I'm a dual citizen, I don't have much hope for this place if Trump isn't elected.
Should I go back to Norway if Trump doesn't win?
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Are you white? If not stay in the US please.
Yes I'm white, my family's been living in Norway as far back as I can trace them.
wtf I'm a citizen of Norway too
if norway had decent gun laws and was less open to 3rd world refugees i would seriously consider living there, why did you leave?
That's not my passport famalam, I ripped it off google because I'm too lazy to take a picture of mine.
Because I love this country and everything it stands for, I'm just concerned of how it will turn out if Trump doesn't win.
Fuck off were full
well, if trump doesnt win, it will go to shit. not overnight, but im sure in 4 years we will be worse off than now, with more terrorist attacks, more refugees, more illegals and low level criminals, more taxes, more war, more corruption in government. slowly but surely the country will go bankrupt and we will become more similar to soviet russias political system. probably wont happen for 20 years but thats what you can look forward to, because if trump doesnt win this election, conservatives might never win an election again. voter base will be diluted with refugees and illegals wanting welfare
id love to visit norway some day. have either of you ever seen a troll
If Clinton is elected it's over for whites because of simple stats (unless states claim their independance and you can create an ethno confederation of white.
The USA won't turn in hell on earth in a single day though, it's much more for youreventual kids you should be concerned than yourself.
I'm here right now
youve seen whats been going on in sweden and france the last few years? pic related, 2014 paris muslim riots. i really hope this doesnt happen here
>mfw Hillary Clinton will finally bring an end to the white menace
learn to ski, drink, hate swedes and the language
and youre good
Why do you need more lax gun laws famalam? You just have to be a hunter or member of a gun club. Is that really too much to ask?
i thought they banned everything after brevik?
politics, it's just talk and no action here too.
How's the country looking these days outside of Oslo as far as the shitskin problem goes? I haven't been back since 2007
my city Skien is pretty bad in some areas too
I'm not really sure where to move
well i guess as long as you got something to defend your family with from the random criminal thats good enough. what are good places to visit? do most people speak english or do you need to know norwegian to get around
Isn't Norway basically the Precursor to Modern Day Sweden?
Also I have a feeling that I know you, OP
Of course.
not everything, and its not really hard to own guns if thats important to you.
might need to be in a shooting club for a couple of weeks and have the police check your gun cabinet and youre good
Ever been to Ulvik? I was born there.
I live in Michigan, do I know you?
whats the safest town in norway? whats the most dangerous one? whats good norwegian food
also how hard is it to learn norwegian
Anywhere in Lappland. I'm thinking of becoming a Same.
Not sure as it's my first language but I imagine it wouldn't be difficult for a native English speaker.
i guess a better question is, is norway split up geographically by culture, like the USA? in the USA, we got liberal hippies on the coasts, rednecks in the south, conservative wilderness states in the mid north
like where do the patriotic norwegian people live, not the liberals? where are the hunting and fishing states?
Yes, mostly on the Internet, but they do roam the country side and forests afrer nightfal, so you are safer staying where you are.
serious question, do you ever go looking for viking artifacts with a metal detector?
I'll leave you with this...
Maybe very "særnorskt", but funny as hell.
It's bad, but it's not close to swedens problem.
We have a christian woman named "sylvi listhaug" on the case, tightening up the regulations on asylum etc. - Seems to go better, less flow of immigrants. I am currently residing in the midle of Norway, but as I could gather from my brother and sister who lives there, it's on the rise... Oslo is a shitty city anyways.
Safe town, It's another world from where you come from. It's pretty safe everywhere...
Last time, and the only time something violent happened to me was my own fault. If you just keep it cool, you'll be all right. I'm 33 years and got a punch in the face, that's it.
Language, that's up to you man, I've met Americans that speak Norwegian after 9 months and Americans not understanding a word we say and can't say a word after 13 years..
No, not quite... It's not comparable, it's just people being people. We are a much smaller group of people and haven't got those clear and distinctive cultural lines yet. But here is a picture related, this is politics.
I have, back in the day. There are a few burial mounds on the family farm. I would never disturb the graves now though - best to leave the dead in peace.
super cool, ever find anything? like arrowheads or coins
thanks! i think i will start planning a trip to visit, maybe for next year.
Still digging for artifacts dude, in the midle of town square Trondheim.
Good fuck off and take your fellow cuckstains in Minnesota with you ya damn filthy red coat traitor.
Nope - my great-grandfather foind some metal slagg, part of an axe and a bone needle. He contacted a museum and handed the things over to them. They did a search of the mounds back in the day - the '60s or '70s. I don't know if they found anything else.
cool, i know a friend who is an archeologist and went digging viking long houses in norway
How are you a dual citizen?
Do you even speak Norwegian?
>I'm thinking of becoming an uncivilized/ unmordern nigger
A mother or a father that is Norwegian gives you the right to have there native citizenship, or he was born in Norway.
Nobody is going to read that
fuck off johnny
I did, so somebody did.
>You herby stand corrected.
2016 articles
16 yo kid found a viking amulet from 800
2014 article
I know there are more cases, but im not a metal detector fag so I don't really stay up to date with this stuff
I was born there.
can a shitposter tag along ? i like cold weather but your weird fish tooth paste stuff is just fucked
fish tooth paste ? Wtf ? :)
If you're a Hillary supporter, then you're NOT welcome back in Norway. Get the fuck out of here, you dual citizen cunt. At least have the balls to commit to a nation instead of going 50/50 like a fucking pleb.
I own (or am allowed to own) almost all the weapons you are allowed to. That includes AR15s or pistols, shotguns etc. Doesn't matter if they are semi-automatic or not.
It's a bit more of a hassle to get to this point, but it's doable.
IPSC and hunting is your friend.
I'm in that picture
But no Norwegian father or mother ?
And yeah, we got those too... People who don't bother to read and just troll. Picture related.
lol, so you are down in that hole digging now ? Having a early lunch ?
Or just a innocent bystander looking at some really slow digging ? :)
Funny coincident!
Berre ein av dæm som ser på, ja
They drink raw moose blood and suck reindeer dick, literally. There was a video of them sucking one in Youtube year ago but I think it's deleted now
Norway as a society is pretty based and still well off, with a few exceptions(like Oslo, which is even worse then Malmö or Stockholm). Norwegians are tiresomely bluepilled though because of good conservative politics keeping enriching problems at a minimum.
Godt å hore at det finnes andre på tr0nderjord som er på 4ern, spesielt politisk ukorrekt. Hyggelig å se deg anonsen!
>with a few exceptions(like Oslo, which is even worse then Malmö or Stockholm).
top kek you wish sven
At least assassinate Hillary before you go back.
Stay the fuck away from our country amerihaes
so what you are saying is basically a lot of them stay bluepilled because all they know is prosperity and safety..
its like sweden, they figured everybody must be as nice and polite as they are. so they invited in the middle eastern refugees and their world went to shit
depends, if you plan on fighting in the great civil war that will eventaully engulf the collapsing united soviet states of amerika.
I dunno, some people are into that.
Im not so I sold my SS# to an illegal juan and moved out, then sold my US passport over the internet to some middle eastern gentlemen who may or may not have been terrorists. Then I burned my US citizenship papers in a ceremony to denounce any allegiance to that rotting corrupt crud of an empire.
the weird fish paste that comes in a tube
Foolish. America is better off now than its ever been.
its a thing we put on our bread to make it taste good. its "fish in tomato", most people dont like it. tubes are practical for traveling.
>godt å hore
synd at vi ikkje he dei tre gylne bokstavane. ken e aalesunder her?
hahaha! Makrell i tomat på tube!
Yes, we make a shitload of eatable things in a tube. We got a lot of cheese-types as well.
It comes very handy when there is a long way to the store. Picture related.
Ah sweet i could eat this i like processed seafood like fish fingers
btw Norgemate is it Halal ? i hate anything Muslims desecrate
only if you are a lazy fuck on food stamps and affordable care act also known as NEET
Don't be such a faggot, Trond H. I know it's you.
>working your ass off being taxed the shit out of only to have it go to pissrael.
ya'll gotta be a yesterday born goyim
>unironically eating makrell i tomat in tube
>let me just squeeze out some fish paste on your plate
Why is this the first result now when searching France attacks? (((google)))
bacon & pepperost er smaskens fåvæ
Any reason for that? Religious?
Do you have a Sami parent, grandparent or great-grandparent? if not, then no.
Narvik is good, it's way up north where the Germans did the lebensborn program.
>not overnight
You sure about that? You really think that the same group of ferals who will riot because of a court ruling will not celebrate by breaking a few of the White Man's skulls? Raping a few for "free" because the cops wouldn't dare infringe on their rights to free expression?
You'd better be prepared to lay in for at least a week after the elections.
Pretty much. The best media coverage showing how shit Sweden is was made by NRK wich is a goverment sponsored media outlet.
I'm in Bodo (small town of about 50000) and I can never take the bus without hearing a non-European language or seeing people wearing hijabs. Living close to the local mosque probably has something to do with it, but it really makes me butthurt to see hijab cows with their three children each at the bus stop. Around 80% of bus drivers and cleaning personell are foreign. Oslo is still much worse, but I'd hardly call it good in the population dense regions.
You can hunt or fish almost anywhere, its more practical inland in Hedmark / Oppland, less people, more forests/countryside
People are more racist here too desu. Argueably I'd say the further south the more liberal, We see our culture as varied depending on where one lives, be it East, west, south or north. Country has been divided for years by mountains/nature in general, so you'll notice big dialect differences.
English has some similarities to Norwegian so learning isnt too hard I believe, but pronouncing some of the sounds wont come easy.
There is less crime in Oslo than in Malmo and Stockholm for sure.
I've never seen halal meat for sale, but I do not live in Oslo
this. the danish and norwegians have a life we never will. you can be a wagecuck here, live miserably. You can go to college, also miserably. If you work your ass off and get a decent job where you make actually decent money, the democrats who are usually in power will tax you 50%+ of your income you worked your ass off to get to fund Israel and so forth while our country falls apart. Also, we don't get paid leave like the danish. They get taxed very much also, but nordic countries just seem so much more beautiful to live in. I realize things have changed with immigration in these places, so maybe it's not better, but that's the only problem they would have to solve to return to how nordic countries were in the 80's and part of the 90's.
If you speak the language, sure.
Uhm. No.
The police was asked to do a report on gun laws afterwards. Their conclusion was that gun laws should be relaxed. Gun laws were relaxed. It used to be that you needed one license per gun for example. Now you have one license for 6 guns, and if you want more, you have to ask your local sheriff or police department first.
You also used to have to register silencers. The Police basically said that it was retarded to demand this, and that therefore the whole thing should just be stricken from the lawbooks.
And the politicians (social democrat coalition) agreed with the police and relaxed the gun laws.
Meanwhile, fireworks are more or less banned. Because people are too retarded to be trusted with them. Guns are fine though.
I mean, what sort of left wing party would not relax laws that didn't work? Nobody would ever go along with anything, because they wouldn't trust them.
You should take to the streets like every other self respecting man. If trump loses, it's gonna be civil war. It will confirm the system is broken. Therefore not worth defending. The military will turn and you wanna be on their side
Were Swedes ever really vikings or was it just the Danes and the Norwegians? Some niggers call cops just to throw stones at them?! Why don't the cops throw some lead back in their way? At least your female cops are pretty, even if the men seem to do all the work.
It's funny how Norwegian sounds very much like Swedish, but to write it you need to have some sort of brain damage.
I know right. It's insane. But they won't do shit about it. The even throw granades and shoot at the police even though it's rare. It does happend. Still police ain't shooting. Now I think they might allow them to use rubber bullets.
But most politicians still talk about these "kids" as if they are the true victim.
Svea had great Vikings, just like the Danes or Norwegians.
this shack looks very Sup Forums tier
That's awesome, do you get people running around the woods wearing corpse paint ?
Also is this music actually popular in your country?
If you are white, welcome!
If you are of another ethnicity please dont come.
I'm voting for Trump you cock.
Not very popular, I was at a festival where they played in June though, they drew a decent crowd. Havent seen much corpse paint, but then again I dont know anyone who eats shrooms regularly either
No all my family comes from Norway. I'm the only one in America.
Norway is just a bootlick colony of the US