

Age: 18-34
Gender: ~70% male, ~30% female
Location: United States (47%), United Kingdom (8%), Canada (6%), Australia (5%), Germany (4%), France (2%), Sweden (2%), Netherlands (2%), Poland (1.5%), Brazil (1.5%)
Interests: Japanese culture, anime, manga, video games, comics, technology, music, movies
Education: Majority attended or currently enrolled in college

>30% women



proud of my shitposting cunts

>30% female
Well hello, ladies

>Brazil (1.5%)
Are Brazilians Honorary Aryans?

What about me? ;.;

>30% female

>30% female

u wish faggit

Actually believable. Board dependant, of course.
I can see places like Sup Forums, that cosplay board, /ck/, /po/, /x/, /d/ having quite a high percentage of ...LONDON?

>30% female

To think, all my Sup Forums career I've been getting in arguments with girls a third of the time and calling them fucking retarded. I'm getting a little hard thinking about it.

Of which 50% were trannies :^)

>30% female
Can have femanon gf?

Real stats
~ 70% men, ~25% faggots that pretend to be women, ~5% attention whores

1.5% white that is

>30% female

I notice the interests doesn't mention politics

>30% Traps

sounds about right

please be my 3D waifu

>not even 1,5%
Russian shills everywhere, hide your wymen and chilluns

>30% female

95% are traps kek

>I'm afraid of blood

Are you really going to let fucking leafs get a percent up on you cunts?
I'm so disgusted I'm never going to speak Australian again.