ITT: stereotypes that are actually 100% true
ITT: stereotypes that are actually 100% true
Typical jew. Ugly, hairy, long nose, sweaty.
op is a faggot
Typical jew girl got her lawyer mom to draft a letter demanding her friends pay for all the gas money and driving services she performed on their field trip.
That black people love watermelon, grape koolaid/soda, and fried chicken.
My sister is half black and we went to visit her "family" one year during the summer. The black grandma (sweet old lady) make fried chicken and my black cousins-in-law made a giant pitcher of grape koolaid.
This was up in Detroit and we all ate while they discussed the latest shooting in the neighborhood over a pair of Jordans and how it reminded them of the time a little girl was shot and killed on accident while waiting for her bus.
Was right next to 8mile.
Food was dope btw. If you have never eaten a black grandma's fried chicken you are missing out desu.
Can confirm
Asian males are antisocial robots
Yeah this sterotype is completely true. kys.
stormfaggots exaggerate more than my bubbe.
You're doing a good job of living up to that stereotype, Mr. Shekelstein.
There is a cute Jewess, and there are smart great black people. But I think when he said 100% true, he meant "occurs 90%+ of the time"
If you are too stupid to understand this, then you are stupid. If you undertand this, but go against it anyways, JIDF. If you are..
Oh its Australia
Blacks are poor swimmers.
Her mixed Aryan genes are showing, stupid JIDF.
To me this is one of the best short jew vídeos
why are goyim such salty cucks anyway
Gas yourselves kikes
>that face you make when the goyim know
Asians are Zerglings
The fake opposition thing is to true, see Trump
Faggism is a Jewish creation
>Be American
>Have niggers in your family
Polish people are poor and they are thiefs that even steal garbage containers
im not even joking they are like rats
Why do Jews bake so well?
True portu bro
This is my favourite.
Is there any stereotypes that are 100% true?
Anyway I hear Frogs like baugettes.
Colleges today are filled with trigglypuffs
Black dudes fucking love fat white women. That is the only stereotype I know to be 100% accurate.
Indians smell
Black people fucking smell
Asians don't like different shades of Asians.
Russians are subhumans
Niggers are dumb, rude, lazy, quick to violence, and love destroying shit, especially with fire.
Cyкa в Mocквe paд paд втв мцзб aгa тyдa лaщж пoчв
yeah, shart in mart is actually true
i shat my pants in a target as a kid
t. nigger
And then what looks like a stereotypical badger holding a hamburger.
blacks smell weird
Holy fuck hahahahaa
Coalburners have daddy issues.
Fucking aryans
Self esteem issues too
Here's a R A R E one for you, that Sup Forums might not like to hear.
I live in a super rural (northern) area that is literally over 99% white. The stereotypes you hear about rednecks/hicks are all true, sans the southern accents.
I'll focus on just the elusive "white redpilled gf" since there is an abundance of them available here but they are terrible. Looking at dating profiles around here (Tinder, OkCupid, PlentyOfFish), you would be hard pressed to find a single one that doesn't mention country music, "muddin'" and hunting as their main interests. I know Sup Forums might not care about that, but my first point is that they're all fucking identical.
All girls and as I said, it's literally 99.9% white within a 100 mile radius of my little podunk town, so I'm sure you're thinking that it sounds like a utopia of potential redpilled gfs, but it's not. I'm 22 and finding a girl my age or younger who is not a single mother or currently pregnant on these dating sites is next to impossible. Even when I set the age range as low as it will go, to just 18 year olds, they ALL have kids.
The obesity rates are off the fucking charts; I've literally just given up & accepted that if I were to hook up with anyone around here they are guaranteed to be 50+ lbs overweight.
Also, they're fucking idiots. They may be white and conservative and into "redpilled" hobbies, but they're just fucking braindead. Politically speaking, none of them are even voting, and the most they know about the election (speaking from experience here) is "haha Trump has funny hair XD - my dads gunna vote for him tho cuz guns but idgaf about politics lol."
Definition of white trash. Also, an absurd amount of them identify as "Juggalettes" and have shitty ICP tattoos. Fucking horrible.
The ultra-white paradise about certain rural areas of the country is a meme. in b4 someone accuses me of promoting racemixing or hating whites. No. I just hate THESE brand of whites. Trailer trash through and through.
>white trash use dating sites
Wow stop the press
It's not like it's just dating sites; I just used those as an example. In high school all the girls were the same way. Most dropped out, often due to pregnancy. I've lived here my whole life, I've seen the whole spectrum from trailer trash to more trailer trash. It sucks.
don't lie, you can't meet girls in real life. You only meet new ones online.
It's because god gave them a very special physiology that allows them to burn by themselves, as evident by holocaust testimonies and the fact that hell needs to get its fire from somewhere.
What's that?
fucking going for a rip out in the mud, bud
Swedish left is literally SWEDEN YES material.
Wait, so they deliberately risk damaging their own property just for the sake of getting said property dirty and having to clean it afterwards, or what?
It's fine m8. Fun and you gain skills from it since you do all the modifications yourself, which is a very practical set of skills. Leave them to their hobby. You can use reductio ad absurdum to make any hobby look foolish if you wanted to.
Does two quarter breed step-cousins count?
sounds like heaven desu
Germans have no sense of humour.
Every Trump supporter I've met fits into one of these categories:
1) Middle aged, very religious, afraid of anyone who isn't lily white
2) Fat White people who complain about people getting government handouts but either take those same handouts or are stay at home wives
3) Single, childless men with no social skills
Find me one Trump supporter that's in a healthy relationship, doesn't have backwards views on race and society, and is under age 50.
So true
We're really a bunch of potsmoking liberals, the only reason we're not as cucked as Germany is that our country isn't big enough to survive such cuckery so we're cucked in many other ways.
Especially the last couple of years have seen a huge increase in cuckening, we even changed traditions not to anger immigrants and are the first country in Europe to have a feminist black nationalist party, which is getting quite a lot of votes.
Not a lot of people know but a lot of us hate Germans, theyre not really welcome here.
I'm assuming Appalachia and it's all true. Being around racist white people sounds fun in theory to Sup Forums, but I've noticed most people here live in cities. Actually living in a place with nothing but literal mouthbreathers even if theyre white and "redpilled" is fucking mindnumbing. It's funny when city people show up and realize yup, they're ALWAYS like this then get the fuck out as soon as possible.
>backwards views on race and society
>backwards views
So very progressive of you
Her hair's clearly dyed
Just a wannabe aryan
I believe she patched me once haha
>tfw you are spaniard but the guy's castillian is so bad you can enjoy joke subtitles.
So whats forwards?
Who determines that?
Shitskins thinks no hijab/burqua = free to rape
I understood this reference.
transgender people are all mentally ill narcissists with persecution/victimhood complexes.
Canada. Frenches rednecks
A lot of them also believe they're taking over Europe.
i m anti-racist, anti-misogynist, aged 30 and I support Trump bc Clinton is a corrupt criminal who wants perpetual war
What went wrong?
Clinton didn't land under sniper fire, that's what went wrong
Black people can't swim and they never will
>"Yeye with them big ol super swampers n the toyoter n shit yo bubba git the copenhagen we gotta go shovel dirt so we can buy weed and fail highschool"
Literally everyone in my fucking highschool was this goddamn retarded.
>Find me one Trump supporter that's in a healthy relationship, doesn't have backwards views on race and society, and is under age 50.
I'm pretty liberal, believe in equality of races and sexes, I'm 22 years old and would vote Trump if I could. You got me on the healthy relationship though.
Hahaha so true. But we hate other same-shade Asians that speak a different language even more.
They missed one of the Yugocucks during the war you mean.
what is backwards? seems pretty subjective and that you are triggered like a little baby
liberals become petulant children when confronted with anything outside of their warped, narrow tunnel vision of the real world
This. I'd say most of the real transgendered people are minorities as well. All the white people who are claiming transgender just want to beat black people in oppression olympics, a game black people didn't even ask to play.
>stereotypes that are true
>""""""""""""""altright""""""""""""""" is the latest twist on antisemtic, racist, women and gay-bashing politics
Thanks CTR
You and the stormweenies are the literal fucking cancer of Sup Forums
I don't know any trump supporters who fit that category. All semi-libertarians in stable relationships, mid twenties, nonreligious
Fuck off CTR
Mediterraneans are a bunch of lazy and corrupt people which all in all are pretty aesthetic and somehow manage to convince the rest of the world about their superior culture
Fuck off Samantha B
cheers user. The game industry is packed with self-involved white MTF transgendered people. Samantha Kallman (MTF game dev) once said on a podcast that the body dysmorphia experienced by the trans community is something entirely theirs, and theirs alone Nobody else could ever know how it feels.
I called her out on twitter about it, because believe it or not, people other than white trans people know what it's like to be uncomfortable in your own body. Disabled people come immediately to mind, but that'd go against the snowflake narrative these cracker narcissists created for themselves.