump oil out of it. Everyone else hates those animals.
I recently bought a Vostok watch off ebay from a Russian merchant, meaning I gave russia some burger dollars, you're welcome.
Oh he did
Now he's paying for it. With interest.
This graph needs some updating, it's 2016 after all
Was it autism?
Ever see his crazy facelift?
Any Russia-related thread on Sup Forums is basically Ukrainian and Russian shills circlejerking each other for (you)s because they get double the payment here.
Christ you can't be helped...
How can someone combat corruption IF THEYRE ENTIRELY IGNORANT TO IT.
7/10 bait. Made me reply. You'd rather have the whole world trapped in darkness as opposed to aware of truth