We installed your leader.
t- Hillary
We installed your leader.
t- Hillary
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Nobody cares
Good, now we can kick him out.
Why the fuck would Hillary, the USA or anyone at all give a shit who our PM is
Because The land of Satan has a plan and prophecy to fullfill
Read it all in your bible
Same reason Russia would give a shit who the POTUS is. Some candidate might be more favourable to their national interests than some other candidate. For example, Nicehair Currentyear is firmly aboard the globalist train, so the globalist powers in the US would probably want him in powder over Angrybeard Notlayton, who is much more pro-labour.
we installed the PRI too
to create NAU friendly governments
we merging
anything better than that faggot harper
>we merging
LOL yea fucking right, over a shitload of dead bodies.
good goy
u gonna get annexed
Why the fuck do you idiots always talk constantly about our elections?
>Why the fuck would Hillary, the USA or anyone at all give a shit who our PM is
Oh I wish I was still this naive....
Why not?
The USA is 100x more relevant than Canada
So you have said everyday for past 200 years. You won't do it because it will upset your boyfriend uk. I think you two need to blow each other, it's that time again.
I submitted a research paper on exactly this topic a few months ago. In the 2015 Canadian election the Obama administration was largely involved with the campaign. Hell the Liberals even used the same campaign software as the Obama campaign.
It's not the first time a president helped a Canadian campaign, President Kennedy helped oust Diefenbaker in the 60s as well.
because it's like a reality tv show
>We installed your leader.
>t- Hillary
>he uses the same jewish economic advisor as Obama
>he uses the same campaign marketing team and slogan as Obama
He is a globalist UN pawn, his election was predicted months in advance too
Nothing will change, citizens too apathetic, lel dude weed lmao though eh?
>Why the fuck do you idiots always talk constantly about our elections?
Because they actually matter...
m8, if i ever have to deal with your batshit insane politics, i'm fucking off into the woods and being a snowmuja. wolverines, yo.
Nigger, educate yourself on geopolitics and the nature of international relations, and then come back and post here.
It is our national interest (and the interest of those who rule us) to "have influence" in Canada. You stay our vassal state essentially.
>Why the fuck do you idiots always talk constantly about our elections?
Here's a leafredpill for ya m8
>Justin doesn't actually run the Liberal party. It's Gerald Butts and he's controlled by Obamas people. True stuff
Pic related is Gerald 'Gerry' Butts - Google him, he is basically the Prime Minister - He is Trudeaus main adviser / handler.
Why is Mr. Trudeaus top advisor Gerald Butts worth mentioning? Well....
>He is/was a Bilderberg attendee
>Reisman is listed as a member of the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group, a controversial group of influential business and government leaders who meet annually behind closed doors under a media blackout to discuss world issues
Reisman has been a delegate for several years at the annual conference of the Bilderbergs. In Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May - 3 June 2007 she was in the company of other notable Canadians: Jason Kenney, Member of Parliament; and Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario."
>Gerald Butts, Principal Secretary in the Office of the Premier of Ontario
>>>He also helped McGuinty & Wynne destroy Ontario, when in power as the Principle Secretary in the Office. Now he is the main handler of Trudeau.
>>>He was President of WWF (World Wildlife Fund) so he is trying to get Canada completely off all carbon emissions by 2050. He played a roll in:
>"Ontario’s electricity consumers are being zapped for tens of billions of dollars due to overpriced green energy, poor government planning, and shoddy service from Hydro One, says auditor general Bonnie Lysyk.
In her annual report, she concluded ratepayers forked out $37 billion more than necessary from 2006 to 2014 and will spend an additional $133 billion by 2032 due to global adjustment electricity fees on hydro bills.
>Why the fuck do you idiots always talk constantly about our elections?
Nobody cares. This is a good thing. Trudeau is based like Hillary. They will work well together.
yea yea, we get it. So how do we get no confidence and dissolve parliament?
>how do we get no confidence and dissolve parliament?
You don't.
What does Nevada make that Switzerland wants so badly? I feel like this is important to know. Always copy the Swiss.
Buckle in for the ride m8 lmao
So you're admitting that you are completely dependent on us for everything.
Why are you even a country? We own you.
>Washington DC: U.A.E.
You can't make this up.
Pic related, it's a Swiss.
We're 'a country' because you haven't bothered to formally annex us yet, and because most people here are rather happy with not being a part of your burning tire fire of a country.
I am so sorry Canada
>Why are you even a country? We own you
Anyone with half a brain knows and admits this. We're essentially a state - Less GDP and population than just California, Ontario alone has more debt than Cali however.
North American Union is the next step. Sorry.
how the fuck did harper get a no confidence vote for a way smaller deficit than this fag is running?
I'm happy with this. I like Trudeau and think Hillary will do a good job. Thanks Hillary!
I'm glad I voted for the marijuana party instead of that faggot
hurry the fuck up asshole
>t. "country" that is 19 trillion jewbux in debt
It's you who are utterly obsessed with us.
We're literally no better m8. We're in the same sinking ship since we're both in debt for trillions to the (((banks))).
we have no guns,
higher taxes,
shitty healthcare,
colder fucking weather,
a faggot leader.
Literally moving the fuck across the boarder asap when I find a job to visa me.
On BNN about a week ago they had Kevin O'Leary on to discuss the federal government's plan to import more immigrants to fill jobs, and to increase government spending on infastructure, and I thought Kevin was going to give the typical cucservative response of saying that immigration is good for business, but he actually talked about how we should instead be reforming our education system to produce workers to fill these high skill positions which we supposedly lack, and to give these jobs to Canadians and not immigrants. Then he started a tirade against Gerald Butts and called out his inefficient spending programs live on air. It was pretty good.
nobody would miss you
what are you faggot liberals gonna do when all the talent drains out of your cucked nation?
>not knowing about the carbon free cannabis backed currency/economy planned to be rolled out before 2050
you're still 80+% white at least
shit nigga you think the 6 gorillion loonie carbon tax gonna be enough to pay 4 it?
>he doesn't support a carbon tax
You're either dumb or ignorant. Most likely both
gonna assume your a kekbec nigger. Hang yourself achmed
Nope, I'm just smart and educated
Is this a joke? Where is the exact Wikileaks email link?
>just a meeting
Comeon, give me more evidence to use against Trudeau
>you're still 80+% white at least
Sadly, no.
We'll be showing under 75%> after the 2016 census data is released.
>pic related
...and based on current immigration projections, refugee quotes, the resultant birth rate influx from said demographics, and the likelihood all these factors will continue to increase at their trend rates, I can safely say right now, mark my words and screen cap this, that in less than 15 years, by 2030 - Canada will be under 60% ethnically "European / 'White'"
>in less than 15 years, by 2030 - Canada will be under 60% ethnically "European / 'White'"
We're currently bringing in over 1.05%+ of our population annually in via immigration quotas - Nations popualation is ~34 million, and we're letting in +305,000immigrants + +55,000 'refugees' in 2016, for example.
If these rates continue, Canada will be less than half "European / 'White'" by 2050.
gg no re canada
This story, on top of the desperate shilling ("T-trump's a pedophile!") failing, along with the failed false flag here in Iowa, along with the Cubs winning has just made my day...transcendent.
I don't even know the right words to describe it.
Canada has always been a fucking joke, and anyone trying to prove otherwise need to acknowledge their Eastern owners and their overlords.
This is beautiful
I'm never going to have to take shit from a Leaf again.
Plus it's the best reality TV I've ever seen. I used to think trump was the president america deserved because...murica. now it's like the season finale and I'm actually rooting for him to get the final rose. Your election is literally the bachleorette.
So basically Canada is part of America. Then I want Trump as my next president.
Almost any liberal leader could have won it against Roboto and Mulclair
All US needs to do is hand out citizenship to canadians. Canada will collapse almost instantly.
When Trump wins, can we take over Canada and then use all that gorgeous land for fishing, camping and hiking? I love the outdoors, and lakes and rivers get my dick hard. Canada has some of the best freshwater scenery I've ever seen.
What kinds of fish do you guys have up there? Please tell me you have large mouth bass, perch, pike/pickerel and some bluegill to keep the big boys fed and happy.
Just walked down to the 7/11 in vancouver.
Ran into 8 mexican construction workers. It has begun.