Is this true Sup Forums?

is this legit?

Other urls found in this thread:


lots of rumors about who's actually behind that account, some say it's a fake identity shared by fbi or cia people

Yes, actually.

He left out some pedoshit and more money laundering issues stemming from the foundation, but yes.

>tfw every bizarro idea I've had about how Obama was crookeder than shit and the Clintons are a mountain of evil may in fact be true
>tfw this may all be public knowledge soon.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were

>death penalty
Unless they order she be shot on sight, she'll die before they can get that far.

if they face the death penalty do we get to watch live on national tv?

pls respond

Just googled a bit and it sounds like no, but realistically, Hillary would probably immediately have a stroke and die if she heard that news, and that decision would probably be televised.

I thought he went dark?

Sounds too good to be true all it does is confirm every well suspected conspiracy theory.

god help us all

Mother of god


Wishful thinking

I can only see 1 outcome of that.
>Obumer pardons Shillary
>Shillary is in office and then pardens Obumer
>The entire USA sees the corruption is real
>Violent revolution becomes the only way to save us from the oligarchs.

Hold me Sup Forums I want to get off kek's scary ride.

Why would some Mexican know all this

>death penalty

LOL stopped reading there fucking fan fiction from some kid typical Sup Forums eating all this fake shit up

Would the American people allow her to walk?
Surely someone in that country could shoot her.

All of that is true.

Doesn't make any fucking sense. Any pro-HRC people know that charging her would kill her electoral chances, pardon or no pardon.

How can she be pardoned if she hasn't been convicted of a crime?

Carl Peligro here. This is all legit.

They forgot to include instigating the revolt in Ukraine and overthrowing their president in order to replace him with their puppet.

he removed the pedophilia ring ukraine overthrow

Holy fuuuck.

>FBI in civil war

Dis gonna be good

Yeah those tweet don't make sense. She would have to be put on trial first correct?

Also, assuming the President can pardon someone that's indicted before a trial even occurs, Obama's term technically end in January 2017, it doesn't matter if charges are brought up right before or after the election.

Seems to concord with FBIAnon.

Release it all immediately, you fucking morons. Stop being autistic about wanting to throw the book at her. Your only priority should be doing everything necessary to ensure Trump wins. You can't strike at the root if you hand the axe to the tree. Morons

This year has been legendary
Long live Trump

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

In Murphy v. Ford (1975), a Federal District Court in Michigan rejected a suit for a declaratory judgment that President Ford's unconditional pardon of Richard M. Nixon was unconstitutional. The court found that the President had the constitutional power to grant a pre-indictment pardon, citing Ex parte Garland in its support.

This is what trump doesn't want you to know:

1. Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:

2. Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP


3. Trump's true position on citizens united - literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign.
Reminder that citizens united empowers the influence of corporations on the elections.


4. Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"
Just in case it wasn't clear for you already that trump has dictatorship tendencies.

5. A collection of some other things trump has done, including lying over and over again during this campaign and a vast criminal past:

forgot to include this:
Accordingly, the Constitution simply provides that the President ''shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment'' (Article II, section 2).

I just thought you actually had to be convicted to be pardoned. A trial like this would definitely take beyond January.

Googling isn't doing me anything. It's just a bunch of articles from recently. I'm pretty tired though today has been pretty crazy.

Best I can find right now, from 1988.

>In Murphy v. Ford (1975), a Federal District Court in Michigan rejected a suit for a declaratory judgment that President Ford's unconditional pardon of Richard M. Nixon was unconstitutional. The court found that the President had the constitutional power to grant a pre-indictment pardon, citing Ex parte Garland in its support.



>Surely the next leak will have the proof
>20 years later...
>No proof
Always the same story.

What does waiting til November 9th accomplish

Where do we go from here then? We can only hope Trump gets in so Obama can't be pardoned I guess.

If you're a federal agent and you have access to these documents, I hope you realize that it is guaranteed with 100% certainty that you and hundreds of your peers will be killed by Hillary unless these documents are leaked to the public ASAP.
God spits out the lukewarm. Stop being a pussy. There is no time left. Release the documents NOW

I thought Hector Morenco was believed to be a psuedonym for an economics professor at the University of Georgia? There was some funny stuff a few days when the profile picture changed. If the UGA prof theory is true, then he might have insight on the pipeline because his research specialty is energy markets, but his focus is on Latin America.

I am a federal agent. We have literally thousands of documents on Trump proving he works for Russia. We're barred by law from releasing them until after the election. But rest assured that Trump will be in jail after the election whether he wins or loses. He has sold out his country to foreign interests. We don't take that lightly.

long shot, but If the crimes are as bad as suggested,

couldn't congress institute a state of emergency and temporarily take pardon power away from the president, while the case is being handled?

No. We're not a corrupt dictatorship like Australia. Congress has no power to conduct such illegal actions.

There has to be options. Congress is supposed to hold most of the power. The patriots we have working on this are very smart. I hope they have something planned.

>mfw the government is collapsing

>tfw the civil war is LITERALLY already happening

And people said we live in boring times

World War 3 now and WW4 in 20 years. Just like last century.

WW3 now and we rebuild for the next few centuries

If they make this choice, it will be the last choice they are allowed to make on their own volition.

I hope they understand the path they choose.

They have dealt with nothing but sympathy compared to what is to come.

Nah, no nukes this time, those come in part 4 when people stop giving a fuck.