Science btfo

Science btfo

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wtf i hate science now

I don't think science is the one BTFO. That said, there really isn't any inconsistency in that because science would tell you the biological sex of the individual.

Science doesn't care about your feelings.

Male and female are sexes.

Transgender is a gender.


But wait, science is vindicated. It's transgenders that are BTFO

Well I suppose we could just start cataloging the fingerprints of the mentally ill.

It's a question I ask when someone complains of climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers myself.


That's why we need more gender laws and less sex laws.

Science sounds like a real bigot to me


I can't wait until this fucking election is over.

Science doesn't exist.
pol btfo.

The ride never ends.

>tfw Africans just tend to murder and eat transgenders and homosexuals because they believe them to be demons

>inb4 more trannys start to slice off or burn off their finger prints

If you could speak multiple languages you would realize that gender is a meaningless construct anyway. Some languages have a vague concept of it, some have none. Don't be so fucking buttblasted about it.


It's interesting that they specifically say "chemists", so they're not testing DNA or anything, nor doing something as simple as the shape or pressure (like with foot prints). Suggests they're detecting a chemical, and if that chemical is hormones, then trannies would register as whatever hormones they're on.

Would be interested to read the actual article, shame OP only has bait to offer.

>caring about languages other than english

They kind of have a point, from a technical side.

If we're going off raw data then it could easily be a male-to-female, unless somehow that's accounted for eg the hormone therapy somehow change it.

Thanks, doc

I don't care anymore.

Let's just have a civil war, you take your insanity one way and I'll go another.

I speak 4 languages and what the fuck are you talking about? Yeah some languages assign genders to objects but men and women are distinctly different in most (if not all) languages

Does everyone know what they're going to wear on Trans Day of Screaming? In case you didn't know it's a new holiday on the 6th.

6th of?


whats up black man

What a fucking faggot.
My table is more of a male than you, cuck.

lets be real here

you are free to mutilate yourself all you want, but i dont have to agree with it or support it

so just cause you are such a delusional mental piece of shit, doesn't mean I have to respect you, doesn't mean I need to play pretend with you.

>other languages deal with gender differently
>therefore gender is meaningless
Leftist "logic"


>pic related


>Sex is between your legs
>Gender is between your ears

Why is this concept so fucking difficult, it was the leftists that taught it to me in the first place.

remember remember the sixth of november

I'll be screaming at the mall this year. It was very successful last year.

agree with this to a degree, but you should also add that if it's between your ears, then it can also be a mental issue (otherkin, other genders etc)

Science is a Jewish conspiracy designed to erode Christian faith and belief in God. Why do you think there were so many Jewish scientists like Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, Feynman, Oppenheimer, Von Neumann, Salk etc.

I can't believe you guys are still falling for the science meme. Science is only popular because they currently control the creation story (Big Bang Theory). In human cultures, a lot of power has always been given to the people who control the creation story: shamans, priests, Popes, etc.

Because that dichotomy is a recent invention by leftists to justify sexual deviants. I have no reason to accept it.

Science doesn't care about your culture, dummy.

Sex is actually in your cells and determined by the presence or absence of the SRY region. Gender is the behavioural phenotype associated with the presence or absence of the SRY region.

Anything that deviates from this is either a defect or a mental illness.

>Sex is between your legs
>Gender is between your legs

Wow, it's fucking easy.

>Science is a Jewish conspiracy

The scientific method was literally invented by European Christian monks.

>Transgender is a gender.
No it is not, you idiot.

Transgender is a label used to refer to someone who is transitioning genders.


what about people who are trans but who arent actually changing to the other gender?

>Transgender is a label used to refer to someone who is transitioning genders.
No it's not. It's a label used to get attention.
It's certainly not legitimate like poly furniture kin.
(my pronouns are Desk/Desks/Deskself, shitlord).

I was actually invented in Greece by atheists:

People claiming to be transgender, but admit to not be suffering from GID, are called "trans-trenders".

That label needs to come back.

holy shit. you are right!

Better start sucking dick.

You just want to fuck a child, stop pretending

it wont cause of the PC culture we live in, even GID is going to be removed cause it offends too many people

I cant believe there are people out there this dumb

To be fair, he is not wrong. Most of the relevant "gendered traits" are related to hormones. The rest are just unrelated individual and cultural preferences that can easily change.

Or to put it in other words, what you have between your legs is normally related with what you have inside your head.

There are, of course, some exceptions that do not follow that. They have it harsh... and then you have degenerates that are riding the trans train to guilt everyone else into accepting their disturbing preferences.

As a personal view... real trans people keep it low key since they have a lot to deal with. The degenerates are the noisy obnoxious ones.

There is a legitimate brain chemistry issue that makes you feel uncomfortable because your physical sex doesn't match with your brain chemistry, and it can be brought on my birth defects or severe child development trauma . Gender Identity Disorder is the blanket term to describe this.

Its kind of like Tourettes in the way that people who have that aren't just faking it for attention.

Spoken like someone who speaks one language and gets their facts from Buzzfeed.


Wanting to plow 15 year old virgins before they're ruined is the ultimate redpill

ok, but if pretending to be a girl when you are a boy makes you comfortable, you are still a boy pretending to be a girl

yeah, and then if you begin transitioning, you are officially trans.

Gender is part and counterpart. 1/4-20 bolt and 1/4-20 nut. USB-A plug and USB-A port. Benis and Bagina.


Except it can be treated by anti psychotics.
May want to re-read the sarcasm of the previous post though.

Repeating a lie, even an official lie, doesn't make it true.

You're only kidding yourself and your enablers.


This is the stupidest fucking argument. I was in a shouting match with a libcuck earlier who was playing the "There are 6,000 genders BECAUSE I SAID SO!" card. All attempts to reason with actual biology prompted him to cover his ears and shout "NO THAT'S TRIGGERING ME LA LA LA LA LA"

Care to name those languages faggot? Most languages I've learned generally have a masculine and feminine form of speech. Japanese is extremely gendered, as is Spanish.

Sex and gender are synonymous.

You're a man or a woman. That's it.

No it isn't.
I started moving into my garage the other week, I'm almost a car.

If you surgically attach wheels and an engine to your body, you are transitioning into a car

I'm starting to think that even if we replaced the use of "male" and "female" with "XY-chromosome having" and "XX-chromosome having", i.e. absolute indisputable scientific categorizations

special snowflake trannies would STILL find a way to get mad and throw a fit about it


You never end up being a car though.

yeah, and you can never switch over to the other gender completely either (you'll still have infertility, biological differences and the wrong chromosome combination)

Blue Ridge master race coming in!

Science is racist and sexist. Didn't you know?


That's a good idea, regardless.

well, as normal people know
you are either male, female, or any of those but sick fuckup who requires visits mental health institution because you believe in some kike gender bullshit

10/10 science, keep it up

There's no such thing as transgender. Only transvestite.

You can't change genders.

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

You're a Transformer

Sex is biology, gender is grammar.

Better watch out for the lightning raids later at your home bru.

fairly rare

Will have to head over to Sup Forums as a trans-car and start a decepticon thread.

fucking privileged decepticon scum, autobot lives matter!

Sex and gender are the same thing you dumb, subversive faggot. You can scream as much as you want, it won't change this FACT.


Have you spoke Spanish?

that's a valid question
if a tranny is pumping himself full of hormones, he may leave a more feminine chemical trail on his fingers

Transgender is a mental illness*

That's the same thing.
Unless you are born hermaphrodit or with an extremly rare genetic anomaly (men with XX sexual chromosomes).

those tshirts are shopped
it's an advertisement for a tshirt company trying to sell their shitty "cool" shirts

good bait.

for the plebs that don't know better:

From merriam-websters (

Definition of gender

a : sex
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

You are born biologically male or female

your sexual preferences are a matter of opinion

you can't legally force an opinion on other people.

dubs if truth.

oy vey

scientists confirmed for nazizz

To be fair, it would be interesting to see someone with one of those weird gender diseases and see what their fingerprint says about them.

>annual trans day of screaming

Wipe this all off the fucking map and start again

Sex is biologic. Sex-dimorphic organisms like mammals have two of them

Gender is linguistic. Natural gender languages have four of them

With how convincing some traps are getting these days, this allows for safe identification before making a huge mistake.

I'm going to make an App to test it.

thanks for the dose doc