Wow really gets my atoms activated

wow really gets my atoms activated

just watch the live rallies. Trump always get over 10k even some +30k, Hillary gets ~50-1k. Keep thinking

>b-but the Russians were watching it!

View count =/= voter count.
It's really sad to see you Drumpfkins grasping at straws like this. The reason why Drumpf's speech has a few more views than Hilldawg's is because all of his supporters are fat neckbeard neets that spend too much time on the internet. Don't worry though, you'll all be put out of your misery come next week.

I know I was

OMG just stop you pathetic Drumpflets


Oh shit, you really corrected my record there. How will I ever recover?

>le enthusiasm gap maymay
You can bet we're enthused. Trust me, we'll do our utmost to make sure your orange clown doesn't get anywhere near the Oval Office. Youtube view counts are meaningless. If anything, half of those viewers were probably just there to laugh at him.

You sir have uncorrected the corrected record for the deplorables

The difference in crowd volumes is laughable. Trump gets cheers, chants and applause while Hillary's crowd sounds like a handful of women who go "yeah!" when Hillary calls Trump a racist bigot.

O.5 shekels have been deposited, good job.

Fuck off drumpfhkinlets have you never heard of strategically smaller viewer counts? ???

>Humpf, we'll do our utmost to make sure your drumpf doesn't get anywhere near the Oval Office

Yeah we know yall will. We all watched Project Veritas


If this is really what you believe it's very sad you don't see this as a huge problem for your country. You're either stupid or bought, there can be no other reason for thinking this is okay for a representative democracy.


Here's your (((You)))

>Trump campaigning in Wisconsin
>Hillary in Florida

Really fires the neurons, senpai

It just shows that Trumplets are no-life nerd virgins and Hillary supporters have lives

the majority of hillary voters will never see one of her rallies and vote based on what the media says