Preview for Doomsday Clock just launched:

Preview for Doomsday Clock just launched:


Watchmen is cancer and now it's going to infect the actual DC comics
Fuck everything

Is that the ashcan?

So is this gonna be a continuation of Watchmen or...?

>The American dream became the American nightmare



Looks like it.
Lmfao Moore is going to hate Johns even more than Morrison. I'm ready for this though. Let the batshit insanity and butthurt flow!

Johns said you could read it right after "Watchmen" and all you'd need to know about is who Batman and Superman are and you'd get the whole story. So, yeah.

This comic is going to piss people off holy shit. I can't wait.











>That narration Rorschach gives.
This is exactly what I feared. No one seems to understand that the character is supposed to be a massive shitlord.

>implying that's even him and not an impersonator

I reaaaally wanted Morrison doing this, just to anger Moore.

>Implying this entire event isn't just to fold Rorschach into the main continuity.
90% sure it's him.

How could they ressurect Rorschach? I know it's not a 100% realistic universe but how could you ressurect somebody who exploded?

We all knew they were going to do it, I was just hoping that they'd keep the damn integrity of the character in tact.

So wait, the fat retard that got Rorschach's journal at the end of Watchmen actually succeeded in helping expose Ozymandias for the destruction of New York?

>Make America Safe Again
>Blaming the other side for what they have instead of who they are
>all in page 1
Why even invoke Watchmen if all you're doing is writing Anti-Trump comic screed #913?
I'm a literal Bernie Bro and think Trump is one of the stupidest people alive, but this is just insufferable dreck. Just get the stick out of your ass and write some comics.

It's possible, I suppose, but I'm content to simply wait and see. I like what I've seen so far, and I see no reason not to be optimistic about the series.

How is it not intact? He's still a bitter, cynical misanthrope, and I'd imagine recent events have only disillusioned him even further with the state of things.

More than likely someone else is wearing his costume and doing his voice.

Pretty sure Manhattan can resurrect people just by recombining molecules or some shit like that.

Don't forget,
>the one character defined by the fact that he's ultra conservative is the one giving the narration.
At least give Nite Owl the opening speech.

That does seem pretty incredible. I thought the whole point of the original ending was that the truth would be published but only read as a crackpot theory rather than a credible thing.

None of what you describe is explicitly anti-trump though. It actually sounds more anti-commie, especially that last bit about people getting mad about others having more wealth rather than the issue of their character. Besides, when was the last time Trump supporters rioted in the streets?

You know damn well Rorschach is going to be a mainstay in DC now with his own book.

But what's the method to make him alive again? Dr Manhattan used his cells to "rebuild" him? This is an alternate universe when he never died because some DC Universe bullshit changing reality? He will perform a Jesus Christ allegory and will die again killing the Squid during an epic fight?

He's a misanthrope who lashes out at the rest of the world. He hates women because of the abuse he faced as a child, he's homophobic, and defended Nixon solely because "at least it wasn't a commie". I don't remember if he touched on black people in the book, but based on the other examples his opinions would probably be the same.

You're literally asking how DOCTOR MANHATTAN of all people can do something when the entire point is that hes a walking god, and the ending of WATCHMEN is him leaving Earth to create new life. Hes a watchmaker, he simply needs to rebuild him the same way he blew up

Probably Manhattan.

And nothing we've seen so far contradicts that. His narration is him suggesting that the reason everything has gone to shit is because of the people, just like he did in the beginning of Watchmen. What's changed?

is it at that this is making me read Watchmen more than before? Like I'm really hyped and this gives me more incentive to read Watchmen since I have never read it before

I hope so because the dialogue reads nothing like him

I thought the whole point of using OC in Watchmen was so they could still use the Charleston characters in the DCU, what's the point of Rorschach in when you have the Question?

Well ask yourself this, when was the last time The Question showed up, and which character has more recognition for casuals?

> uncensored swearing
Wait what.
Also this seems ooc for rorschach

Probably because it's not

I'm the Watchman universe, sure he's a big deal. In DC he's just an autist Captain Atom, there's loads of people more powerful than him.

>giving any info on what happened after watchmen
No dc what are you doing stop

>revealing if viedt got away with it
Oh god it's worse than i thought.

You just confirmed you havent read shit up to this point, fuck off

Holy shit this is dumb.

Superman will stop it

This is dumb and terrible. The sacred cow fags were right.

>butthurt Watchmen fanboys

your tears sustain me so much

>>Rorschach is alive a few years after watchmen ends

> Watchmen earth is ending

> Watchmen earth ends Ozzy and Rorschach and a few other watchmen escape to due to doc Manhattan

>Flashpoint happens but doctor M interferes and creates the new 52 stealing ten years and hope from the dc universe

>Doctor M then makes Rorschach suffer by making him a part of the trinity of sin as the question

>events of New 52 play out Pandora's series, Trinity of sin , Etc

Dc Rebirth starts

>Pandora is killed by doctor m

> the question (who is really Rorschach) comes to the scene of her death and experiences a flashback of doctor M killing him in the original watchmen and disregards his the question identity to become Rorsach again

>Starts to track down the clues of doctor m which leads him to spy on the dark trinity (Jason Todd, Artemis and bizarro)

>The Rest of Doomsday Clock happens

My guess at the timeline for Rorschach's involvement in the dc Rebirth universe even know we don't need to read anything besides watchmen for doomsday clock

>ooh woah he captured mxyzptlk and killed reverse flash dang how scary

Yeah, in the original story all Doc does is manipulate matter, which isn't exactly out of the ordinary as far as power levels in DC goes. Unless they're pulling a massive power upgrade out of their ass.

so how exactly did Doc Manhatten go from "I'm gonna go create life!" to fucking with the DCU?

Watchmen is a 10/10 amazing comic. Go read it.

They're implying Osterman created the DC universe, retard, and has had a hand in every retcon. Dr Manhattan was always a walking god, and his understanding on how the universe worked only grew stronger over time.

being bored

>Le trump references
>Everyone knows what he did now!
>Le he's alive!
Wow, this is complete shit.

Except the parts about the fictional comic.

It was as metaphor about Veidt destroying New York turning out to be pointless.

>I'm hyped for a shit comic and I have never read the good comic it was based on

>judging 6 pages of a 12 issue book

>It stops being shit after you watch the first season!

I'm still asking myself how could some fags find "cool and rebel" to make social commentaries against Trump when it's basically the dominant thinking every newspapers are vomiting.

If Forever Evil and Darkseid War are any indication, those 6 pages and the last 2 panels of #12 are going to be the most compressed part of the entire book.

Aren't you so happy that Johns is writing Watchmen?
If the first 6 pages are shit why do you think it wont continue to be shit? Do you think Johns wrote 6 shit pages and then after that wrote a masterpiece?

I either wanted Doomsday clock to be really good or really shit because either way it will be fun. Looks like it's the latter.

>Flashpoint happens but doctor M interferes and creates the new 52 stealing ten years and hope from the dc universe
I feel like this is a huge power boost for him.

well, user, before you learn how to make x from nothing, you got to open up an x and see how it works.

>implying mediocre superhero fare is better than Watchmen

Rebirth has two worthwhile series to its name, guess them

There are already at least two other threads about this topic.

Morrison would never do this, he would use his multiversity characters.

>Neocon xenophobia is the prevailing American attitude, you're all just being contrarian!

You're on the wrong board.

>being excited for this
>hasnt read Watchmen

Get educated

Deathstroke and Titans

I'm assuming nobody really wanted to do it. Would have been corprates idea.

Jesus fucking Christ! Enough with the anti trump propaganda we get it you comic writers aren't happy about how the election turned out. So is every story going to be about trump from here on out?

You're right, even more room for Johns to dump garbage on our faces

Remember that 90s Flash comic where Wally has to protect a conservative Anti gay presidential candidate and in the end of the comic Wally admits that he was a true American Patriot? I miss those times.

Fucking gross.

Even TT is better than that book.

Neocon xenophobia isn't what Trump is pushing at all though, that's more in line with the democrats and the "MUH RUSSIA" narrative. Trump is closer to Paleocon xenophobia, which is very much taboo.



This has the reek of corporate mandate all over it, just like Before Watchmen. The only hope is Johns salvage a good story from it, which isn't very likely but I'm sure he'll do his best.

So, to sum up
>alien was a stopgap like Manhattan implied
>everyone figured out a way to get at each other's throats again
>Ozymandias has brain cancer, possibly from his interactions with Manhattan's abilities
>roschach is still active, but unknown if that's actually him

I'll give Johns and Frank credit, the pencils and script get that "apocalypse is here" vibe across well.

If I had to guess, I'd say that's Dan underneath the mask, and that Veidt figured out a way to follow Manhattan to the DCU after his diagnosis.

Is this story going to try and "save" the Watchmen earth, you think? Will Superman try to convince Jon go back and not give up on his planet?

Calm down nerd. Manhattan couldn't even stop all the soviet nukes if they were launched on the US, land where that trash character Grail was created by certain hack.

I wonder if there were a bunch of jackasses complainining that Moore made Nixon president for life back when Watchmen first came out?

Johns is more powerful than editorial tho

For anyone complaining about "MUH TRUMP REFERENCES", let's break down the narration, shall we?


A sarcastic commentary on how lefties see themselves as above reproach, above politics.

>screen to hear themselves deafened in their echo chamber

not only is "echo chamber" a right-wing term used to criticize academia, but it also critiques how lefties like to see themselves as underdogs no matter how much institutional power they hold.

>blaming the other side for what they have instead of who they are.

In other words, fuck the 1%, not because they're total bastards selling out the country (like what the right thinks of them as) but because they're rich. That's a pretty lefty mentality, no?

>While the totalitarians stand their ground, covering their eyes, preaching for the return to a rose-colored republic.

This is Rorschach's conspiracy theorist coming out. He hates the state too, and sees them as desperate to try and turn back the clock to a time when they thought that shit wasn't as fucked as it was now.

>Unaware that for those not like them, the good old days weren't so good.

But shit has always been fucked, because the state is just as guilty as fostering this shit as their opponents.

>This is Rorschach's conspiracy theorist coming out. He hates the state too, and sees them as desperate to try and turn back the clock to a time when they thought that shit wasn't as fucked as it was now.
He's /always/ defended republicans though. He even defended Nixon by saying that at least he wasn't a communist. I get that they want to do a story about Trump, whatever, but why use the republican character who is known for being a shitlord?
>But shit has always been fucked, because the state is just as guilty as fostering this shit as their opponents.
You know damn well what he's talking about.

>They're implying Osterman created the DC universe

No they're not. All he did was stick his dick in when Pandora and Barry changed the timeline at the end of Flashpoint.

I like reading Speedy and Wally be lovable idiots.

Doesn't matter if it is pro Trump or anti trump. It doesn't fucking belong.

This is gonna sell like hot cakes and there is nothing nobody in this board can do to stop it. HAHAHAHA.

Oh man. Fuck you, Johns.

More like
>it stops being shit after you watch the first 10 minutes
Unless you're implying that "Watchmen" was shit in which case, yeah, this book is probably not for you.

I don’t think I can accurately recall the last time this entire board was so anally ravaged over a god damn comic book event.
I personally will be enjoying your tears after every part of it comes out.

>everyone figured out a way to get at each other's throats again
Even if ozy plan wasn't discovered this probably would've happened eventually,nothing ever ends so they'd all go back to square one at one point or another


user. We are at a very chaotic period in World History. American politics have entered it's twilight. Trump is a proof that the death of politics at the hand of theatrics is at hand.

Do not feel persecuted, this intolerance is perfectly understandable in context of global scenario... after all, Rome died after a massive influx of barbarians and a rise of sexual liberalism (which was more similar to a libertine hedonism).

Wait Questions has been appearing in the new Red Hood book? What issues?

He's not fucking with the DCU he's just trying to stabilize a damaged timeline by removing parts that stress the mechanism. He's a watch maker.

To those who can't see outside or the big picture he's a villain. From an outside perspective where time in occurring simultaneously and infinitely he's a hero.


>Hehe I am so clever for referencing trump in my comic book

I fucking knew Johns would do this. I knew it.
>Ozymandias has brain cancer, possibly from his interactions with Manhattan's abilities
What're you talking about? The news was talking about Manhattan's friends Veidt gave cancer to.

No dude, the x-rays, when the marines bust into his winter retreat thing that he hung in with Bubastis.

Oh, I had no idea what that x-ray was supoosed to be showing. Veidt breaking into DC sounds likelier now.