Who would win in a fight?
My money is on Jessica Jones!
Who would win in a fight?
My money is on Jessica Jones!
Would Jessica humiliate her opponent by rubbing his face in her thick arm hair or goblin feet?
no one cares
No matter who wins her loose white pusy will become even looser
Fuck off Sup Forums
Jessica Jones would win in a fight. Black panther would win a rape
she's a coalburner so she'll just suck his dick
You MotherFucker! That's not how Fucking pussies work!
Fucking asshole!
>thick arm hair
literally all my hnng tbf
>watching Season 2
>Episode 1
>Speech about Women finally getting a chance tomake it in [field] after getting dicked over and looked over for decades
>ah ok, alright, bit obvious as insert but yeah, but power to you, the struggle. sister. I can deal
>Episode 2
>15 year old actress getting diddled by the director threaten to come forward with the truth.
Fucking hell. I mean, I'm left leaning myself but can these shows give it a fucking rest? I had the same issue with Orange is the new Black Season 4 (at least more than the other seasons). I KNOW the troubles and injustices of the real world. I KNOW that cops killed a black man by pushing him down, I KNOW that Chelsea Manning is being held under terrible conditions and tried to kill herself. I KNOW all that shit because I read the fucking news. So unless you have a REAL GOOD point to make in your show, why are you showing me that shit again? It doesn't enhance the story, it takes you out of it. I hope this trend gets fucking killed.
Her arm hair is not Fucking thick!
A friend and I used to joke about this girl. She was a well known slut. We summarized that she could no longer even feel if a penis was inside her. She also went beyond fisting. She was just such a slut that the only way she enjoyed it was if you shoved your leg up there!
my dick
>Who would win in a fight?
the race mixing propaganda jews
poor little white boy
You could get your whole arm up that bitch and use her as a hand puppet
>ironic speech by Jeri
>talks about how its HER turn
>immediately goes back and calls her assistant a slut after being sued for sexual harassment
I don't know why I am bothering pointing this out. Anons can't into nuance.
Why are you why are you doing this sir? Why are you spreading these lies? It doesn't Fucking get looser from lots of sex!
Honestly she used to be pretty cute before she got the nosejob. Now she has this weird rectangular brick in her face that ruins any closeup. I'd say they can have her.
I felt more like the speech was genuine, but yeah she's obviously depicted as predatory herself. Which is good. Like I said I didn't mind it so much, but was trying to point out how a lot of these shows seem to be dating themselves by pushing current affairs into their narrative, and I'm not sure it's such a good idea in the long run.
Plus it feels VERY out of nowhere, for her to go "oh wait, there's this guy that used to diddle me I can blackmail" But maybe I'm misremembering since I watched season 1 back in 2015. I remember there were mommy issues, but was it shown or hinted at that she was raped?
I guess I'm just not thrilled with it right now because I feel like it's more mediocre drama and less cool comic heroine.