What happened to all the Turk roaches?

I hardly ever see turks here anymore and there is not much news coming out of Turkey these days.

Hard to believe that this year alone:
They almost started WW3 when they shot down a Russian plane.
There was a failed coup attempt
At one point they threatened to leave NATO and surrounded a nuclear military base under the pretence of inspections.
They alos blackmailed the EU out of billions of euros to keep migrants back.

Now everything is quiet.

Any Turkroaches still here?
What is going on over there?

I think its the same thing that happens when indians post and get poo in loo responds. Even if they post something interesting they instantly get called roach.

King Roach silenced them for using haram Cambodian trap sharing boards

>Now everything is quiet.
Wow... really made me want those rapists to come turkposting up the board again...

I'm glad they are gone

I wonder where my based trap loving pedo roach is

maybe if i post turk female, they will flock to this thread.

ERdogan cut down the internet for the Mosul operation, don't you read the fucking news?

Too old, you have to post younger to get their attention

You didn't post the right one


Don't get me wrong I don't miss roaches shitting up the board. They were in virtually every thread and now they are gone.

Just very strange with all the shit that has happened in the last year.

What do you think?

I have turkroach flags filtered, so I didn't even notice a difference.

Absolutely cucked by Vladimir Putin.


why do they not come Sup Forums? :^(


remember that one turkroach who posted dead american soldiers 24/7?

Yeah, he was relentless

That shit looks like a dog dick that was skinned and kicked around in some gravel. Disgusting.

>I hardly ever see turks here anymore and there is not much news coming out of Turkey these days.
>Hard to believe that this year alone:
>They almost started WW3 when they shot down a Russian plane.
>There was a failed coup attempt
>At one point they threatened to leave NATO and surrounded a nuclear military base under the pretence of inspections.
>They alos blackmailed the EU out of billions of euros to keep migrants back.
>Now everything is quiet.
>Any Turkroaches still here?
>What is going on over there?

Political board,hardly read political news.

You dissapoint me, Sup Forums. Please don't just become a Trump shrine

Yeah, I hope Trump wins, buthonestly can't wait for the election to be over.

Too many people shitting up the board in this meme war.

Ip banned my dudes

Thanks for worrying about me guys
we are doing fine
loves from turkey

schools are opened.

I'm a Turkroach, but I pretend to be an Aussie shitposter and do most of the Aussie shitposting on Sup Forums