>government is fucking our ecosystems and our economy
Let's leave
>Canada is cucking itself through migration once again
Come and form cascadia
>You won't survive a week
15 million people and 20th largest country in the world
>government is fucking our ecosystems and our economy
Let's leave
>Canada is cucking itself through migration once again
Come and form cascadia
>You won't survive a week
15 million people and 20th largest country in the world
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Vancouver-Seatle Union
good luck faggots
Cowlitz County reporting.
Why are there soo many red pilled Washington, Oregon residents?
Here's the general outline/ideas so far for Cascadia, uploading map from last thread in a minute.
Decent ideas m8, we just need to kick out the chinks and poo in loos.
* and the fucking beaners and SoCal fags
Oh yeah no doubt.
How hard do you think it would be to get rid of the spics.
Depends on two factors.
If Trump is elected, and what time we try to enact Cascadia. The worst scenario is a Hillary Presidency and it being in the summertime, it'll be like Mexico.
As for how hard, you're gonna need to dig a whole mile deep trench to take care of them.
Yakima Valley checking in, are we allowed?
If Trump wins, I think it won't be possible for at least the next 8 years to gain the support of the mass majority of those in the PNW, needed for secession.
However if Hillary wins, things will only become worse, especially in California, and more people will be willing to secede or balkanize from the United States.
Not if you're a spic.
I have another question for you, do you believe in the public it is within the overton window to discuss such things as secession and civil war in the modern day?
I have visited most of the PNW but subjects like these have never come up in conversation.
Oh boy, alright... where to start with this nonsense?
First of all, tell me why you want to form a country that would have no cultural or historical ties among its people?
>no cultural or historical ties
Now I'm not saying it has to be a carbon copy of what it was, but there were cultural ties then, and there are now. This bioregion has always been very similar regardless of borders. Not to mention there are tons of hapas all over the PNW and with this new identity comes the necessity for a new nation.
Depends on who you speak of. You can get most of the elderly on board as supporters, albeit they wouldn't be active.
I know generally anyone from Idaho and Eastern Oregon / Washington would be on board (cannot speak for Canadian Providences).
Should i move to the US or Canada?
I'm just going to say why in a few words; larger options in guns.
Just the two provinces British Columbia and Yukon would be easy to win over.
You'd just have to deal with all the minorities sperging out in metropolitan areas. But if there was some kind of conflict or war for independence, they would most likely die quite quickly.
American bro is right, you have a more rights and a diverse selection of states in which you can choose from. Personally I really like Northern California to Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Western Montana.
You do realize there isn't a chance in hell Cascadia will ever become anything though, right? You might MIGHT get 1% of the people living in those current provinces / states to vote in favor, and that's if you are lucky and spend millions you don't have on advertisement.
Plus I would never let one of our provinces secede.
Eastern Oregon and Washington and western of the same are diametrically opposed politically. Easterners are conservative and traditional farmers; westerners are genderqueer baristas who vote socialist because they unironically think Venezuela is a good idea.
>Plus I would never let one of our provinces secede
Holy moley friendo imblyign democracy isn't a shit.
Second, the parts of Cascadia that would secede with the least resistance would be BC and Yukon.
What province are you from anyways buddy?
>Inb4 Ontario fag who wants our gibs or poor Alberta cuck with no job
>conservative and traditional farmers
>genderqueer baristas
Which do you think would survive any sort of conflict or civil war? That's all that matters. Cut off from agricultural imports the metropolitan fags would die.
Most of the ones advocating for this Cascadian "bioregion" bullshit are in the west. They won't be able to justify forming their eco-paradise without the consent of all living in the region, and they would never contemplate violence.
Furthermore, the closer to the Canadian border you live, the more you realize that British Columbians are trash who destroy any stereotype of Canadians being polite or even decent people.
>the more you realize that British Columbians are trash
Also it really doesn't matter what the movement is like right now, it will be something completely different within one year. I have taken advice from other groups in the US and plan on getting into local politics and setting up a forum and website as soon as I finish my apprenticeship.
Well good luck mustering up the military might to forcibly take those places from the US and Canada.
BC and Yukon would not secede anytime soon. Idk what gave you that delusion.
I currently live in Ontario, ya.
The idea is to gain support from the people by means of Bonapartism so the military doesn't even try to challenge your authority, and if they do they get btfo by the populace.
Also don't worry, you'll still get your gibs from Alberta so everything is still good.
Proofs? Watching the Canuck horde swarm across the border and scream at the poor clerks in Walmart or Costco. God forbid there be a parity sale at the mall, because the Canucks will back up traffic for twenty miles just to save a few cents, and they'll leave the mall trashed because the savages don't understand how to put their waste in a fucking trash can. The worst is Canada Day.
Once upon a time, when I lived on the east coast and visited Toronto, Quebec, Montreal, etc, I thought Canadians were nice. Then I moved to the west coast and learned to hate BCians.
>horde swarm across the border and scream at the poor clerks in Walmart or Costco
Those are Indians and Chinks, that doesn't count. Only city fags go shopping down in the US to buy gallons upon gallons of milk just to save a few bucks.
Only half of them are Indians and Chinks. They're the quiet ones, at least. The loud ones who feel the need to scream at everyone are old white BCians. They're as bad as New Yorkers.
oy vey you baited me.
I work 6-2 every weekday and I don't get a dime of social support. Projecting much, delusional fool?
Your idea for some nothing state is never going to be more than a pipe dream. It's patheric. It's "Paradox Interactive game" tier. You probably formed Cascadia in a game of Vic 2 and thought it would be a neat idea in real life. What a joke.
You should definitely get into politics... it will open your eyes to how foolish and unwanted your dream is.
I just wanted to say that I fully support your Cascadian BM scene.