What can you extrapolate from this data?

What can you extrapolate from this data?



That you're a nerd virgin.

College grads are idiots who can't make money and intelligent people who make money vote trump.

Hillary supporters are college grads who got shitty degrees that make no money.

college kids too stupid to learn a trade and got a degree in barista'ing are voting for literally the most corrupt canidate to run for president.

College grads have been indoctrinated by liberal controlled colleges

How about that?

>college grads supporting clinton
>people earning over $35k supporting trump
really joggin my noggin

Hillary supporters fell for the "college gets you a great career" meme

Upwards trend for trump how significant hard to tell. However when he had that kind of support in the tracking polls he was up in the nationals last time.

Liberals have spent the past 50 years worming their way into control over the college system and turning them into indoctrination camps.

Conservatives are more intelligent and successful.

Well there's a shitload more people with some college or less than there are college grad and up, so that bodes well for Trump.

The only people who support Clinton are poor liberals who went to college and want their gay friends to be able to get married while they all talk about how bad it is to bed black

that's it's a good thing that stupid people don't vote

Going to college makes you poor

High education equals low income.
>but muh liberal arts education, muh women studies degree.

"Liberal" "arts" """education"""

Liberal Arts, everyone.

>poor people looking for gibs, ultrarich elites, and liberal arts degree "educated" people vote dem

>people who do real work, make good life choices, and have been successful without gaming the system vote rep

poorfags love dem gibmedats

Poor people make poor choices

1. College doesn't guarantee good income
2. "Uneducated" trump voters somehow make more money than meme degree acquirers.
I am doing university myself, but I'm not wasting 5 years of my life on a degree in sociology or some shit like that.

you can extrapolate that higher education makes you stupid

the saying "you need a college degree to fuck up this badly" exists for a reason. It's true

That only poor fags vote for Hillary.

poors are voting for hillary because they want handouts and dont want to work

correlates with college grad because most of these are poor retards who go to gender studies and liberal arts and cant land a job better than mcdonalds

Those who major in basket weaving and earn peanuts support Clinton

That dumb kids who get worthless lib art degrees gravitate towards Hilary and abuse the statistic to claim "smart, college educated people want Hillary."

Higher classes only meet high class immigrants, which are pretty acceptable. Lower classes meet the poorest most uncivilized immigrants, and they also compete for jobs.

The middle class is going to elect him

College educated people are retarded. Unaffected by FBI news.

Poor indoctrinated shitlibs will vote for people who will make sure the chains and shackles stay.

>too stupid

>trump supporters

The poor and dumb are mostly voting for Hillary at a higher clip than any other demographic?

(((College))) propaganda seems to be still working.


That Clinton voters are butthurt because they """"educated""" themselves for so many years but nobody wants to pay above minimum wage for their """knowledge""".

>I'm not wasting 5 years of my life on a degree in sociology or some shit like that.

Are you sure about that?
Your faulty conclusions are worthy of a sociology major.

It looks like successful working class are voting for trump and those with no life experience and useless token degrees are voting dems.

Tl dr

The successful are voting trump and the unsuccessful viting dems.

Liberal arts degrees are cancer

His conclusions are fairly in point.

>this data
singular nigger detected.


Trump doing better with Latinos than Hillary does with whites. Also Trump doing pretty well in the (other) category

Disagree. You are wrong.

All those failed arts degree and gender studies people who never worked hard to achieve things and instead blame their situation on "gender wage gap" and "systemic racism" vote for Hillary so she can change the system so they won't ever have to work hard for anything.

Successfull people, those who understand the worth of a hard worker and have a good degree and income thanks to their work ethic are voting for Trump because they realize, even if we had a Million $ loan, few of us would be able to keep it for long let alone increase it. That's what the liberals don't get.

Let me guess, because of your feelings?
You might as well be a liberal.

The only people that support Hillary are "college educated" libshit with degrees in shit like Feminist Studies that can't get a decent job

What can we extrapolate from this data?

That college degrees are no longer proof that you aren't an idiot, and the job market reflects this.


That those that make $75k+ flip flop more than people with high school degrees or less.

If you are Trump, you need to target the sub $35k group, which is basically minorities and generation y and z voters.

If you are Clinton you need to turn yourself in to the FBI and hope the lord God and the judge has mercy on your soul.

Fuck you, here's your (You).

Trumpers were too stupid to go to college or dropped out.


But make the most money.

Enjoy your arts degree.

No. Fact.

College is infested with liberal shitposting and has become a feel-good hugbox clubhouse, instead of a center for learning.

Gone are the days of discussing different opinions and promotion of free thinking. Instead you have faggot professors telling white men to hate themselves, saying people with money are evil, and if you dont agree with these statements you are a biggoted sexist racist fascist and should be outcast from society.

Burn them all down.


>college grad
>paying for the leaf brainwash
trump supporters a richer after all

People indoctrinated at universities are pussies who will vote for Hillary, hard working people will vote for trump