132 Electoral vote TOSS UPS

The fate of Western civilisation depends on these States.

He doesn't need them all but he needs a good 75%.

Arise men of Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire, Virginia, Ariziona, and Maine congressional district 2.

All of our fates depend on you.


>New Hampshire

we're doomed lads

Not a chance it'll be blue, we have more racist old people than Mexicans. The only Hillary support I've even seen is from my idiot father who believes the government "needs some corruption to work"

Ohio reporting in. I feel relatively confident he's gonna take it. It's all the Universities here that have me scared.

Just going off what RCP says and the amount he needs.

Ohiofag here.

trump lawn signs outnumber clinton's by 50:1
rural, urban, suburban, black neighborhoods, white neighborhoods, even gay neigborhoods like Lakewood. The MSM casting Ohio as a "battleground" state is a joke.

I live near a small town west of CLE, Every house on my street had a Trump sign with the exception of one, and about a week ago they replaced their Clinton sign down and replaced it with a Trump one. If Ohio comes anywhere near Clinton winning, It's proof enough to me that the election is rigged.

>inb4 Indians BTFO

NH resident here. Excited for Tuesday

>who believes the government "needs some corruption to work"

He's not wrong. Thing is, Hillary brings waaaaay more corruption than necessary.

I believe he'll win Nevada, NC, Florida , OH, Iowa and Maine CD2. He needs 1 more state to make it

Ohio here. I have convinced about 15 people to vote Trump. We WILL win the White House come Nov 8!! PRAISE KEK

Not all of them are real toss-ups. Texas was there at some point.

Florida here. We're going red.

New Hampshire is leaning in his favor as of today I believe

Clinton BTFO

Nevada reporting in, definitely voting for Clinton though. Can't wait to see /pol after he loses

voted from Hiroshima....... (I'm a Ohio voter)
get out there you fat fucks

Fuck guys, I'm afraid we can't do this. I don't want to be nuked :(

>Arise Arise Chickun


>NC checking in

ok. no nukes. we'll just send you topless photos of hillary riding horse back.