Reminder That Trumpfags Will Eat Shit and Kill Themselves on Election Day



Saged faggot

Cubs win Trump wins

confirmed by recurring integers.

noice, praise kek

No, if Trump loses, then Ill have a better reason to spend 100% of my cozy NEET time to investigating her.

Cozy either way vlads


>trump will never be a serious contender!
>trump will never be nominee!
>brexit will never happen!
>cubs will never win the world series!
>trump will never be president!

It might be a good thing in the end. While I support Trump and would prefer him, 4 years of complete fuck-ups, criminal investigations, possible impeachments, etc will leave the public so soured to the Democratic party that we'll have Republicans running the show for decades to come..

Trump is a fag

Kek's will be done.

Trump will win.

what do you do all day as a neet?


We'll continue to work to support our families. What have we come to in this once proud and cooperative nation

Play with technology, im Sup Forums NEET. Mainly enterprise tech





Good lord, Kek's power is growing stronger by the second.

You know it

do you play wow? Whenever I think of neets I imagine they play wow all day long.


Praise Kek

No, I literally havent played video games in probs 6+ months

they dont interest me, im too autistic. Thanks for your interest

Reminder that the results won't even be known until the next day.


No probs qt



You are just like your queen. You can only recycle things that Trump supporters say and then expect the same outcome.

Come on, at least pretend to try.


But cubs lost