cast your vote and then it shows data for various countries. does this reflect the opinion of your country or are you the silent minority.
If the whole world got to vote
Other urls found in this thread:
>19.9% Trump
I would like to apologise for my cuck country, I would have hoped for a better result after Brexit.
>Results for Latvia
>53.9% Trump
>46.1% Hillary
Probably raided by Russian liberal faggots
There's a different internet poll that had Trump at somewhere around 75%.
*Honhonhon intensifies*
Fucking FROGS!
Here's the other internet poll
How did Poland end up being so uncucked?
The frogs knows, they Always knows.
Captcha:avinguda barclay
All the cucks moved to the UK
>rest of the world can't actually vote
phew thank god for that
That's true.
Because of EU the UK has sucked up all the cucks from other countries like a sponge.
it's down for me.
Of course austria. That’s why hofer almost won
Don't believe this bullshit
You don't want to see the results for Sweden.
>Belarus 54.6% Clinton
Yeah sure, I guess even our media don't lie so much
ausfag signing in
Our MSM is all for Hillary - nothing but bad Trump publicity. Not surprised by the result, our country is full of sheep and each part of it is becoming a nanny state.
>believing meme polls
hi i'm from some agency collecting data for re-education camps
who would you be voting in the us presidential elections if you can vote?
Rigged poll
top kek
>Russia: 93% Trump
Why do Russians hate Clinton so bad?
She wants to start war with Russia, she's pro-ISIS and she constantly blames Russia for exposing her corruption.
She's aggresive towards them. This result is no supprise.
Someone from Czech Republic vote in this it's a tie right now.
Russians aren't fans of having nuclear bombs dropped on their head. How dare they, huh?
That's bullshit, isn't half Austria nazi?
Always do the opposite of what the competition recommends.
Canada supports Trump
Internet polls are not scientific.
The kind of people who would vote for Trump are in different circles than people who would vote for Hillary.
We see this everywhere.
Trump supporters are more likely to be on Sup Forums. Hillary supporters are more likely to be on Tumblr and reddit. All the poll numbers show is that Tumblr people got to the polls first.
Share it and it will soon be reversed.
No fuck off with this rigged shit we landslided it before and then they just resetted and rigged it. Sad!
Basically we're 50% cucks and 50% shitlords.
Lol still a tie.
>Clinton 82%
Explain yourselves, Pajeets.
The whole world is incredibly stupid.
Leaf once did something right.
>Sweden: 65%
Like pottery
You just need 20 votes for Trump. Not hard to do. There's probably at least a 100 Chess Republic people on Sup Forums at this time.
But america is below average according to this poll senpai
>73 %
I didn't thought it would be this many
Dear world
Please send nukes
Le frog master race reporting in. We know damn well what is going on. Does this mean Le Pen 2017?
Not bad
>25.9% Trump
Just want my little girl to have a future without a madman going to war with everyone dude. You should have picked Rubio
A newspaper said that 90% of people would vote Clinton.
They are delusionnal
>Kangaroo intellectuals
Which (((newspaper))) is this?
>without a madman going to war with everyone
So why would you support Clinton?
Shitty bantz, Australia.
(((BFM))). There was an article about it
They aren't even trying.
oh look, most of the world would vote for more gibs me dats.
Higher than I would of thought considering how the msm have covered the election over here.
green-leftist propaganda
Ask me how does it feel to live in such a based country.
Pretty great desu fimfams.
Eat a fucking Dolphin you slant eyed nip
Nah not her. Just wouldn't vote
Kek everyone I talk to today is becoming more and more redpilled. The fucked up thing is though I still see many coalburners. I swear women might be the reason we wont get Le Pen in office
Get rid of the gypsies to bro.
Fuckin had to bash one last I was over there, trying to pick pocket me.
We are full of cucks who don't know shit about politics
Yeah i know. Sweden are cucks. Also last week the media in Sweden have been bashing trump nonstop.
>mexico, china, saudi arabia, sweden, (((kenya)))
>russia, anglosphere, france, germany, (((israel)))
I love memes.
74% would vote for Clinton, not a suprise when you see how much state tv and other outlets shill for her.
Somalis might even be just as big of a problem. We need to deport many, many people to properly uncuck our nation.
If you saw the results for russia maybe you would realize that ita actually eu and nato dick suckers that are afraid nato wont defend us if trump becomes president
This is bullshit. US is not 75% hillary.. or is it?