Uh oh.
Uh oh
Other urls found in this thread:
The gravity falls creator was guilt of groping and molesting women and nothing happened
No one gave a shit about Gravity Falls.
why is gay okay but incest is not as long as the parties are consenting? I'm not even into that shit but I think it's unfair to normalize one and not the other when they're both equally deviant behaviors
pedophilia on the other hand well that's obviously a no-go for legal reasons but if a legally adult 16-18 year old girl is okay with fucking a septuagenarian well who am I to judge?
Not even Disney.
Obviously you're lost in life and you don't possess a moral compass, but FYI God explicitly said that incest is not ok.
Way after Bible, when humans were able to analyse genetic consequences of incestual relationships, it turned out it's also not ok from biological standpoint of view, not only from moral one.
if you can't get someone you're own age there;s something wrong with you and you're clearly unfit for relationships. having to resort to people much much younger than you because they don't know any better is proof you're incapable of having a healthy relationship
>God explicitly said that incest is not okay
>Except for Adam and Eve's kids
>Also it's okay for Noah's kids
my moral compass says thou shalt not judge :^)
>people only reproduce for children
My cousin has the arm bar and my sister had her uterus removed because of a cyst so nothing really stopping me, pal
Adam and Eve were a metaphore that was used to describe a "beginning" or a "start". So was Noah.
nobody said anything about relationships
I knew girls in high school who fucked way older men because they were curious but they never had a relationship with them AFAIK
>>people only reproduce for children
I have yet to see people to reproduce for a dog.
>and Lot's daughters
>this loser will keep posting this until someone believes him
So some parts of the bible are a metaphor but others aren't even though they're all presented as literal truth? Yeah, ok.
>all these people saying 17 is pedo territory
17 is above the age of consent in over half the country.
Factual information that is technically impossible is usually a metaphore, what is hard to understand for you?
Sorry, meant copulate.
>are you into porn
JC, it's literally Sup Forums the musical.
Still a bit creepy an older guy chasing after teenagers, even if they are legal. But yeah, pedo gets thrown around way too liberally. Being physically attracted to a woman who probably finished puberty a few years ago and is in their prime doesn't make you a pedo, just a male with a normal libido.
Tell that to all the honest Christians who believe God literally created the Earth in 7 days. All this shit is open to interpretation because it was all written by men.
Go ahead, spam your fedoras at me. I believe in a higher power, but not any of yours.
Is 19 and 17 punishable anywhere?
>he's a creep because I didn't like his advances
Aren't you a creep for only trying to attack him because he's popular now? Assuming this whole thing isn't fake as all shit.
Absolute scums in this thread.
>Good Guy Justin tries to set up his friends
>ungrateful woman breaks his trust, puts up private chats, and even causes trouble for the unsuspecting guy she was going to be set up with
It's enough to make you want to swear off dating and matchmaking. Some people just want to destroy happiness.
>Incest isn’t ok
>Makes only two humans
What did God mean by this?
lmao, OK Justin
Go to bed, Roiland.
>good guy justin
What's next, rageface comics?
why this retard posts this screenshot every fucking day.
The fact that mainstream sites hasn't even reported on it means it's fake. Meanwhile, ScreenJunkies Andy Signore being a creep is actually real.
This thread has convinced me. I am now a #xravangelist
If you look at her tumblr, this chick often reblogs stuff from daddy dom/little girl blogs and has a boyfriend she calls "oppa," which is the korean term for a man who is older than you, typically used by girls.
What's your higher power? Would it beat Goku in 1v1 fight? Maybe I'll switch from mine.
What was banning shellfish and mixed fabrics a metaphor for?
Advances would be one thing
continued advances at someone who is obviously not willing is harassment
Incest ain't a sexuality, my guy.
>look at me everyone! pay attention to me and my """""DRAMA"""""
I never thought I wanted someone to die, so much right now.
>he's a creep because I didn't like his advances
correct, if someone is creeping on you and you're getting creeped out it could be said that said person is "a creep"
Why do girls are attention whores and want to fuck?
Exactly what I was thinking.
Most people are like that.
Falseflagger btfo
17 is considering consenting age in literally everywhere else in the world.
Goldie also has some deep connection with Don Rosa and served as a cosplaying booth babe for him at conventions.
How do we get rid of them?
Betas who can't slam high school pussy on a weekly basis always say shit like this.
>young girl
Americans are so insanely infantilized it's hard to fully grasp. They consider themselves babies until they're 21.
A nation of children.
God is a retard who doesn't even know how to run a world.
Yes, a real mature nation sells thier girls into slavery at 11.
You can't even try to argue without going to extremes instantly.
Truly, a nation of children.
When is the cut off then? Because all I'm seeing from the other side of the pond are dance clubs for teenagers and tweets getting sucked into drug trafficking and sexual slavery.
>i have autism and interpret everything literally
We can't
If the morons didn't give money to them they would have given it to a church or something, at least they are honest about it.
She's not even 17 by the time it happens
The cut off is 15. You can not fuck anyone 15 and younger.
That's most US states then.
Exactly. Except California. That's why California thinks fucking someone who's 16 or 17 is pedophilia.
>Sup Forumsmblr literally defending child molesters just because the main characters punched a nazi once in an episode
Surreal shit.
Fuck off and stop posting this shit
How he did he become friend with her?
She's probably autistic, so at that age their basically children
>Believing some randos
>"I'm not into him"
Well, now I don't feel bad for you at all. Seems like you're also a scumbag in a way.
>a Homestuck poster
That explains everything.
Man alex dodged a bullet.
anyone under 21 might as well be a fetus.
Why should I or anyone care about some bitch on tumblr?
Oh boy an internet drama thread, can you fags and cunts fuck off to tumblr, reddit and twitter for this shit, that's why they exist, specially twitter.
Why bring it to Sup Forums other than being annoying cunts wanting to shit the bed?
I bet if they offered her $1000 she would publicly apologize and then let Alex and Justin DP her.
R&M haters keep spamming it to try and "ruin" Roiland's career.
He can't even make sure the first hand accounts of Jesus match up in his book (Matt vs Luke)
>Tell that to all the honest Christians who believe God literally created the Earth in 7 days
>take the OLD testament literally
>not strawman christians
*tip tip*
Go back to 2005 dinosaur.
Well his current girlfriend is just as crazy. Manzi was the best he had IMO.
>God tells Moses, Abraham and Job that's how the universe formed
>Jesus says the same thing
>the entire point of the sabbath
It literally doesn't matter if these are real, fake, if she was 18 or not. The industry favors people and even if Roiland groped on some 17-year old girl, he will get a free pass.
Pic related shat on Disney while working at Disney as a director and got the chance to pitch a show as a result. Literally doesn't matter in this industry. Apparently the only way for it to actually matter is for that shit to make CartoonBrew headlines in the case of Greenblatt and Skyler Page.
Romeo and Juliet laws are becoming the standard now.
>implying this shit is even real
Weren't romeo and juliet around 13 yo though?
Being fake hasn't stopped mainstream sites from posting bs stories in the last 5 years.
>being this much of a heretic
If cell fucks a mini cell, is it pedophilia?
In Shakespeare’s version Juliet is 12 or 14 and Romeo is in his 20’s
Juliet was 13 and Romeo was 18 or thereabouts. The law just says that a minor has consensual sex with a "adult" as identified by the law and there is no more than a two year age diffrence it isn't statutory. 18 and 16 is good, 19 and 17 are fine as well. Everything else is still illegal. But this of courde depends if the state has such legislature.
I'm proud of you Justin, like the son I never had with a very young and impressionable girl.