Democrat vs. Republican scandals

Democrat vs. Republican scandals

Here's a tally of major federal government scandals since 1961. I wanted to compare the numbers of scandals between the two major parties (D) and (R), so I used the Wikipedia article below as my source. Every scandal listed in the article gets a +1 in the party of the administration and every person included in the scandal also gets +1 to their respective party affiliation regardless of the administration. My data shows that since 1961 there have been 293 major political scandals in the federal government with Democrats having committed 30.3% of the scandals and Republicans having committed 69.6% of the scandals. The data shows that Republicans are more significantly more likely to be involved in scandals than Democrats.

>2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration
DEMS 11 | REP 20
>2001–2009 George W. Bush Administration
DEMS 6 | REP 78
>1993–2001 Bill Clinton Administration
DEMS 15 | REP 6
>1989–1993 George H. W. Bush Administration
DEMS 2 | REP 12
>1981–1989 Ronald Reagan Administration
DEMS 23 | REP 52
>1977–1981 James E. Carter Administration
DEMS 12 | REP 2
>1974–1977 Gerald Ford Administration
DEMS 9 | REP 5
>1969–1974 Richard M. Nixon Administration
DEMS 3 | REP 28
>1963–1969 Lyndon B. Johnson Administration
DEMS 6 | REP 1
>1961–1963 John F. Kennedy Administration
DEMS 2 | REP 0

DEMS 89 | REP 204


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>Bush and Nixon

that's just not really fair though.

trump isn't in politics so he has nothing to do with this. it's not an argument

The fuck u smoking? A vote for Trump is a vote for Republican leadership. Data shows that if he is elected Republicans will act shady as fuck with scandalous behavior.

Lol is a joke right?

Except all the Bush officials and neocons are voting for Hillary. Doesn't that mean Hillary will be the most corrupt?

Former Presidents have more insight into the requirements and difficulty of the job, even if their administration had a lot of scandals. It's not as though they are excited about voting for her either, they just think that she is more fit for the Presidency on day one.

>corrupt, war mongering neocons supporting Hillary is actually a good thing

The corrupt officials from the Bush white house are responsible for 34% of the scandals in your data. If they support Hillary then perhaps you should change the totals.

Actually only a small portion of them have even said that they are voting Hillary. Why would you assume Republicans and would vote for her anyways?

The neocon Bush officials who were the architects of our failed foreign policy all back her.

Also, it's probably not a good idea to argue about corruption when Hillary has two ongoing criminal FBI investigations.

It would take 204 scandals for Democrats to break even with the Republicans lol. Not even Nixon came close.

78 of the Republican scandals were under a President whose staff support Hillary and 15 more were from the last time Hillary was in the White House (including an impeachment).

She's got two open criminal investigations. You couldn't imagine the pure joy it would bring me if two Clinton's were impeached.

Impeached for what? She's not even in office yet lol. Republicans must be in their alternative reality heaven right now trying to link pizza party emails with pedophilia. Have you picked up your copies the National Enquirer and Globe yet? Oh yea let me remind you that Democrats are less corrupt than Republicans. Data proves it.

>ignore every argument
>see I'm right

>Republicans are more significantly more likely to be involved in scandals than Democrats


So let's elect Republicans who will have more scandals than Democrats. Nice logic.

Wikipedia links? Almost all sources posted from the unbias mainstream media? You can't argue those facts! This thread really corrected my record. I'm #HEFORSHE now!

Can I be the first user who's ID isn't some shade of green?


The best part of OP's Wikipedia article is the talk page where the liberal wiki editors list all the reasons they don't include Democrat scandals.

>he fell for the democrat vs republican meme

Wikipedia is bias. Google is bias. The whole world is a liberal bias! Time to start thinking in conspiracy theories.


My turn

Obama is a really clean politician, which lays to waste the Clintons whole "its a right wing conspiracy" stuff. No, what your wikipedia search shows is one thing. The Clintons are constantly focused on, exactly because they ARE corrupt. (Side note, Trump is more Democrat than Republican in truth. Although, he will be fucked with tremendously during his administration.)

>"If averages mattered, and due to the nature of the wiki software (no voting) they almost certainly don't, I would say that the Wikipedia community is slightly more liberal than the U.S. population on average"
>Jimmy Wales