Why does he love inviting people to the White House?
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He doesn't have any friends
He has nothing better to do
good day sir
Stop fucking meeting with celebrities and do your god dam job
Hey friend, just writing to let you know I had a slight audible chuckle at your comment, thank you.
All told, he is a pretty chill guy. The last 8 years have been pretty good to be honest.
I'ld rather him doing dumb photo ops than anything else to be quite honest.
That's because the Federal Reserve has more control of the economy than our President.
This, fuck trump and fuck white people.
Not if you're a black man living in Chicago. You are likely dead by now
yeah dude, we just need a president who's like, totally chill haha
that will solve all of the nations problems haha
I wonder what Huma is doing right now?
Wait Trump has more followers than POTUS? What happened to all the fake followers?
>grows up in Honolulu
>says he's from south side CHIRAQ
foh senpai
The Beet-meister general!
It's all about making people understand how great he is. If he invites famous people to the White House, they can see just how great he is in person and will tell others.
The man has an ego the size of Montana.
The Fed has to step in with monetary policy (e.g. lowering interest rates or quantitative easing) if the economy is in danger of going into deep recession and Congress does not enact any fiscal policies. There's really nothing wrong with this.
All presidents have always done this you fucktard.
>this mother fucker still believes his own tired memes
>after 8 years of shit
>(((leader of the free world)))
What alternate reality have you been living in?
he doesnt work he just watches spanish soap operas all day so cut him a break
Presidents invite people all the time. Every winning team gets to meet the President too, it's tradition. You'd know this if Canada ever won a real sport.
Actually it's because the stimulus at the beginning of the recession averted total disaster and gave the money supply a shot in the arm before the Democrats lost control of Congress.
We've been treading water since '10 while all the economies that went full austerity are screaming for help.
please accept only on the condition he forces DOJ to indict hillary, based cubs
bring her scandals into media attention
this guy has been asleep the last 8 years i think
Fed doesn't do quantitative easing, it does credit easing. You're a moron. Read more books.
quality post
Well he does literally nothing
Cubs owners back Trump.
8 years ago:
>fresh out of college, shit programming job at big corporation
>soul crushing work and dealing with coworkers who were idiots compared to me
>slightly overweight
>socially awkward
>early employee at moderately successful startup
>amazing coworkers
>paper millionaire (still less than 2 million though)
>was able to sell some of my stock even
>fit as fuck
>no trouble talking to people and in particular women
Not saying Obama has that much to do with this, but I fear Trump's policies will destroy the economy. What I want most is stability. That's why I'm voting Hillary. She represents the status quo and the status quo is pretty good.
They left when he unfollowed Hillary.
doesn't like he to play with almonds before going to bed every night?
>world series
how exactly is americans playing americans a fucking WORLD series.
Is he trying to take credit for the cubs winning? Does he ever do anything but take credit? Just like he claims he killed Osama Bin Laden but there is no ounce of evidence Osama is dead. No video, no pictures, no dead body. Durr we sent him off into the sea. WTF.
Takes nobel peace prize and did literally nothing to deserve it.
kys manlet
Dont forget to say
>t. CTR
He invites them to fuck his wife. Tonight the Cubs are gangbanging Michelle.
aww even tough i'm voting trump, thats still kinda sad:(
if you were president wouldn't you want to be buddy-buddy with a bunch of athletes before you become irrelevant again?
>Tonight Michelle is running a train on the Cubs' assholes
Fixed, senpai.
>change we can believe in
Wow using Bernie Sanders' slogan? Obama confirmed for throwing shillhill under the bus.
look at how desperate he fucking is, what a sad fucking "president". can't go lower than inviting clockboy though
Money isn't real, dipshit. Trump will move us into a reality where we live as HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS. We don't need money if we live as a part of our body (planet) as we're supposed to.
nobody else cares about baseball except for japan and puerto rico
it's a game spawned from 1870s autism
Every President does it, leaf. He was just trying to be cool.
>Obama wants to an hero by a bomb and no one does it for him
I hope they snub him since he's a White Sox fan.
everyday i see this exact fucking ctr message. 8 more years of this fucking divisive faggot would be fucking terrible. fuck off.
It worked for Canada... right leafs? Haha... right???
It isn't that he isn't dead, it's that he was dead a while before they 'killed' him.
No they haven't. He's just done absolutely nothing so you can't bring up much criticism about him. Add Bush's 8 years into the mix and by comparison he's a saint. The second Trump gets into the White House people will call out Obama on his lazy and useless ass.
> Ayyy muh nigga good job on the win yo! Wanna come by my crib an chill?
That's what we deserve for electing a fucking communist nigger muslim for president
yo you have the webm of that? I've seen you post that before
Beat me to it.
I don't think I've read enough Heidegger to understand what you're talking about.
please clap
>mid life crisis so has to boast
Infect people with his faggotry
Can't let you have all the bantz, m8.
i went to a cardinals game in st louis with my ex about 6 years ago. she got us great seats. the couple in the expensive seats next to us turned up 30 minutes late into the game, ate like 15 of these giant pretzel things, threw their drinks on the ground and left after 45 minutes leaving a huge mess. i probably would have enjoyed the game if that wasn't like 50% of the crowd doing the same shit, no respect for their environment and just being literal pigs
Why do witches lure children into their gingerbread houses?
This just made me realize the sweet, delicious, liberal tears of so many self-entitled athletes that aren't going to the White House after winning a title when Trump invites them
It would be awesome if they replied they want to wait until Trump moves into the WH.
Niggaz be friendly and shit
He created black lives matter.
He divided the nation that hasn't been seen since the 70's.
so no, go fuck yourself
>Want stability
>vote for a warhawk
Wew lad
Like bro did you see him on Jimmy Kimmel last week?
Haha like best president EVER! Why can't we have a 3rd term?
I would pay to see them reply "no"
Makes the normies who know nothing about politics like him more.
>hey look Obama is hanging with Beyonce and Jay Z! He's so cool! Let me go back to watching sports ball now.
Yea, but he lied to get elected, and he shilled for a candidate which is abnormal and borderline unacceptable behavior for a president.
Anyone compared to Bush looks fucking Amazing. He honestly was such a bad president I think Democrats are going to be trying to use his legacy as a way to represent Republicans for decades.
>The status quo is pretty good.
we cant keep burying our heads in the sand forever
I've lived through his presidency from age 12-20 so i honestly wouldn't know how bad he was for people in general. Had some good times during his presidency, but those were mostly teenage things in high school and parts of college. To me he was just a random "Trendy" face i saw on TV every now and then. Honestly couldn't tell you what his presidency was like being completely honest.
Does he get to brings friends?
The tech bubble is going to pop regardless of who's president you know
I didn't follow politics very closely before 2000 since I was too young, but it seems like every outgoing president has campaigned for the candidate from his party. I remember Clinton campaigning for Gore and Bush campaigning for McCain.
It's a little weird that he gets to use Air Force One and other public resources to do it... but this also happens when Presidents run for re-election.
He's a hospitable cool guy
Or just bored and lonely
Obama didn't create BLM. Your vicious racist cops did with their indiscriminate, unpunished murdering of blacks. Police brutality isn't a problem to you right wing fuckwits but 'divisiveness' is, even though you don't actually give a fuck about peace or unity. Keep talking out of your ass, conservatard.
That would actually make me feel bad for the guy for like 2 minutes.
people who disagree with this are too young to have lived through GWB or too old to remember anything at all.
not an obama fan but after a few years of which ever shithead wins next, he's going to seem incredible.
not your servant bro. work for it
why does obama ask everybody to come to the white house except his brother?
are malik's bantz too potent for him?
He wants to hang out with people that bomb as often as he does.
Google statesmanship he's showing of the bling.
>world series
don't recall us playing
Obama is going to make an offer to the Cubs to make some endorsement video for Hillary.
I don't doubt it. It's already starting. It's harder to raise venture money now than it was even a year ago.
The advantage is if you're at relatively stable company, it becomes way easier to hire people. It's impossible to hire top engineers now. That's why most people in SV are so pro more H1-B visas. Unlike what most people on Sup Forums think, it's not about trying to pay people less. We pay non-citizens the same; it's just that there just aren't enough people with US passports who are good enough.
This is the other main reason I'm against Trump. His anti-trade and anti-H1-B policies do not make sense in a modern economy.
>Trump will move us into a reality where we live as HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS. We don't need money if we live as a part of our body (planet) as we're supposed to.
Is this a poor attempt at being funny or are you just stupid? I can't tell.
>Obama didn't create BLM. Your vicious racist cops did with their indiscriminate, unpunished murdering of blacks.
Why am I responding to your Aussie bait.
Because it was first financed by a magazine called "New York World." "World series" is an abbreviation of it.
>t. Retard
He thinks he's on 'Cribs'.
>He created black lives matter.
>He divided the nation that hasn't been seen since the 70's.
wow you're dumb, friendo.
Were all just exchanging paper that people said are worth something. Its fucking mind boggling