Aus Thread

What do we do about the ABC/SBS problem?

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they're better than channel 9 and ten tbqh

7 is based

They are even worse

All media in this country is fucked.

Only dumb gen x'ers and boomers watch it anyway
They will get defunded soon enough and have a big online presence soon even after FTA ends

You're paying hard-earned taxes for Cultural Marxism: The Broadcasters

Why is this OK?

Channel 10 is the worst offender with their The Wahhabist Project bullshit.

its either taxpayer cultural marxism or private internationally funded megaconglomerate cultural marxism

Just switch the thing off

The point remains, you're still having to pay for ABC and SBS regardless of whether you watch it or not

Not not much to brag about

That female announcer on channel 7 was the catalyst for me getting rid of my TV. I quite literally want to kill her.

We have to deal with this shit here too Ausfag. My tax dollars are hard at work funding pretentious neo-liberal bullshit called the CBC.

Pic related

literally nothing can be done at this point.

SBS2 has merged with fucking VICE.

Privatise them both completely and start a new public broadercastor.

>tfw someone actually got paid to write this on

I remember how based Tones raised the idea of reducing their funding, and their news coverage of him went from generally negative to overwhelmingly negative.
It is hard to understand why we need to pay taxes for SBS to show "Dumb, Drunk and Racist" back-to-back with "White, Angry and Proud."
What a horrible tragedy it would be if people were to publish where ABC/SBS staff lived and others used that information to brutally murder them. That would really be an enormous shame.

Gas them all

Linch the lugenpresse

No suprise its nucucks

I was watching the SBS news tonight and they had some story about that building business going under and they just happened to talk to probably the only african immigrant/refugee tradie painter in all of Australia.

It's time to get rid of the idea that it's possible to have independent media that doesn't tend towards affecting public significance by controlling context long term. Each year a random half of all key front facing and editorial staff to be re-appointed by public vote.

who here absolutely enthralled with the american election?

like fuck me its so fucking funny. redpilling the less news-centric people i know is so easy with all this controversy. Hardly any care about the trump tapes.

I'm going to be sad when it's all over.

First get to murdoch media and get em

then flog the execs at these stations, make sure you get em

Then ambush the live feeds and scream pepe and make sure you get em

Then profit and get em

You retards realise that independent bodies have found that the ABC has a conservative bias right?

Who the fuck watches free to air TV? I torrent everything and have netflix for the kids

Medium kek


>tfw get the sbs newsletter and have to read through all the leftie garbage to find out when vs arashi is coming back

t. Melbcuck

De-fund them. Privatise.

Or this.

'Normies' still do, and it isn't even age related or computer skill/torrent knowledge related. People still watch that garbage, and are still exposed to TV ads because they see it as normal.

it was much funnier than the 2012 erections thats fore sure

>Sup Forums fucking memed trump into winning
if he actually does win it will make my life

>independent bodies
sound like they need to be gassed