I want to name my son Lleyelyn, after pic related, its kinda an feminine name, should i not go through with it?
Also do names have any effect on who someone will be once they mature? Besides tyrome being a future inmate?
I want to name my son Lleyelyn, after pic related, its kinda an feminine name, should i not go through with it?
Also do names have any effect on who someone will be once they mature? Besides tyrome being a future inmate?
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Name your kid after your Mom or Dad you stupid nigger.
$20 says he shoots up his senior prom
Just name him Lewis you dumb nigger
Yes they do.
My son is named after a certain civil-war era Doctor.
Care to guess?
Unless you're from the South it's not going to work you dumb shit
niggER BOY
God Americans are such faggots.
Name your child after a national/ancestral hero not a fucking TV character.
Unless you are 100% ethnically Welsh Lleyelyn is not a legitimate choice.
For a mystery meat American the following are good choices. They both give the child a great historical figure to empathise with and aren't fucking ridiculous;
Im only 50 miles from the border
Im going to make that his or her middle name
The only historical figure id name my son after is either andrew or theodore, and maybe york
>sire a new human life into this world, our reality, and giving it its own reality
>endless possibilities and paths for such a life to pursue
>name him after a fictional movie character
He'll probably hate it regardless.
There you go, great names of great men. Will create a strong and proud personality for your child. 10/10.
>Naming your children and legacy after Hollywood movie characters
No, thats not effeminate at all, go ahead and name your kid Brooklyn or whatever the fuck. Kid's finished
If you're from Texas, Mike, Tom or Red (or the spanish equivalent)
The dude from No Country is badass but the name is meh. He needs a catchy middle name (maybe something german if youre from texas)
If you want to ruin his life that sounds like a great name
But some TV characters are heroes fagget
I remember seeing that movie and thinking that is a girl's name
This guy's got the right idea. Go with an old man's name
Don't do it, your son is going to get made fun of all throughout his young life which will lead to self image issues, possibly ruining his chance at a brilliant future. Do not give your son a feminine name. Also it will be more stress you'll have to deal with as a father.
Shit name OP unless your welsh name him after your ancestry
Call him Anton Chigurh, but have it as all his first name so his full name is Anton Chigurh [last name]
Maybe I overstated myself a bit, but really your heroes should come from your family or your history; not whatever the kikes allowed to be broadcast on TV.
But god damn do i like Lleyelyn....
Is red a common name at all anywhere? Ive never met anyone named red. In my life....but it sounds bretty good
It's Llewellyn, you stupid burgers, and it's a Welsh name
>naming your child after a one-off fictional moving picture character
i can only imagine the other stellar life choices you have made
Lleyelyn is fucking gay.
Im going to impregnate my bitch and raise him to bully your faggot ass kid
I know a Llywelyn, good luck getting his name spelled correctly ever
Also get the fuck out of pol
You might start be learning that it's "Llewelyn", you dumb cracker.
his name is actually Llewelyn....
If this is true explain a boy named sue, checkmate 6vmQZWHg
He fuckin dies at the end of that movie op...
>not passing down your family's names to your children so they can pass them down to theirs
>based Greek naming customs
That song was written at a time when we had more cowboys than trannies
Llewellyn is a common name in the UK (especially Wales) and not made fun of at all
yes studies have shown those with normal, christian names like David do much better in life because they're harder to make fun of throughout school. Don't be an asshole.
Name him something more manly
like Kimber
Im aware, whats your point here?
Ok you fuckers, Lleyeyln is off the table now, im not naming my kid after my dad, only because his name is 200% bean as a middle name sure, i was named after my moms dad, dude was a drunk wife beater who rose hell in the trailer park day and night until he died at the ripe age of 30
Naming your kid after your dad is more of a nod to your dad than anything,
Unfortunately everytime I hear that song in a bar the boy named Sue is being made fun of for being a fag. Not trying to be rude, but no joke.
Name him something cool like Maximilian or something, I don't know. Anything that sounds really masculine.
Also, congratulations dude. :)
Seriously though, I think everyone looks up th meaning of their name at some point. It might be an inspiration for them in youth and young adulthood, or it might be a reminder of how poorly prepared of a parent you were.
Lol, I just remembered when my younger brother "named his future children" - Scorpius!
>or it might be a reminder of how poorly prepared of a parent you were.
If only you knew, i just moved out this year into a used mobile home, land is nice tho, but money is tight.
Alright, yall done convinced me, ill name him something a lil more manly, like john, or andrew or maybe red like one user suggested, hell if the don does a good job these next few months i might just name him donald,....which makes his nickname donny, i like that, well anyway, i got time to figure it out, if i do name him donald expect a thread.
Thanks to all you faggots who replied,
Sorry to spam, also some cool names I want to name my first born; Gregor, Gideon, Harold, Sigurd, Paul, etc.
Look up your family lineage and your blood and name him something your ancestors would've been named. Again though, it's your kid so you do whatever you want.
My first son is Theodore, we call him Theo.
My next son will be Julian
my name is Fernando is a cool name , lads
that blog post sucks
no political point
just a cuck exposing his insecurities to whatever schmo who wants to read them
call your nu male son evelyn as much as you want
you fucking retarded spergs should be executed
Kikie McHeeb seems like a fine choice
Its a gay name. Go ahead and name him Sue and get it over with.
Are you from southern France?
yeah thats a faggot name I would bully a faggot named lleyeleleylylele
you should kill yourself for being such a terrible father.
>names son after character in No Country For Old Men
>not named Anton
How can you be such a faggot!?