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He's literally losing his mind.
He has completely lost his shit.
Is he losing his mind or just on a bender?
> Nate Potassium
>Nate Zirconium
>Nate Hydrogen
He's officially lost his mind. Nobody can fight against the will of Kek.
Legitimate question: what exactly did he mean by this?
More like Nate Lithium, dudes nuts
He's likely foaming from the mouth about now.
He predicted like half a year ago that if Cubs won the cup, Trump would get elected.
Nate One-Dimensional String Vibration
He's probably torment by the thought of Trump at this point, seeing him everywhere, and in everything.
Yup. It's going to be so fun watching all the feminists ans SJW's losing their shit on November 8th.
We should put a list off people who are going to lose their mind. You guys should follow @Rosie and @Cher. I just can't wait.
His only correct prediction this election cycle
Someone please help Nate.
So did the Cubs win?
We finally broke him
>tfw we out Jew the Jews
I guess the red pill effects people differently.
>nate hydroxide
>won the cup
Yes. It was beautiful. Definitely the best game of baseball I ever got to see
>Nate Pyrite
He's having a twitter meltdown! Tell me what does this mean for his career?
>nate carbon
We get your point though.
>Nate Gallium melting
>(((Nate Aluminum))
textbook liberal faggotry: the one time he was actually right, he was being sarcastic
pick one
Nate silver confirmed bald.
>Nate Neutrino
He's taunting his supporters by referencing the fact that Trump will win given the fact that Cubs just won despite all odds.
If you want some quick laughs, head on over to that comment section. His followers are in tears over that tweet and they're leaving him en masse
>Sodium BicarboNate
He was trying to say how disassociated trump and the cubs winning are. That said he sounds like a massive autism that is having a fit.
O-okay, I think I understand. But I still don't understand the wording though.
English isn't my first language, so bear with me.
Huh what are you ? You can't be Singaporean and not have good English
I'm Chinese.
I mean, I'm fluent in English, but some things just befuddle me. Such as this.
Don't judge a person just by their flag.
>seven words
>starts today and ends on November 8th
Mainland or Singaporean Chinese ?
Those are 7 basic words you don't need a dictionary for and even if you do.pretty much google it. However you require prior knowledge on who Nate is, and there's a lot of Nate material here.
So either you're dumb or you're pretty new here.
Mainland. I run the branch office of a Chinese company.
Obviously I know what the words mean, but what I DON'T understand is why they're juxtaposed in this way or what they have to do with each other.
I see. Okay I understand.
Can I have a job in singapore.
I can speak good english for you.
you don't need any more money, sultan
No. Now get back into my ass crack.
He's seeing patterns where previously there were none.
It's all coming together in his mind now.
He's completely lost touch with reality.
Why would you want to come here? Brunei is a good country. This country is completely humourless and overcrowded.
But sure, there are tonnes of jobs here in business and logistics, with the occasional dollop of economical research, analysis and forecasting. You just need a Master's education or higher to get decent work.
Or you could just be a cleaning man/lady.
I just graduated and need a job, there's no jobs in Brunei while there's a ton of jobs in singapore. I'm currently applying but have no luck. I know Singapore is shit, I just need a job for money and exprience then I can get out and move to a better country.
What sector/industry are you in ?
I see.
What are your qualifications? What is your degree in? How many languages do you know and how fluently?
It helps to actually BE here as opposed to applying from abroad. Getting a visa is not that hard -- give it a shot.
They predicted cubs to win 2015, one year off
Im sure in your country where they can't afford Trophies they just hand out cups, because water drinking utensils are so hard to come by, but in America that is not the case.
Just a degree in computing from a british university and I'm fluent in english, malay and chinese.
I'll probably grab a visa and go find a job elsewhere if singapore doesn't pan out.
Shipping, like just about everything else here.
English is the language of the seas, and since I've gained fluency thanks to my parents' tutoring, I was able to rise up in the industry rather quickly.
Basically now I get paid too much money solving logistical puzzles and managing a staff of twelve (thankfully competent) workers.
Getting work should be easy for you in that case. You just have to actually be here and pester the overworked staff managers.
Otherwise, the United States is a good option, or so I've heard. You should get there fast before they tighten up the visa restrictions.
Good point, I'll take your advice and try my luck. Also shipping pays well, how did you get your job?
aww cmon theres no need to be so savage, maybe he didnt know.
rare? saved anyway
Well, I'm from Shanghai, and I managed to get work immediately after obtaining my MBA. Having connections matters.
I got a job working for a firm specialising in shipping up and down the Yangtse and then transferring the cargo in the Shanghai ports.
I did the work of about 3 people for 5 years. I was on call all the time, and I would get calls from clients in Europe and the US at all hours of the day and night. It was pretty miserable.
After that, my firm expanded and opened a branch in Singapore, and I was offered head position. I jumped at the chance. I've been doing this for 3 years now.
I'm still busy as hell, but it isn't quite as bad as before and the pay is excellent. I literally have more money than I know what to do with. Maybe I'll retire early and travel the world or something.
Anyway, lunch break is over. Good luck.
Michael Moore already knows its coming and is losing his shit big time.
It's not just him.
It's n8, m8.
>Nate Palladium
pic related, it's Nate Silver
All the best trophies are cups
He has a massive meltdown.
Everything he believed a year ago about rationnality and logic is shaken, so now he desesperately try to understand where he went wrong.
Soon he will praise Kek with us.
We did it, Sup Forums.
We've finally driven him insane.