Cubs win. Hill wins.
Cubs win. Hill wins
My digits say other wise
Last time Cubs won, Republicans won in a landslide. No can do, Hilldawg.
Not cool
Congratulations indeed
Not according to Nate Sliver
Well she was the senator from New York so that's understandable. Like how Obama roots for the White Sox and the Nationals.
He still has Hillary winning.
She couldn't be less genuine.
Kek has already spoken on this.
That racist frog?
Nope, election is already decided.
Still better than Drumpf.
Nope. Nice try.
Everyone knows she's a liar, don't ever take anything she says or does as a genuine act.
She doesn't give a shit about baseball. She hops teams like she hops donors.
Trump won the moment she thought she could keep running even though all her backers have started dumping her.
The C is for Cunt
Chiraq fag here
Nobody is dumping her. We're with Hillary to whatever end. Trump is the one who has lost backers.
misogynist detected
>tfw BTTF was only a year off
Technically it's not.
Dependent on certain factors.
There is only one thing higher than the Holy scriptures, that is Back to the Future
No Trump will win
>she's just like us!
do people actually read this drivel?
trump wins, hillary goes to jail, bill also gets arrested, jeb sells all of his possessions to become the guru of guac.
In the dark vision of deplorables. That's not reality.