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Classic Sweden

Just sweden being sweden.

>There are people in Russia that want Clinton

to be honest if you just take things at face value clinton is the better candidate
if you listen to right wing nazi conspiracys then shes bad

drumpf btfo

>cucks still believe online polls are legit

lmao I'm in law school and my professor called Nigel Farage a wicked man and Trump all kinds of obscenities

fuck this gay country

When will convictcucks learn

I'm surprised by canada

>online polls
wew lad

Can't you just say "get back to teaching you piece of shit, this isn't your blog"?

Kek I wanna see someone do this

Some people like war.

By Japan being utter degenerate cucks? No. By Sup Forums weebs still praising them? No.

More votes from Sweden than Canada, almost as many as brazil and russia and there are tons of vpns/proxies in sweden.. I wonder who can be behind this

>based Russia
I love you fucks

Why does russia love trump?

Nice...the other countries are realizing HRC is a walking shart!

Ive never met another Trump supporter IRL here. They know nothing about Hillary.

you would be surprised at what doesn't surprise me.

because he doesn't want to go to war with them or fuck with their economy by destabilizing their allies

lol the canada one has definitely got to be the product of some kind of fuckery, nobody up here is legitimately a trump supporter except for conspiracy types and people who follow the election entirely through memes

ok, that's a good one.
it's funny cause it's not even his kid.
oh god.
these are so fucking funny, best morning ever i love youse guys

American News suddenly cares about spread Hillary in Vietnam now and how bad Trump are.
People really naive, so they just believe anyway.
From 13 new articles, 12 pro Hillary while 1 pro Trump.
Most connect from another America news.

Because Trump doesn't want to nuke them.

Cucked Sweden for Hillary

Poofs, skypes and muds m8

Canadians are fucking scum but in the end we're all anglos here.

Fucking sweden eh

You're not anglos, you are a mongrel mix between anglo-saxons and celts.

Anglo comes from angles, a people who originate from Denmark.

>Australiann """"education""""

Eh, I can see that. More sanctions might mean the economy collapsing like late Soviet Union which will lead to the current regime going away. You know, like phoenix from the ashes.

not at all. Russia doesn't want a war with the US for no better reason than a Clinton distraction.

The Anglo-Saxons are the English-speaking White Europeans of England and her colonies. These days there are some other types of European stock present, too.


Fucking sweden.

>The Anglo-Saxons are the English-speaking White Europeans of England and her colonies.
No, they are not. That's what uneducated people like you think. While it's true that there are still pure anglo-saxons living in England and her colonies, you are most certainly a mongrel mix between celts and anglo-saxons, because the vast majority are. Did you even look at the map I posted?

Canada is the only surprise tbhfam

Are you retarded?

>implying the mediaeval origins of a term determine forever its usage
You are telling me things I already know, but they are irrelevant. We have been using the term to refer to the general population, Celtic admixture notwithstanding, for at least two centuries. Nobody cares about your autism.

Btw OP. I think it's safe to assume that voting Hillary is the best option if you want the least amount of jewry.

So jokes on you. Sweden is actually the most based one in your picture.

Go away taconigger.

>You are telling me things I already know, but they are irrelevant.
No they are not. You are not anglo-saxons. You are mongrel trash. Just because you and the mainstream population don't know what the fuck anglo-saxon mean, that doesn't mean this is the case for the educated masses.

You're not anglos. You're not anglo-saxons. You are essentially celtic trash. So no, you're "all anglos here" like you said in


>don't know what it means
We know what it means in historical context. You are not telling me anything, factually, that I don't already know. The historical meaning is simply different to what the term means in the modern context.

And since you aren't telling me anything that I don't already know, I'm not sure why you're still entertaining this fantasy that you're in any position to tell me how to use my own language. Nobody cares what a Swede has to say.

>like you said in
You know this board has poster IDs, right?

>Muh Nordic mustardrace
Chill out dude, what do you have against people who call themselves Anglos if they're of English ancestry?

Sweden is now absolutely the most cucked country on the planet.

I probably have more Swedish blood flowing through my veins that you do Hamed.

well, when i found that poll there was really fwe votes on portugal and i send to my friends and we all voted trump and it appeared correct.
i guess the fact that russia wants trump it's preaty obvious, while the usa... probably hillary supporters don't use much internet..
i would prefer trump, but the reallity is that hillary will win and it would be nice to see a ww3, but that wont happen

Russia is a boss.

Plenty of Americans in the Northeast or Mormon colonies are purely Anglo-Saxons

>The historical meaning is simply different to what the term means in the modern context.
Maybe for illiterate people such as yourself, but for the educated masses it does not mean what you think it means.
>my own language.
You're trying to ascribe yourself to an ethnic group which you do not belong. I think "your" language is the least of the problems ITT. You're basically a WEWUZ nigger shouting "WE WUZ DANES AND SHIEEEET".
>what do you have against people who call themselves Anglos if they're of English ancestry?
If they have full anglo ancestry, nothing. If they are anglo-saxons, well that's self-explanatory. If they are celtic trash? That too is self-explanatory. If you're not white, do not call yourself white. Do you not have a problem with arabs calling themselves white? Spics?
No that is still America, see pic-related. I also explained it The best choice is whatever the kikes are not choosing.

There's a difference between Anglos and Angles and Saxons and Anglo-Saxons you snow-nigger. Shut your mouth, don't you have some refuge to please or something?

I tried to learn portuguese. But i gave up.

All i remeber is rosa and agua de beber.

Who gives a shit, they might be mutts but discard the niggers and hispanics and they're just as good as any of us. Not like having some French or German in you is a detriment.

>I probably have more Swedish blood flowing through my veins that you do
I think not.
Good for them. What's your point? I even said there are anglo-saxons in England in her colonies. Not everyone are celt mongrels.

>France turned red



Peasent Kikes in Israel like him because they're actually religiosu Conservatives and hate the new age shit.

The liberal, pseudo-elite in Academia, the media, banking and the gov. are the Jews to worry about and they fucking love Clinton. Trump makes them lose their shit, just look at any Jewish supposed Conservative Jew in the commentariat in America. They love Hillary and hate Trump.

This meme is boring m8. You're just repeating yourself. Read my previous posts until you get it.


Wasn't this poll massively rigged to avoid a trump landslide? I remember mysterious voting blocks of 10k being added to some countries.

>There's a difference between Anglos and Angles and Saxons and Anglo-Saxons you snow-nigger.
Anglo is derived from angles. Anglo-saxons is essentially just a mongrel ethnicity between anglos and saxons, but both are germanic tribes so it's irrelevant.
>discard the niggers and hispanics and they're just as good as any of us.
No they are not. If you're not 100% Germanic you are trash.
>Not like having some French or German in you is a detriment.
Germans are Germanic and the French used to be (until they got cucked by the celts). One is fine the other is not. There should be zero tolerance for miscegenation.

English itself derives from the word Anglo and it's a way to refer to the entirety of English peoples.

>There are good kikes
Necklace yourself.
The only reason I am repeating myself is because you don't seem to understand. Must be that double-digit IQ.

i don't like it
hard to teach, hard to learn
very few people talk PT-pt, most talk Pt-br (brasilian) or other african colony with it's own dialect
oh well..


I didn't say they're good, but at the very least they're tolerable when they keep their nose in their own shit and stay out of our business. If every Kike moved to Israel and stayed out of the business of white nations then I'd be 100% content, but that's not making a value statement on their character or nature.

That's of the native population. Holy fuck m8 you're being dumb as shit here.

Finaly a swede who isn't an absolute cuckold and he ends up being some stormfag nutjob. Great

Bullshit noone here supports that cunt

I think its a beautiful language. I love portuguese music, problem is it takes a while to understand what the lyrics are.

Is portugual a nice place to visit? Its the only place i have ever thought of visiting

Russians don't want a shooting war with the US. It may surprise you CTR shills, but families and decent people live in Russia and they'd rather not see their country burnt to a cinder.

>I didn't say they're good, but at the very least they're tolerable when they keep their nose in their own shit and stay out of our business.
>If every Kike moved to Israel and stayed out of the business of white nations then I'd be 100% content
It's in their blood to oppose the white race. What you just described is impossible. Now, there are delusional kikes and delusional whites who don't know their own nature, but sooner or later they'll come to the realization and most certainly act on it.

Still a good game, i dont care if it promotes degeneracy

No shit, Captain Obvious.
Stormfag? I'm a christian.

I understand Ukraine, seeing as how everybody who doesn't like the current regime is put into a building and the building is set on fire, but Lithuania?

I thought the Baltics had a lot of Russian immigrants. It looks like you need more. Prepare for cultural enrichment.

Am I surprised with Sup Forums touting some irrelevant website because they brigaded the voting previously, like they did dozens of times before? Not particularly, you've always loved your cozy hugboxes and rejecting facts in favor of feefees.

Meanwhile out in the rabidly liberal reality we've had a statistically representative poll released yesterday with Hungarians favoring Clinton over Trump 4 to 1.

I'm an engineering differential equations professor went off on a Hilldawg endorsement...

I said a much more tactful version of this...but I'm a combat vet and a fucking grownup so he apologized and went back to math

Why are you pretending you matter you subhuman primate?

OP who ran the poll?

Pls annex us trumpsama

It's in their nature but they'll stay out of our shit if there's a boot over their neck, as there should be.

Well Hillary is pro-NATO.

Handing them a nation, fighting their wars, and throwing money their way. Does that sound like having a boot over their neck? Because Trump supports all of that. At least Clinton has been caught with saying "Fucking jew bastard". Both are kike puppets, but Trump more-so.
You are more sub-human than he is.

> its a beautiful language
perhaps. i find french much more smooth. but i was talking about practicality, since it's so hard to perfect and so easy to run away from the origins (because of all the dialects around the world)

> I love portuguese music
yes, one of the good things about Portugal is Fado
here is something that you might like
but there is also the real bad ones that i won't mention because i'm ashamed of that

> problem is it takes a while to understand what the lyrics are
that's because the language itself is hard and there is a habit of hidding messages in every single lyrics

> Is portugual a nice place to visit? Its the only place i have ever thought of visiting
depends on the time/place
most people come in summer, because the weather is just right. you have the hot air from the equator and you have the nice water from the ocean
most tourist say that people here are really nice, but i don't know much about that specially since i never travel

> leaf
> 53% trump
I'm surprised.

> Is portugual a nice place to visit? Its the only place i have ever thought of visiting

A resposta correta a isto é "sempre"

No, its obvious that Russia is in full support of trump and rigging the election to favour him.

barely anyone knows why Trump is here
people know Hillary though because of she's Bill's ex
only people who watched Home Alone 2 know Donald Trump, I shit you not

Or news, or one of Putin's answer sessions. Maybe you should turn on the TV sometime.

Weeeell! and you thought YOU where angry at what this country has become? Just put yourself in my shoes with Swedish heritage going back at least a century. Let alone being a straight white male in this liberal asshole of a country kiked up with all kinds of extreme left propoganda.

Everyday, the voices in my head telling me to blow up an immigration center at night or burn down immigrant jungles.

The only thing to wake up and look forward to is lynching kike media and feminists.

não ganho nada em mentir
se eu vivesse noutro pais e quisesse viajar não haveria de querer vir a Portugal, principalmente no inverno
a única altura boa é no verão e o único local bom é ao pé da praia, tudas as outras situações são péssimas
mas se não houver problemas financeiros existem sítios bem melhores para visitar...

>Swedish heritage going back at least a century
>a century
>one (1) century
Setting the bar very low indeed my lad.

>Maybe you should turn on the TV sometime.
I wil
thank you, mister Ministry of State Propaganda agent

>you want the war with russia - not so popular in russia
>you want to be best buddies with russia - you are very popular in russia
srsly, why is that?

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

>Iceland used to be red
>All of a sudden votes double overnight
>now 57% Clinton

This thing is fucking rigged

>>you want to be best buddies with russia - you are very popular in russia
Maybe because the jews want to cuck your country even further? Ever thought about that? Improving your relations with (((America))) is NOT something positive.

There has to be a WW3, and it's in both our interests (Europe and Russia) that America gets destroyed.

You're welcome to your opinion -- even when wrong.
