Sup Forums, would you allow beggars begging in the street? Or should it be forbidden?
I am conflicted and would like your opinion
On the one hand they are disgusting and some are working for mobsters.
On the other hand, it is a victimless crime and could be seen as an exercise of free speech
Charles Sanders
>create non profit org >go around asking hobos if they want jobs and that the pay is 9 dollars per hour >they say no >immediately exterminate
Aaron Jenkins
pretty brutal
William Jones
"Here you go. That's for the dog. That's not for you. You get him something to eat. No not you. It's for the dog."
Andrew Flores
>pays 9 dollars per hour >taxes their paycheck for 40% every two weeks >actually only makes about 6.50 per hour.
gee, no wonder they don't wanna work. if you paid em in cash and didn't report the work they might actually be OK with it.
Parker Nguyen
I heard there's a country (forget where) if you want to beg, you have to do so prostrated, with a cup put in front of you
So you have to lay there prostrate, no sign allowed, only begging fully submitted to the people, or you have to do something like juggle, play music, etc so it encourages working
Again I forget what country this is
Hunter Wood
Whats the point here? You think this would be feasible?
Actually, checking wikipedia on the subject, it seems that ~650.000 people are homeless in American, with ~44% being employed.
How can you be employed, yet still be homeless? Nice minimum wage there, murifats.
Jacob Cox
Public space, who cares.
Jack Russell
Jayden Ward
Pretty sure that's based Japan.
>They even made robots to cuck beggars.
Isaiah Reyes
Idgaf, I just don't want these bastards knocking on my car windows at every traffic light. It raises my autism.
Angel Anderson
it depends on the skin colour of the homeless person
Nathaniel Brooks
>Sup Forums, would you allow beggars begging in the street?
I'd round them up and give them a job and a place to stay... surrounded by plenty of barbwire and watchtowers.
Benjamin Gomez
>Sup Forums, would you allow beggars begging in the street? No, I will give them a job, because there is always a job to be done. Jobless and homeless people are caused by capitalism and its disgusting way to treat humanity.
Caleb Perry
I see that a lot in Korea actually.
Brayden Ramirez
I don't mind beggars, especially if they do some sort of performance or something, but it's when they hassle you about getting change that it gets really upsetting.
I live in LA, and I can't be out and about around town without having a few people asking me for some change. I try to give out when I can, but it does get really annoying that I feel like I have to be on guard 24/7.
Jaxon Barnes
Begging was forbidden during Soviet communism. Plus everyone had a place to live, even if some of the places may not have been the nicest, but there was no such thing as homelessness. As soon as communism fell, organized rings of panhandlers appeared. Western degeneracy like this is why many people in Eastern Europe actually miss the communist days.
Isaiah Stewart
you have 3 evils to choose between, inefficiency, evil or laissez faire
historically, statistically, logically, by far the best option is do nothing. in a society where the government isn't wasting money on retarded welfare programs or homeless programs people will have more money left over to give to the homeless and the homeless will have an easier time getting jobs if there are fewer regulations and less tax
in fact, the reason most homeless people exist in the first place is not laziness, not ignorance or genetic misfortune. it is 99.99% of the time due to a arrogant government program that keeps the job market alive artificially until everything goes to hell and millions of people lose their jobs at the same time. the market simply can't adapt quick enough and a lot of people just give up on life
Aiden Parker
I don't really have a problem with people begging for money. I don't give them any usually because I work for my money but they have the freedom to ask.
That sounds nice and expensive, where is the money for these watchtowers coming from?
Camden Long
Fucking no. My local homeless shelter has 150 beds, most are empty. Labor ready pays hobos 80$ for 6 hours work.
Get off my fucking street.
Thomas Murphy
by taxing the regular, working people of course :)
just like how it is now!
Asher Bell
You are posting from a country that specifically disproves what you are saying kike.
Nicholas Ramirez
i dont mind them begging on the street/outside shops. its when they go on into the train and beg is what pisses me off.
Luke Parker
No, it's disgraceful and ruins the face of the city which will fuck with tourist money.
Christopher Cox
They make way more than me I need to be homeless.
Andrew Davis
I go the Vlad way
>"Dracula was very concerned that all his subjects work and contribute to the common welfare. He once noticed that the poor, vagrants, beggars and cripples had become very numerous in his land. Consequently, he issued an invitation to all the poor and sick in Wallachia to come to Târgoviste for a great feast, claiming that no one should go hungry in his land. As the poor and crippled arrived in the city they were ushered into a great hall where a fabulous feast was prepared for them. The princes guests ate and drank late into the night, when Dracula himself made an appearance. 'What else do you desire? Do you want to be without cares, lacking nothing in this world,' asked the prince. When they responded positively Dracula ordered the hall boarded up and set on fire. None escaped the flames. Dracula explained his action to the boyars by claiming that he did this, 'in order that they represent no further burden to others so that no one will be poor in my realm."
Isaac Rodriguez
At the one hand, it's essentially a victimless crime, as long as the beggars don't actually harass people. Why should we criminalize poor people who just want to make a living? Also, such a ban would eliminate street buskers and performers, an important element of city culture.
At the other hand, if such a ban was enacted across Europe, we could crash Romanian economy. With no survivors.
Samuel Butler
Evan Ross
I'd make it illegal and people beggimg in the streets should be detained for 24h before being released.
That way real beggars wouldn't even mind getting caught since it means warm meal and a bed, while organized beggars i.e. gypos would move away since it would be a time waste for them
Nathaniel Edwards
>street performers >important element
more like an annoying element in city culture.
Wyatt Hall
Beggars are mafia. Always were. Our beggars get 30000 roubles(~470 dollars) daily on "sweet spots". That's a huge amount of shit. You absolutely cannot take it unless you give crimelords their cut. I don't think other countries have it differently, the profits are way too good for crime bosses to give up on them. They mutilate people to force them to beg. They(especially gypsies) steal WHITE infants and drug them. Anyone who gives money to these parasites are supporting organized crime. When you see beggar, immediately call the police. But of course, just outright purging them would be much better.
Henry Thompson
>Anyone who gives money to these parasites are supporting organized crime. Definitely true when it comes to gypsies, but I honestly doubt the liquor store hobos are connected.
Henry Anderson
In eastern yurop they most certainly are, slavs and ex-commies are always soft for these sorts of social parasites, and it brings money. When it brings money you betcha some criminal mind eventually would "take" them under his "protection".
Angel Evans
>give them soup >with a fork
Hunter Perez
>No one will be poor in my realm >Because I burned them all alive
The absolute Vladman.
Lucas Davis
I'm not sure if a career criminal could really be bothered to shake down an old hobo who collects maybe 50 zlotys (about 12 dollars) daily and immediately spends most of it on cheap wine. Besides, many businesses pay protection money - by your logic we should avoid buying anything.
Justin Green
I don't like beggars in Aus. Those faggots make bank, tax free. Years ago I remember one slag who would always be riding around on a fucking fancy ass mountain bike or using her fancy ass brand new mobile phone.
Bitch always had a sob story and was scamming her way into people's wallets with bullshit stories about how her mum got cancer and died and shit. Fucking Brisbane has loads of hobos for some reason.
I dunno if other cities are as bad but fuck them all, there's little excuse to be a hobo in aus, ESPECIALLY if you are abo or a woman.
Joseph Peterson
Of course there are genuine alcohol addicts, but some of them might make more than 50 zlotys and just play it. Begging is really profitable business, at least here and I see no reason why it won't be in Poland or any other country. As for my logic, it dictates that we should exterminate parasites, including criminal parasites - quarries or other hard work happy camps will be good for them to abandon their ways, if not then that's their problem. Criminals should pay their denbt to society with hard slave labour, not sitting in comfortable concrete boxes.
Grayson Brown
atleast he was nice enough to feed them first...
Jason Miller
you should have payed her for sex.
Mason Thomas
He is minding the Doggo. Beggars without a Doggo should be gassed.
Keep hustling, Pupper!
Liam Jenkins
Fucking hell I'd rather kill myself or get killed than be homeless in Russia