This might be a dumb thread but I am new to /pol...

This might be a dumb thread but I am new to /pol. I started going here recently because of the election and wanted to see what people are saying. What does it mean to be redpilled? I keep seeing this a lot and a bit unsure. Also are there any other terms I should know?

if you believe an ancient frog god willed the cubs to win just to spite nate aluminum then you are red pilled

Ever seen the matrix? Redpill wakes you up to reality, it shows you the terrible truth around you. Blue sends you back to blissful ignorance.

>red pill
>to seek or know the truth
>blue pill
>to seek blissful ignorance and cling to delusion
>but this is a b8post

Thanks! I was thinking it was something like that but wasn't for sure.

Just admit you're a journalist first and I promise I'll explain whatever you want in as much detail as I can

this desu

it has another meaning, as people get older than naturally convert from Democrat to Republican. I've never known of a case of it ever happening the other way around.


This happened to me. Thinking about it, I haven't seen a case of it switching around either.

it happens but they never go full liberal, it's usually some nice old person who decides that they are fine with gays or something

One last dumb question kek doesn't mean same thing on /pol does it? It doesn't seem like it.

Red pilled means finding the negative in anything and blaming your inadequacies and short comings on other ethnic groups because you're too simple minded to understand the complexities of global politics.

kek is god


Yeah so it's taking the metaphor in the matrix (and elsewhere as the Matrix was referencing other things too) and applying it to the real world basically.

In more specific context it's about how the mainstream media and everything around you is essentially lies pushing an agenda.

Are you from funnyjunk? If so fuck off and stop trying to steal our meme magic

Why did you even bother posting that image? Are you implying that OP is baiting? I don't think that's how you use that meme, newfriend.

Kek on other boards means "lol" but here anons have found a way to harness the power of Kek (or Keku) the Egyptian God of chaos depicted as a frog

Don't listen to that idiot.

Lurk moar and spend more time on the board, you will learn the Sup Forums culture as everyone else did.

Don't post so much, there's more than enough reading to be done on this board. If you have half a brain you'll piece it together yourself.


we need to realize not everyone knows the Matrix these days. I work in a vidya shop and I heard a teenager the other day pick up a Matrix game for PS2 and say "what is the Matrix, it sounds gay".

That movie came out in 99, and the two sequels kind of sucked.


Found the communist.