Debunk this. protip, you can't. :/

Debunk this. protip, you can't. :/


Bro lawyers don't get to decide what is just and what is not. The legislator does that, lawyers are there to affect the application of the law.

This is the first BTFO for me. I can't refute this

And the government aids in the murder and rape of the very people it's sworn to protect.

Have you not seen people getting out of trouble because extremely good lawyers or vise versa for extremely bad lawyers.

:D sad though.

Who is the (((doctors, lawyers, media and banks)))

we live in an age where people post random bullshit and expect attention for it

I agree. Everything is fucked and it's time for everyone to accept it before change can be made. Besides hiding behind your life. All I do is work, play games, hang out with my gf. It hit me hard realizing how much i hide from reality or anything. I see this everyday in my life. people would rather social media, games. we are all sheeple.

Of course I have, it's what I do for a living. That just means that the law needs to be reworked - the lawyer just operates within a framework set up by the legislator. Again, it's not the lawyer's job to administer justice. He's just there to do the best he can for his client.

I don't work with criminal justice, but I've seen some absolutely horrendeous results due to shit legislation. You can't blame a lawyer for being good at his job, you have to blame the legislator for being bad at his.

maybe not any individuals but look up the validity of HIV. That should help open your eyes a bit.

What is democracy besides a fancy magic show to entertain the audience while the elite controls everything behind the curtains

(((they))) destroy information, (((they))) destroy the economy..

it really makes you think.. who are (((they))) ?

Holy shit
>based motherfucker

99% of ppl have no idea how accurate this is. To a twilight zone degree.

I don't know much about Sweden's justice system. But United States is pretty messed up. Also I don't think he is talking on an individual level. At least I don't perceive it as such.

TL;DR: We now live in a nation where government destroys their own country.

we live in an age where grab dat pussy

yep an example is this guy.

tptb man. I have no idea. But they are laughing at us from their pedestals.

Legal culture is created and changed by lawyers, but flawed or open legislation is not part of a culture as much, it is more of a trend and something that can quickly be altered.

I'm just being an asshole, I get the gist of the picture.

This is the basic. We are fucked man. All of us together are fucked.

In reality lawyers help pen complex legal shit cause the government hasn't the time or money. Things like tax law are written in the UK almost exclusively by accountancy firms.

All good. I understand completely who makes the laws and who enforces them etc. Idk what to do about laws besides inventing some machine that literally accesses peoples memories. Then you can reallly see if that person is guilty of that particular crime.

Didn't know this. But this might be the kind of stuff the guy from the quote is talking about.

>endless weasel words to get out of admitting your own fault in degrading the justice system

it's a lawyer

>Doctors no shit hand out pills to get money from big drug companies

>Lawyers can get legitimately guilty clients out of charges, argue against the constitution, and suppress facts in trial by manipulating weasel worded laws

>Universities are festering holes where discourse dies. "Intellectuals" in high positions preach to susceptible young minds and indoctrinate them without any oversight or question.

>The press is bought and sold by political parties, major news networks are defacto propaganda branches of the government.

>Religion which was once a moral center of society is now poisoned by the same progressive agenda inflicted upon the rest of the developed world. Christian churches have female priests, openly gay and lesbian clergy, the Vatican aiding child rapists, some progressive activists going as far as wanting to make Christian churches less offensive to Muslim invaders

>Reserve banks have no reserves of gold, money is backed by nothing but debt and the threat of violence. Currency is printed ad nauseam as it loses value by the second.

Its 100% on point.

I love how no matter where we are in the world, we all feel the same about our world powers. It's insane that everyone feels the same. No matter which part of the globe you reside in.

sums up the reasons nice and clear. What does this mean for everyone. Knowledge is power my friend. But maybe in this case powerless.
Your thoughts?

Doctors definitely don't destroy health. We salvage it after people destroy their own health.

If you need evidence of this, consider the human life expectancy has increased exponentially through the last century since the advent of modern medicine and evidence-based practice.

I mean, does this jam jar wearing spastic honestly think we were better off when we were treating cholera with leeches and powdered arsenic?

>debunk this absolutely meaningless series of words I like to say because I'm a pseudo intellectual

Religion has nothing to do woth destruction of morals, the media does this by promoting degenerate garbage


No doctor will randomly prescribe a drug without a solid evidence base behind it. The work that goes into getting a drug market-approved is vast.

The reason big pharmacies own all the trademarks to the latest medications is because no other organisations have the money to fund the research and various clinical trials to ensure a drug is a) safe and b) clinically efficacious.

Also doctors do not get paid by pharmaceutical companies. It is literally illegal to except money or even gifts from a pharmaceutical company as a clinical practitioner, at least in the uk.

Hedges said this several years ago, too.

He is what it used to mean to be a liberal, FWIW.

he was my cross country coach at this private school his son went to

he would give speeches in the gym sometimes. seemed very nice and intelligent. he comes across horribly in his debates with hitchens though. he gets too angry and can't think straight

what if you're not a clinical practitioner, but a "researcher"?
you know, the guys who provide the "solid evidence base".

>Doctors definitely don't destroy health. We salvage it after people destroy their own health.

I agree he is totally wrong about doctors and religion, the rest is spot on though.

most of the people in high administrative jurisdiction here are lawyers that don't respect the law

basically we have a written law that is very clear but they try to force us into common law and jurisprudence based justice