The Cold War never ended

The Cold War never ended.

What you have failed to realize is that the Soviet union still exists. Infiltrating every branch of our government and society since the 1950s. The collapse of the Soviet Union was just a ruse.

"When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from within spiritually, morally, and economically."

Putin was a devout communist and KGB agent. They have been slowly subverting our culture, weaking us from with in.
>this is the one world government everyone can see coming it's just not in the form they expected.

>The bear will come out of its cave forever.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've been wondering about this lately, actually.
Would be a genius strategic move, honestly.


Sadly not to enough people.

fuck off ameritard. your education is showing.

cold war is a meme word invented by your country, you turned the world into hell by supporting every radical islamist on the world just to counter communism during the (((cold war))), you did the propaganda of introducing russians as devils, you blamed russians for every bad act in your country (JFK assassination), you just kept fear mongering throughout the whole world and implanted puppet governments in the name of NATO. You are basically the source of evil we are seeing today. (((Cold war))) never ended because your propaganda still exists, you just can't survive without pulling imaginary enemies out of your ass, to legalize every shitty action of yours. Now Putin is your enemy because he is against your shitty agenda and he speaks the truth. You think every country must be governed with the same corrupt democracy like yours, everything else is fascism and totalitarian (again, words you have introduced as 'bad'), meanwhile there is no actual election in your country, only two parties full of corrupt politicians that serve the same agenda with the mask of two different factions.

I hope I can see the days of your shitty country collapse, you cost so many lives indirectly and also deliberately.

For more information please watch documentary movie "Salt".

it ended but the globalist fascists that run the west got greedy and decided to use the zombies of the soviet union, the leftist, marxist to break down our societies so that our independent nations would fall and be forced to become slaves under the globalist fascism. Marxism is always a tool for the wealthy. Thats why communism is represented by tools to be wielded by the elite. The leftist zombies were taken over after the violent leftist anti globalist demondtrations in gothenburg 2001 which was when leftists were against globalist fascim. Today after the takeover they work towards globslism.

>coming from the country that has ruined Europe many times over throughout history
You got it backwards son.

Enjoy your refugees

>kill hitler
>take his role, but this time project to whole world

because of your actions that destabilized middle east forever

To be honest the worst thing a Russian has ever done to me is rage over voice chat after he died trying to rush an MG34 in Red Orchestra 2

how many kiltons or megatons or b52 nukes now

THIS. We won the physical war but not the ideological one. Biggest issue in the past century and yet almost nobody seems to discuss it.

There wouldn't have been a cold war if you guys wouldn't have sperged out so many times in the 20th century.

Daily reminder: 4 seconds

And will still come save your cucked asses. Shame what has happened to your once great country.

It's international Marxism. It's not a fucking boogeyman. It's always been that. Since pissing in each other's pockets became a thing. If you think we haven't been doing the same shit to them, you're naive. The problem is you've also got other entities in the mix these days. It's not only Putin and Co. that are after "world domination".

>because of your actions that destabilized middle east forever
Our actions trying to free the Middle East from Soviet annexation and control in the 20th century.
You got it backwards son

>cold war is a meme

>Sup Forums claims to be redpilled
>all their sources are propaganda books and media coming out of USA

spegred out what? soviets and usa were the two heads of imperialism with different ideologies. but usa decided to play its cards wickedly by starting proxy wars and supporting the worst possible human demographic in the history.

nobody is coming to save, especially not usa. maybe putin does something to stop your shitty liberal agenda and put an end to this shit.

>It's international Marxism
what the fuck are you even talking about? you would be ashamed if you actually read what marx has written.

>free Middle East from Soviet annexation
>put radical islamists in bloodlust instead

What was the mechanism of the takeover?

>free the Middle East from Soviet annexation
also who the fuck are you and what makes you think that you have the right to interfere the lands that is nowhere near you but the soviets?

I got hammered drunk on a 3usd all you can drink place the other night and spammed
>the cold war never ended
>suka suka suka suka
to some Russians in my building and they've been looking for me ever since

East German detected

Jesus, I sure hope so. Defeat us from the inside out please. This country isn't worth dying for anymore, especially in a nuclear blast.

>who the fuck are you and what makes you think that you have the right to interfere the lands that is nowhere near you
>from a German
Top fucking kek

>also who the fuck are you and what makes you think that you have the right to interfere the lands that is nowhere near you


Heil Hydra!

why can't you accept the fact that you ruined the world with your agenda and now enslaved it with your wild capitalism?

>le hitler maymay
>he invaded countries so that means I'M THE GERMANY

you started memeing, it means you have nothing else to say.

by globalists like george soroz that funded and organized the zombies to work for globalism rather then against it. after the fall of the soviet union the leftist youth was against globalism today they will die for globalism. during the 90s the left was only interested in animal rights and drugs and protesting against globalism. then after gothenburg 2001 the leftist zombies was taken over and turned against their own nations and their former masters in russia.

noone can answer my question

It simply means you are to dense to comprehend United States and world relations, so what's the point?
The little troll has got his fill of humor from me.
Whichever lie you prefer to tell yourself.

The USSR doesn't exist. Government officials (the military, communist party officials, KGB spooks, etc.) all disbanded when the USSR fell in 1991. Many of them went into private practice (especially of military (especially Spetsnaz) and KGB). That means they joined organized crime and made the Russian mob what it was and is today. In some ways, the government of Russia kind of became your local Russian organized crime unit because of this. During that time weapons disappeared and were sold on the black market. That's why you see SCUD missiles and AK-47s in the Middle East and to a less extent South America. The really scary part is that tactical "suitcase" nukes went missing too. I don't know the number, but there are many of these smaller nuclear devices that the Russian government lost after the fall of the USSR. By small I mean somewhere in the ballpark of 1/2 kiloton to 2 kilotons. That and a lot of U-235 and Pu-239 (weapons grade forms of uranium and plutonium that are used in these devices and for building dirty bombs) were misplaced/stolen and remain unaccounted for.

By the way, I take it Ivan is the Czar bomb? A 50 megaton explosion that remains the largest human-made explosion in history. I'm sure that the US (and probably Russia and China) have stronger devices (even though they claim not to) and their existence is highly classified.


ok never mind we have the b53 which is way way more powerful, but it doesnt look like it launches well

This makes the third time Europe is trying out a flavor of socialism.
It seems more digestible, but as such, more sinister.

This is true in part, but let's face it: the US doesn't need to justify it's actions outside of the US (citizens have constitutional rights, everyone else doesn't). We have the largest and most powerful military and economy, if we say something is right then it's right (in that nobody will argue with us). I mean, other than that, yeah, you're basically right. 50s-70s CIA did some crazy stuff.

> I hope I can see the days of your shitty country collapse, you cost so many lives indirectly and also deliberately.

Now you're wrong. My grandchildren may see this, but I know I won't (barring some crazy attack that knocks off the heads of government and kills out infrastructure and economy, but I don't know how that would happen). The country won't fail all at once, the only thing you may see is the US slide backwards in a couple of fields, but we won't see the USD become lose its status as the world's reserve currency or US debt (Treasuries) lose their status as the 'risk free' asset (I know they have risk, but the market set's their risk at zero and prices everything based on them).

Well fuck off, your military budget is higher than whole GDP of Russia. Fucking Muricunts just need a picture of an enemy to interfere in foreign countries, to spread "freedom" LOLOLOLOL what kind of fucking freedom is dat shit? Letting IS/Al-Quaida/Al-Nusra (your moderate rebel group XYZ here) control areas where before a government with police and rules had control? Fuck off Muritards, we in EU have trouble now because of your nigger in oral office.

Dude, the USSR was a hellhole, they backed dozens of regimes that turned other countries into hellholes, and they would've cheerfully done the same to your country if not for ours -- you know, like they actually did to half of it. Meanwhile in western Europe and America: free speech, free press, freedom of religion, economic prosperity.

Also, the term 'Cold War' was coined and popularized by a Brit.

Yeah, we backed a couple dictatorships and armed some future terrorists too; our bad. But there really was a time when They Were Out To Get You, and We were what stood between You and Them. If you disagree you're both young and uneducated.

Believe it supposed to be the czar bomb although it's not an accurate chart.

What you say is true in regards to the mob and lost bombs. However the money made has been used to fund foreign ops, setting the stage.

The softest infrastructure target in the US is the power grid(s). An asshole with a pistol can knock holes into the coolant tanks at a substation, causing an eventual critical failure. Knock out enough substations, and the rest overload.

There's also a number of roadways that if made unusable could cripple the transport of food into the metropolises.

The fuck is with Germans and projecting their country's problems as if they are ours?
You got that shit backwards son.

We are constantly one bad move away from losing everything, user.

Actually, we've lost it a long long time ago and every generation has kicked the can of indiscretion down the road to the next generation, so you may have been right about the grandchildren part.

I believe the buck should stop here. Stop working for the fucking banks by getting rid of the FED, and expanding our wealth generation by the normal means. That is, we have a destiny and it manifests itself in the conquering and subjugation of assholes that tell us we can't have nice things.

>You got that shit backwards son.

What happened? Your doc ran out of anti psychotics?

It's pretty unlikely that anybody today has devices anywhere near the size of the Tsar Bomba. It's ridiculously inefficient to make bombs that big. Most of the energy of the blast is wasted, radiated out into the atmosphere, doing fuck-all damage to anybody on the ground. Huge bombs like that are a bitch to deliver too. It makes much more sense to build a whole bunch of nukes a mere fraction of that size. Does more damage, less of a logistical nightmare.

The Tsar Bomba really only makes sense in the context of the pissing contest that was the arms race. It was essentially a propaganda tool. "Look, we can rattle the windows in Norway!" (or wherever) "Woo, scary!"

>I can't handle the truth I don't wanna see it anymore

Kraut, I wish we could go back to the policy of Isolationism.

And sorry about king nigger sending waves of migrants your way.

Also oval not oral office.

Bill clintons been there. It might as well be the oral office.

Honestly I boycott every American product I only can, til end of ma life.. Will not support a 4th Reich with black leader or communism Hillary.

>Putin was a devout communist and KGB agent. They have been slowly subverting our culture, weaking us from with in.
This is why Putin has worked so hard to restore the church and clean up subverice bullshit like Soros open society foundation, FEMEN, LGBTQ shit etc. Because he is ex KGB he knows the strategy.

PLENTY of university students think they are soviet sleepers, and are activated as soviet sleepers.

Your country really is full of brain dead morons isn't it? No wonder you have been consistently the fall of Europe time and time again.

US lost the second world war.

>What was the mechanism of the takeover?
They just fermented the idea that only racist and fascist people where against globalization.

>They have been slowly subverting our culture, weaking us from with in

You want to blame Russia for that?
That's what the kikes have been doing for the best part of the last century and you blame Russia? Fuck, you must be a cretin.

Do I even have to say it?

Europe needs a purge once a while again. It's only a natural response to the weakening of powers. Next purge is around the corner.

Mate, you are literally retarded. I wonder why the fuck you even think you have any right to voice your degeneracy since when we were space racing with USA your shithole was licking it's wounds after WW2.
Space Race was one of the main things that prove cold war happened.

Take another bite of your bluepill burger, burger :^)

Yeah, ok, good luck hitting every individual power grid. There are a whole fucking lot of them, not to mention redundancies. Knocking a bunch off wouldn't overload the remaining ones, those that are on knocked off power grids just go without power (except for essential institutions, which often have backup generators which you would need to also hit individually). The roads are also pretty outdated, but again, you run into the issue of hitting every one (or at least a whole shitload of them) to have a serious impact.

As long as we have nukes, we'll always be one bad decision away from destruction, but it's not reasonable to assume that the decision will be made.

> Stop working for the fucking banks by getting rid of the FED

The Fed is the only reason the 2008 recession wasn't way way way shittier (that and TARP). I know Wall Street is an easy target for populists to attack, but Wall Street wasn't responsible for the recession because they didn't give out the bad loans, package them into securities (MBSs - that was Fannie and Freddy), or even know the loans inside the securities they were trading were bad (otherwise they wouldn't have owned them). As for the Fed, I know it's the target for a lot of conspiracy theories, but they are baseless. All the Fed does is 1) loan money to member banks (the rate at which money is loaned determines the rates at which banks loan money) which is helpful because it helps banks with liquidity when they need it (a bank may have a good looking balance sheet, but if it doesn't currently have it's assets in cash to pay bills, it still faces bankruptcy), 2) conduct stress testing and help enforce regulation on member banks (stress tests are annual tests where the Fed looks at banks' financials and determines what would happen to the bank in the case of a recession, would it survive or not?), and 3) conduct open market operations in order to a) have maximum sustainable growth without runaway inflation.

>A meme from a shitty movie made by twin trans females
Nice retort

In short, the Fed isn't anything sinister any more than the SEC is (the Fed banks may not be government - they're a gray area between government and private, but the governing body of the Fed (board of governors) are an agency under the executive branch). By the way, open market operations are buying/selling securities in order to inject cash into the economy/remove cash from the economy in order to stimulate/slow down (in the case of high inflation) the economy respectively.

Possibly, I know our ICBMs often have like a dozen warheads that are blown apart to spread them out in the air.

>a burger implying the US won a war they fought for globalist bankers
Nice idea

This image is retarded.

Little Boy's fireball was 400m wide, Tsar Bomba's was 8km.

Tsar wouldn't even be as a big as Ivy Mike is there.

Whatever you say, Ahmed.

Nuff said

Wow wtf i hate the US now

Fuck you moron. You and the soviets should pay reparations for ALL the East Europe you raped and killed in WW2. Soviets should pay reparations for 70 years for what they did to us.

That's retarded. We (due in large part to the USSR) absolutely beat Germany. We toppled the government and arrested the remaining leaders (the ones that didn't kill themselves), there isn't much more to winning beyond that. As for Japan, I think two atomic bombs leading to an unconditional surrender counts as a win as well.

> implying the US didn't win WWII
I'd assume that even a total cuck would understand this, but maybe not.

Your country's VHS tape underground is the coolest way to fight the eternal commie.

>replying with a nations name
Nice retort

>I'd assume that even a total cuck would understand this, but maybe not.
>Go into debt and death to fight for the globalist bankers debt in other countries.
What a glorious victory.

actually I was involved in that trade. Made good money from it. I can say now in a blink of an eye if a tape was recorded at 2nd, 3'rd or 4'th hand. You know, there are distortions when you make a copy from another copy.

I was 16 at the time. My first job.

(no taxes, of course). :D

>communists take part of the Europe
>white men fought each other for the jews
>everyone is brainwashed with holocaust since young age and nobody dares to even question it, some countries even forbid this by a law
>US completely corrupted

We paid off the debt after the war, dumbass. It was only in the 80s that the US began building a large amount of debt (which still doesn't matter because it hasn't and won't hurt our credit worthiness - the national debt is a red herring).

Your Sweden. Nothing you do or say is worth value.

see > conspiracy theories
Ok, then. I'll leave you to it. Come back to me when you want to have an actual discussion based on logic and evidence instead of bullshit and misleading statements (that still don't prove that the US didn't win WWII as you claimed).

Here's the proof. You reminded me of some good memories. Thanks. :)

So sweet

Nice retort.
What about Smedley Butler? The most highly decorated marine in history?
>We paid off the debt after the war
Good goy

Such a gooood goy

Good guy pupper

Sweet baby Jesus


Nice retort
What about Smedley Butler? The most highly decorated marine in history?

Nice retort
Seems we are in a shit posting stand off.

I thought Sweden was supposed to have a good education system, is this the best you can come up with? The debt wasn't even owned by jews, it was owned predominately by the American people and American institutions (as it is now, too). Have you ever heard of war bonds sold to US citizens in order to crowd fund the war.


>The Bear will come out of his cave forever.

Make your fucking point already anons. The bear comes out if Hillary Clinton wins. I don't want that, you don't want that.


Yes, I kept some of these as a souvenir. I keep the best of them as a reminder, they are used as decoration. :) Some keep pictures with them at their first job, I keep them as a reminder of my first business. :)


>Make your fucking point already anons.

The Cold War never ended.

What you have failed to realize is that the Soviet union still exists. Infiltrating every branch of our government and society since the 1950s. The collapse of the Soviet Union was just a ruse

every one knows the cold war never ended. what you might not know is there is a strain of white pride that you also see in jews

they not only want to be seen as the best they want to be the worst. jews pretend they will be both on the side god and the bad guys in their mythology. warnings of "fake" jews. the attempt to drive up hitlers kill count is only allowed because white people want to be seen as the worst killers of all time

this pride becomes a liability as they are easy to provoke. the brits gamble it all and lose their strangle hold on america which has been doing its bidding for decades. the brits then suffer the worst economic recession in their history and end up romania 1.5

I think the Soviet Union did in fact collapse, considering the impact the collapse had on the population
Putin certainly wants to recreate it though

Nice retort
What about Smedley Butler? The most highly decorated marine in history?

I thought the US was supposed to have a shit education system.

Thanks for proving me right.
>The debt wasn't even owned by jews
How is your reading comprehension? You entered the war to fight for other countries debt. If they lost, the jew couldn't collect.

>The Fed
>not privately owned
top kek mate

How bluepilled are you?

>nice retort
See yet again

Keep living in your comfort zone bubble, retard.

Here you go:

“Chuck Norris vs. Communism.”

you have a video explaining what happened here:

Okay, that's great. Well, I've got a choice between a fat used up cunt who has a chip on her shoulder, or I have DJT?


Nice retort
What about Smedley Butler? The most highly decorated marine in history?

Its not a shitposting standoff, I have posted several facts and arguments. You obese retarded burgers have posted nothing but
>Sweden lol

Daily reminder that every one is going to celebrate when your country gets nuked. You retarded zionist golems.

Good bye