Do americans really not believe in evolution?
Do americans really not believe in evolution?
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Ron Paul was the best candidate in 2008. He was a successful medical doctor with an excellent grasp of economics and policy. And he doesn't believe in evolution.
It's a stupid litmus test. Literally nothing in a politician's job description depends on belief in evolution, and that's coming from someone who has the background and education to actually understand the process of evolution (unlike underwater basketweaving liberal "I fucking love science" idiots).
Wtf dude how young are you? You do realize the understanding of evolution and how it occurs is common knowledge, right? Any self respecting person who isn't retarded knows. Just saying that makes it seem like you don't have the "background and education
T. Dude who got a B- in genetics and evolution
Why is he so obsessed with Atheism?
That amount of obsession is usually reserved for teenagers.
Science is a Jewish conspiracy designed to erode Christian faith and belief in God. Why do you think there were so many Jewish scientists like Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr, Feynman, Oppenheimer, Von Neumann, Salk etc.
I can't believe you guys are still falling for the science meme. Science is only popular because they currently control the creation story (Big Bang Theory). In human cultures, a lot of power has always been given to the people who control the creation story: shamans, priests, Popes, etc.
define evolution, its just a word , adaptation of a animal is science , a bird to a dinosaur is not
Funny how all the people who believe in it are also the least evolved.
Have you seen his work? It's comedy for edgy teenagers, that's his shtick.
He was raped by a priest in his childhood.
Here are my beliefs as an american. Judge it how you want kraut.
I believe micro evolution happens. All though that is more of a factor of environment.
I believe that humans did not all come from africa as humans. I believe homo-erectus came out way before then and we all evolved seperately to our conditions with micro evolution over a million years. The fact that all asians are related to a specific set of homo erectus proves this and the fact that some russian scientists deduced that no purely white male is related genetically to any 13 subclads of african dna.
I think most european humans today evolved from a form of european white humans and neanderthals mixing together.
I think that white humans are more evolved as they needed to adapt to different circumstances better.
I think africans are more closely related to the original ancestors and so are australian aborigines.
Do germans really believe in multiculturalism?
We do.
It's just the media loves to portray the minority as the majority.
just because Tim Kaine is catholic doesnt mean he denies evolution
Reminder that Pence is a time traveller who was genetically engineered.
The earth is 6000 years old.
It was created in 7 days.
Jesus loves you.
>believing in evolution
Then why isn't it in the Bible?
So wait do you accept macro evolution or not?
If you think science is based, I suggest you get of your computer, get rid of your modern clothes, get out of your house, and go into africa to live in a mud hut.
You fucking idiot.
Here's a video of Pence talking about evolution.
Holy shit, I don't agree with what he says, but god damn is he a charismatic motherfucker. He's gonna be a fun vice-president.
Why should it be? Its the works of god people would not even understand when the bible was writen
It's not that retarded of a litmus test because it's almost on par with thinking the earth is flat. Ya I don't really need the president to know the earth is round but it'd be really fucking dumb and an embarrassment if he or she didn't know that.
>it's just a word
How can you define something without words?
Also I disagree that a bird to a dinosaur is not
>my theory is more correct than your theory
why would you believe in something there is no proof of?
No I think very subtle changes happen over a long period of time.
There is no such thing as "macro-evolution".
He is posting this in every thread, its obviously a shill.
ignore it.
it feeds upon (you)'s
Évolution ie adaptation is spoken about directly in the book of genesis as is the big bang.
>"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."
Daily reminder the evolution is not proven
K glad I can disregard your opinion then.
In the year two-thousand sixteen, we have an adult man who thinks Family Guy is funny.
I wish christians would just not take the old testament literally. its older than shit and translated far more than the new(guessing). If genesis could not be taken literally we could almost live in peace with evolution happening in the "7 days" so on so forth but noo thats just too much for people who were fear mongered in their childhood WEW
ok now post smug anime girls and tell me im going to hell
Consider the following: time is know to occur at different rates in heaven and earth
>"2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
Checked boi
So where exactly is the evidence for macroevolution again?
Yeah, thought so.
I don't have any smug anime girls...
I think...
Quantum physics proves that nothing can exist without conscious observers guiding wave functions to collapse from probability clouds of superpositions into a concrete reality. These collapses propagate backwards through "time" to spontaneously generate an entire plausible past spanning billions of years which adequately explains the present. This means any evidence of evolution is actually just evidence that quantum physics is fucking amazing. The only explanation for quantum physics is God. Go tip your fedora in heavy traffic you washed up faggot.
Macro evolution is simply a vague term to describe everything as it is. It is simply a series of micro evolutions and adaptations to create certain organisms the way they are to their respective environments.
Vague has no place in science and "K" as a response makes you sound like a woman.
Its a word what means many things , some people will even think that evolution caused the beginning of life
(you're going to hell)
Honestly kraut, most Americans aren't smart enough to comprehend evolution, and probably couldn't even tell you what evolution is.
>It is simply a series of micro evolutions
Just out of interest, have you people ever calculated how many lottery chances of "beneficial mutations" does a fish have to to evolve into a lizard or however you imagine this worked?
For this to work, more than one fish would have to mutate the exact same way and to mate with another mutated fish to carry over the mutation, and this would have to repeat millions of times, discarding all non-beneficial mutations, and those that don't lead to a lizard, and so on.
So what are the mathematical chances of something like that ever happening, come on, I'm sure you know.
And you have all those millions of transitional fossils between the fish and the lizard lying around somewhere too, right?
So if space did not exist with life it would not exist at all?
The fact that it does exist proves there is something always observing it?
I just accept that what has happened over a span of millions of years cannot be fully understood and explained by roughly 150 years of scientists working on it.
Whether or not we evolved from amoebas, is irrelavant to modern political issues.
Sleepy doctor
Blame the south and the midwest, politicians have to play around with their delusions to get elected since the average evangelical is very religious yet incapable of reading their own bible.
1.)How was the first cell created?
2.)how could that cell "evolve" to reproduce a sexually considering we know about cell mal-mutations (cancer) and cell destruction
3.)no current evidence of active evolution (barring the Australian abo)
The only volution I need is Revolution.
how does that in any way disprove evolution? Since as i view it evolution is a more of a how and not a why.
Evolution as a why is currently stuck at an impasses since essentially we would need DNA from some sort of alien creatures not from earth, since all living being on earth to at least a tiny fucking extent share similar DNA, to compare with. The findings of which could be used to move forward with what exactly is life and then possibly as to why.
I'm american and let me tell you
>Be 20s aged Murican
>Live amoungst vast retardation
>20fags get all their brainwash food from social media
>Believe everything on facebook, and videos they see on social
>Can not comprehend a conversation about anything relevant other than the Norm Conversations and being politically correct
>Scared of being white privileged because they might be seen as racist
>Dominated by group think and what others think about them
>Absolutely fucking gimzoloard of retardation and social innuendo head fucking cancer feeding illogical cesspool garbage
>Trump bad because he say bad tings
Fucking kill me Internationals Let me come to your homeland
>3.)no current evidence of active evolution (barring the Australian abo)
Wait, has someone actually observed them evolving into anything?
It's not a vague term at all. Of course it is a series of micro evolutions over a a long enough period of time, then a divergence in species happens so you need a new classification.
Organisms did evolve from other organisms this is fact. However, your assertion that all beings evolved from fish are incorrect. Very basic organisms evolved to their environments differently. This means cellular organisms on hot shallow rocks evolved differently than organisms in the bottom of the ocean by volcanic heat. You see one thing needed to survive with certain things and the other did not.
Everything around us has adapted perfectly to their surroundings over a very very long period of time. It all happened when most likely a meteorite filled with RNA material crash landed and heated up due to the volcanic nature of our early earth.
Life finds a way no matter what circumstances it is in. This is proven by extremophiles and the fact they can survive in volcanoes and the deep vacuum of space.
We adapted for different reasons. We might of even had alien intervention but that is more of a conspiracy.
18% of the posters on pol are in the 12 - 18 year old range
>>Everything around us has adapted perfectly to their surroundings over a very very long period of time.
This is why literally every form of living organism suddenly appeared in the Cambrian era at the exact same time, right?
>Organisms did evolve from other organisms this is fact.
Ok, show me one species evolving into another then. And the math behind it.
I'll agree with you and post smug anime girls. You can be Christian and not be retarded. Evangelicals and "born agains" should have been gassed. Mormons should be burned as the heretics they are, along with Jehovah's Witnesses for good measure. As an additional advantage American farms can be run by people capable of growing more than fucking corn on subsidies.
Checked, and Lance Franklin or Samantha Harris come to mind as abos who have "evolved" to not huff gasoline and present themselves clothed and not drunk in the streets
>they may be mixed, idk I'm just a humble American
and were left with 400 pound autistic basement dwellers who fuck pillows
Based Kangaroo and Emufuckers.
Of course we do you idiot our country was founded on it in 1776
Kamikaze is a qt girl, don't insult her you stupid leaf.
>In [current year]
>Insert science/atheism related sentence
>Republicans are stupid!
This hack hasn't had an original thought in his entire life.
Here's the thing, bud.
Here in America, you have the freedom to believe in it or not.
That's what is so fuckin' great.
stfu faggot kraut and go watch your sister get assraped by turks
>that's what is so fuckin' great.
Then why do you want to make it great again?
Checkmate burger flippers.
it literaly is irelevant what you beliefe.
facts are not an opinion.
>Americans unironicly think they have more freedom because they're uneducated.
Keep it up the good work burgers.
Nice to see someone else who's in my wheelhouse. Realizing science and religion go hand-in-hand is the reddest o pills
>Keep it up the good work burgers.
>Keep it up the good work burgers.
What organisms have evolved into other organisms?
It is not that one organism evolved into another I was simply expressing the fact that one organism adapted over along period of time into another. And no I do not believe in most of the "scientific" analysis that does not revolve around a very specific fossil transition.
There is no organism that has completely transferred to another organism to my knowledge. I am simply building on an exiting platform hence why I support micro evolution and not macro evolution.
also I will be gone for about 30 minutes if someone wants to bump this thread until I am gone that would be appreciated.
no, most of america does not understand how evolution works.
T. Dude who has to work retail
Most Americans accept evolution, but a large minority (42%) do not
This jewish fag's agenda alone is more dangerous than the people who doesn't give a shit about evolution or what.
I'm embarrassed to share a country, much less a board, with so many idiots.
Evolution is real. It's a well-established and fully accepted scientific theory. No other explanation even comes close in explaining the origin of life and so much of the world around us.
But no, I think I'll deny this in place of an old book (which contains countless contradictions) which says we came from Adam and Eve and a magic garden with talking snakes and poison apples. I know this book to be correct because it's the word of god and I know god is real and authored this book because he says so right here in this book.
Religion was invented to control the masses. It appeals to our fear of the unknown (death) and promises untold riches if only we behave. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever for the existence of god, much less one who cares for and meddles in the affairs of humans.
>Do americans really not believe in evolution?
Christian Zionists who are cucked by the Schoffield bible version of low-church evangelical Christianity, yes. Muslims also don't believe in evolution, and since Germany is majority Muslim, that makes our idiots like your idiots.
We are a majority German in terms of ethnic origins though. The old kind of German, not the neo-german stock.
Do you really believe everything your told?
After reading all this, I've come to terms that Americans are fucktards.
>I believe
>I think
Neither of these things matter. Go read a fucking book. This is just... Its just sad really.
>>There is no organism that has completely transferred to another organism to my knowledge.
So we agree that macroevolution doesn't exist then.
I have no problem with microevolution, but that's not what most people consider to be "evolution".
Even 10 years ago when I was a teenager I never understood liberal obsession over evolution denial.
To this day I see evolution denial as dumb, but it's such a trivial issue to the point I just don't think about it. And yet on sites frequented by liberals (e.g. reddit), they can't stop mentioning it.
What is obviously important is keeping countries white because demographics are destiny. Why the disconnect?
>best parts of America are French
really makes you think
Ever watch Family Guy? It's the same unfunny high-school tier jokes every single episode
I also want to add that blacks probably heavily skew "American views toward evolution", just as blacks and non-whites skew every American metric.
The Bible only says that god created a bunch of animals.
It doesn't say how or how long it took. Sure, there's the seven days thing, but there is nothing stating that it's literally seven days.
At the very least, it shows how god dooms snakes to lose their legs. Which is plainly evolution, though a directed version.
Then again, according to the bible, space is actually water and the sky is the only thing preventing it from seeping onto our planet.
>Which is plainly evolution
"hey remember that time when (pop culture reference) happened"
I just summarized probably 50% of the shows dialogue.
>implying all the failed state nigger slums like New Orleans are the "best parts"
No wonder the French race is going the way of the Portugese.
>Quantum physics proves that nothing can exist without conscious observers guiding wave functions to collapse from probability clouds of superpositions into a concrete reality.
Definition of observer: Something that fucks with the quantum stuff in order to see it.
No shit the probability wave collapses if you shoot energy at it or close half of the double-split to guarantee that it can only go through the other slit.
I fucking hate the quantum jerkers.
The only baffling thing about quantum physics is the double slit experiment when you dial it down to singular photons.
A flat earther president wouldn't send troops overseas since he'll think they'll fall off the edge.
In the 1800's people actually believe monkeys evolved into Humans and some sadly still do.
There does have to be an explanation on how Humans inhabited planet earth. Without God you would have to believe in what they call some type of evolution because there is simply no other explanation.
But if you believe in God, he could have created things in a Mature state such as Humans, Planets, Sun etc which is actually the more reasonable logical choice because the Sun being at a point to sustain life and human's naturally "evolving" would be astronomical.
>The old kind of German
The one that ran from their nation? Really makes me laugh.
Can you please post a kind of bait that doesn't require a complete imbecile to bite?
I feel insulted by your bait skills.
>At the very least, it shows how god dooms snakes to lose their legs. Which is plainly evolution,
riddle me this armchair scientist. Why do observed genetic variation rates do no explain the diversity found in life, even given the absurdly long time periods.
This is the just a margin of error. It's off by magnitudes.