UK or leafs?
Who are more cucked?
UK, they've been under Big Brother longer.
At least some people in the UK try to fix their problems, Brexit for example.
What has Canada done? Oh right, cuck prime minister.
UK. I need to give the Leafs credit, they're not too bad and better than many Americans
define cucked. uk feels like less of a ""free"" country, but canada is more YES!
Brexit means Britain is no longer in the UK
We can still own firearms or butter knives.
No it means UK no longer in the EU.
Whatever I don't know how any of Europe works
>Japanese education
back to your cartoons mate
Should't you two be making dinner for your wife and muslim refugee?
The UK is a way worse surveillance/nanny state than we are. They get arrested for making tweets
>they have a nanny state
>q.e.d. canada isn't cucks
leaf cucks, lads and gents.
>Burger degenerating education in another country
OK then
The U.K is way worse.
You have evidence?
Leaves. No contest.
They are the epitome of nu-male faggotry.
Epic tu quoque no u tier garbage my friend.
Politely sudoku yourself to avoid the shame.
Fuck it, for the dub dubs i'll post the pic.
Contributing towards >100000000
Jesus i'm stoned
Leafs, UK at least did brexit
Was brexit a good thing?
It feels good to be bad
Surprised no one has suggested that Nippon is most cucked...
It's only our retard government that's bad, and the citidiots
epicu japanesu bantzu
Our people picked and support the government
I'd say we're worse off than the UK, at least they're did brexit so you know at least 51% of the country has a semblance of decency left
Good for the UK to brexit
a-ching chong ping ling bing bong camachu wiki wiki chingalingalingalingaling
We are
Tecnically Leafs
Brits hates it but Leafs loves being cucked
I've been to both.
The UK is like living in a controlling family, but it's been like that since WW1.
Canada is waaaay more down the road of Sweden tier news articles and shit.
>It's only our retard government that's bad, and the citidiots
That's the majority of your country, mate
>who are more cucked
The Japanese since they can't use English correctly
USA is the most cucked nation on earth sadly
>Burger degenerating the language skills of someone in another country
Yeah OK
Sorry OP, did the floss over your eyes get in the way?
Ehhh I feel like I should get that joke but please explain.... I do not get it
We can all have racist and xenophobic fun at each other's expense... When it comes down to it, we're all ready to make America great again.
If I explain a fucking joke then the entire point of the joke is tainted.
Like it's actually worth a debate
Uk at least we can own some firearms
It's OK my waifu explain... It is not a very good joke so there would be not much lost with an explanation... Our eyes are so skinny they a thread could block sight...
What kind of firearms?
So can we leaf, and we don't have a cuck for a PM
We have FAR less niggers than most white countries, most of our immigrants are east asians and indians which still beats out Jamal and Tyrone breaking into your garage and siphoning all your freedom fuel. And we at least have tons of jap/korean/chinese cuties. UK is the schadenfreude cuck of Europe.
Some cities might be multi culti shit havens but it will never get as bad as the absolute SHITSTAIN that is now London, cunt.
Asians are worse than blacks/Pakistanis imo. They're worse for the economy and they don't integrate at all. In Australia at least, Chinese don't even associate with us unless it's to buy our property. They have an overall worse effect than other immigrants. Plus there's just SO MANY of them and they're usually loaded.
On topic: Leafs are more cucked, sorry brah. UK overall knows they have an immigration problem, Leafs just keep sucking that dick.
bolt actions semi automatics shotguns and handguns if you have a restricted pal
UK LITERALLY has muslims constantly trying to invoke their laws into the UK justice system, especially regarding women's rights in divorce (what a fucking surprise). Of course this will be ignored but just letting these vermin have power to ahere in such big coglomerates in UK cities to even be heard is such a big fucking problem. These people don't even want to interact with white folk, will only eat halal, will scorn other people's hobbies like drinking and the list goes on.
Even FotB asians speak better English than 2nd gen muslims, it's pathetic, don't even act like brits are doing ANYTHING about his problem. How did that rape club with over 1000 kids sexually assaulted managed by muslims go over? oh yeah.