So how's that screenplay coming along, user? Seems like you've been working on it for quite a while now. When can I read it?
So how's that screenplay coming along, user? Seems like you've been working on it for quite a while now...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Been "working" on numerous things for over 10 years
>Bundles of detailed outlines, treatments and character profiles and histories
>Not one completed feature length script
How can I be such a failure? I know basically every detail needed for the scripts, why don't I just write them?
I'll start tomorrow
My mantra.
I finished it already. Trying to find ways to get eyes on it now.
What's it about?
How are you going about getting it seen?
Tips for writing a micro-budget horror screenplay you'll just be filming with your pals?
You'll call now
I'm actually participating in zero draft thirty as we speak
It's kind of a silly rom-com. Sue me, I like the genre.
Things I've been trying are
>submit to every screenplay competition I can
>keep it on the Blacklist (although I've recently read that this might not be a good idea and that pay-for-entry is often a big red flag)
>try to broach the subject with ppl I know in case I happen upon any 2nd hand connections
I've also read that you shouldn't try to get an agent, you should try to get a manager. Supposedly, agents field incoming interest in your work while managers actively shop you around. Apparently, a lot of managers will read scripts you submit to them.
I don't know why half the shit you're doing is totally un needed.
>Plot/ Main character outline or even just have them in your head.
>write script until finished.
>rewrite over and over
The Blacklist is one of the few pay-for-entry services worth it.
>submit to every screenplay competition I can
Waste of money. Submit to Nicholls and nothing else.
Manager might work. I know i said only submit to Nicholls but I guess it'd be a long shot but still possible for you to find representation with another contest win
Read Rebel Without A Crew.
Also, keep it as simple as you possibly fucking can. If you want to do straight horror, trapping likable characters in intense situations and enclosed spaces is a straight shooter.
Do you have any ideas for the plot right now?
I have to, user... I have to. I have no other options in life.
Thanks, I'll check it out. So far the mess of a script is like a surreal Troma version of The Thing.
I’m working on it.
I’m so excited to have a strong opening that I completely forgot to plan out how I want the rest to go down beyond a basic outline centered around filmmaking gimmicks.
Here’s the opening, I’m curious as to what people think of it right now.
I've read of some other people making connections with representation through their performance in a screenplay competition. But, like you said, it's probably more the bigger ones.
>So how's that screenplay coming along, user?
Good, first draft done.
>Seems like you've been working on it for quite a while now.
No, took no time at all.
>When can I read it?
Hopefully within a year, depends on if I win this competition or not.
How long are they, are they all feature length concepts? Might be best to get used to writing short stories as both writing practice and to let you troubleshoot your process.
Have you considered checking out /r/screenwriting? There's a thriving community of, well, to be honest, mostly nobodies who will never make it, but also working screenwriters and members who make the jump.
>have an idea for a neato war movie
>realize about halfway through writing the screenplay that its far too experimental for anyone to understand
>even if I could secure financing to make it work everyone would just think it's an even shittier Thin Red Line
life is suffering
Meanwhile I just found out my mate got his screenplay optioned. It's the first one he's ever written. Only spent two years writing it.
How did he get it noticed?
Who not working in Hollywood actually wastes their time writing screenplays. At least you can chuck a book on Amazon, your screenplay will never get made into a movie thats not how the industry works.
I was about to say something about breaking out the Karo and going hog-wild with fake blood. In that case, take a second to step back and look hard at the script. Draw it out in the most basic, spoiler-y terms possible, like if you were planning on ruining your movie for someone here. Whole plot. Greentext it for yourself, if that gets you in the right mindset.
Figure out your characters, flesh them out beyond what’s written on the page. Maybe your main character has some really fun stories from a barfight in Austin. Maybe one of the secondary characters jerked off in a public bathroom stall once on a road trip. Little, insignificant details like that, that will NEVER make it to the final script. Gives them a real sense of life when you write them. Then, just get to gettin’.
Most important thing though is: Get. It. Done.
Finish it. You’re shoveling sand into a box to make castles later on, but you gotta get the sand in there first.
People who want to make their mark by directing their own scripts and people who are psychopaths, that’s who
I have, that's actually where I learned about looking for a manager, instead of an agent.
Thanks for the tip, though.
He's been in the industry for years, he works production. He just decided he had an idea a couple years back and in between jobs wrote on it. He's also far more skilled at making connections than I am. One thing led to another, he pitched his idea to some guy and they liked it, after many more meetings they optioned it. Apparently he still says its unfinished and needs a lot of work but he's a perfectionist too. It's very early days it could fall apart, but I don't want it to for him. Mind you this is England but he spends almost 6-8 months a year in US/wherever they are shooting.
Still very jealous. I might have to go back to trying to write a book.
I appreciate the wisdom, user. Thank you.
Thank God I'm trying to get into acting instead of writing.
Seems like there's much more open doors.
I hope I can act out some of your scripts tho
I would've thought acting was an even tougher and more competitive field than screenwriting. I guess there's more opportunities available. Slightly.
No problem, my dude, it’s all I’m doing with my own stuff.
I'm a decent looking guy who lives in North Hollywood so I have an upper advantage I guess?
I feel like in screenwriting anyone can submit a script from any part of the world now.
>I'm a decent looking guy who lives in North Hollywood so I have an upper advantage I guess?
Yes, I suppose you do then.
It's not a screenplay it's a novella
It isn't just looks, but talent and knowing people.
Fuck, get out of my goddamn head, user.
I feel like I’m gonna get hunted down just for reading that, that’s fucking hilarious
I call it, A Passing Fancy.
>Scriptwriting Nanowrimo
Holy fuck, I love the idea.
>but talent
I didn't want to brag but I'm really good.
>knowing people.
My dad knew a bunch of people through is gym. lucky me
I'll believe it when I see it, kid.
I have an old fragment I wanted to try filming, it was the opening to a crime comedy that I never ended up finishing or really even starting.
My question is: is this specific enough to accurately convey what I want, or should I rewrite to be more/less specific? I’d wanted it to be in slo-mo and set to that Beethoven piece they used in the 2nd episode of Mr. Robot.
>unironically reccomending plebbit on laotian diorama building forum 4chins.