If Russia is in decline, why worry? Maybe, real worry is West's decline and that we manage things better?
If Russia is in decline, why worry? Maybe, real worry is West's decline and that we manage things better?
>Image used for illustration purposes
what did they mean by this
Keep drinking the potato jew nigger.
Why worry?
>gay flag
>Oh this thread again
and we aren't worried. only the globalists with they're failing agenda are targeting Russia to cover up their own crimes.
we'll have you over for some vodka once it's done.
Not worried, just disappointed you have a literal manlet in power.
We manage things better. Why worry?
I love the Russian embassy here for posting this. When I visited earlier this year they were great people, for some reason they had memes plaster all over their walls and pictures of Putin.
Typical Russian shot poster decor?
>we manage things better
>addicted to alcohol
>many many people poor as fuck
>high suicide rates
>corruption is viewed as everyday life
>dissenters jailed
>not a true democracy
>butthurt over minor nations wanting to join the EU
>Soviet Union cucked into oblivion
>fighting for an unwinnable cause in Syria
>slav squat
Ok, last one was a joke.
Why worry?
Not worried. I could hardly care less desu senpai-sama
Why worry?
I would worry more about supporters of Russia and Putin in western countries than about Russia itself desu
Question for westerners
Would you rather get colonized by the Russians or the Chinese ?
Russia doesn't have a history of managing its declines well.
shut up gay pig
Haha why do you keep saying the same thing? Have you malfunctioned?
China, we are perfect to invest. We are poor in Europe with 10/10 geo location. Come invest in Bulgaria.
>based Bulgarian whore
Investing in Bulgaria is like eating from a sink.
i prefer russia to colonize africa rather than china we tend to not get along nicely with communist athiests and being part of the holy russian empire sounds cool
What non country are you even from?
no, thanks
call me a whore but you are poor AF, who will invest here, 1 pipeline and that is. No thank you mr.krokodil.
said the patato eater, at least we didnt had famine
Ruskies are the fucking cancer, nobody wants to live better and is so butthurt, they want to bring other down.
>but you are poor AF, who will invest here
he post gypsies for his argument. Oh lel, wanna go memetic?
remember, those votes were paid for by kremlin(taxpayer) cash pouring into the bulgarian far left party.
you have two characters of the country - homosexuals and gypsies, I had little choice.
this "nationalist" manlet started one of his campaigns from Moscow, failed miserably, resorted to buying gypsy votes, and then received instructions to support a pro-Turkey government.
All paid for by gopnikshekels
>West's decline
Say this enough times and lemmings start to believe it.
Russia is in fucking civilizational decline since 1917
and now he is with Karakachanov and the idiots will vote for him.
Shitposting, m8.
>flood europe with kebab
>nationalists on the rise everywhere
>nationalists crush even mama merkel
>our paid shill nationalists fail to capitalise on the situation
Totally degenerate
Lukovmarsh 2017 will be yuuuuge