Are most film/tv opinions just contrarian? Pic Related

Is there no objective truth to film as art?

How can people unanimously hate a film for years and then ardent defenders pop-up out of nowhere? Obviously, tastes change - but how do the objective facts change? Is it just newfags coming up with more degenerate opinions?

Attached: ThePhantomMenace0.jpg (670x505, 59K)

It's just that once a few years pass, and the general opinion becomes quite rooted in people's mind, a few guys want to appear edgy by going against the flow

I think there are distinct truths on what makes a good movie.. especially a pop film. If you don't stick to those conventions and do them well you made a bad film.

I'm just wondering how people are brainwashed away from that.

Plenty of people defended it when it came out for being a nice fun generic blockbuster. And while "it's a kids movie" doesn't excuse its flaws, the truth is that it does have elements that appeal to children. I honestly don't see much contrarianism in its defense.

I spent the better part of 1999 and 2000 defending The Phantom Menace online. After 9/11 I said fuck it. When I saw how shitty AOTC was I didn't watch Sith till I got the DVD as a birthday gift.

and then there are the people who genuinely hold that opinion, who always get lumped in with the contrarians by faggots who can't fathom why someone wouldn't agree with the majority

It's almost as tho there is more than one person, weird I know. Also
Pick one and only one. Objective facts can be beautiful, but art requires an artist.

So the endless soap opera close-up scenes, the clunky narrative, and poorly formed characters not only appeal to children they are excusable because you saw it as a kid?

I grew up watching adult films as a kid. Robocop and Predator. I loved them. Isn't making it a dumbed down kids film already a defect?

They are certainly bad movies but there is plenty to hold a child's attention, its not all boring speeches in the senate, there's plenty of glowstick action too.

There's defending it as "it's not the biggest turd ever" and there's "this is the best SW movie"

>How can people unanimously hate a film for years and then ardent defenders pop-up out of nowhere?

when something OBJECTIVELY WORSE comes out, ie: disney nu-wars.

The flaws in *ALL* of disney nu-wars are so bad that they shifted the range of 'worst/best star wars movies' to a whole new spectrum.

all the disney nu-wars films are marvel-tier qip fests in star wars dressing.

the prequel trilogy films, while not flawless, were a modern day feat of storytelling.

the 6 lucas star wars film were all unprecedented cultural phenomenons, ALLof them, even the phantom menace, maybe even especially the phantom menace because it was the first 'new', non OT star wars film we ever got.

in contrats the disney nu-wars films are just meh-tier yearly entertainment productions

of the prequals, II is really bad, and outside of some of the costumes and no one really defends it much.

III is a decent film, and was said so even back in the time, you can see that it had a huge jump in sales due to good word of mouth.

The 1st one has always been kinda a odd movie. Some of it really works (Qui-Gon Jinn - Obi wan, the pod racing sequence) some of it does not (its a kid actor and the kid actor doesn't work).

It become a good blockbuster that everyone has seen now. And it old enough that adults will have nostalgia factor in it.

True. I can understand defending it as watchable but shitty... but I mean people who hold it up as real kino and make it's flaws into artistic decisions. It's a level of stupid that we've reached where people just want to man the other side of the line.

I was in college and saw it in the theater on opening night. It was OK. I was in denial for a day or so but that wore off quickly.

No I'm talking about actual children who think Jar Jar is funny, the pod racing is exciting and the final battle sequence at the end is lots of fun.

>Are most film/tv opinions just contrarian?

I always liked the phantom menace, only numales hate it

Right.. I mean as a child I found R2D2 and C3po funny.. but the dialogue was funny for adults too. it was a more sophisticated humor than fart jokes. That's objective and easy to measure.

Also, kids can't like to sit through 30 min stretches of crap to see a funny animal fart?

I've always loved this film regardless of what others say. Whether I like or dislike something is the most objective meter to date

fair enough

>Whether I like or dislike something is the most objective meter to date.

But user, that's subjective. Are you mentally retarded?