Characters who are literally you.

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Fuck off Toby

probably bane. but with more muscles and not 5 foot 9, im 6 foot, pretty tall really, prolly a bigger dick also, but bane mostly, but I do have hair, but I got a weird head shape so I do a kinda roman look with my hair so people dont notice, but yea bane, but I do have a chinstrap beard and I am 29 and bane prolly isnt 29 hes probably older in the films and the actor was like 35 in the films but I dont have many wrinkles yet but prolly bane. also im a pretty agreeable fellow and I dont have a head mask thing.

Weakest of bait/10

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For me it's Rick Sanchez. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

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unironically the modern version of him

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For me, it's Colin Quinn

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yeah but probably Bane

Fuck you, if anyone on this board is Don it's me.

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Jim is an obnoxious twat.

I know. Just like me.

whatever you say, dick

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reminder that Toby is the Scranton strangler

me on the right

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Yes, I am a big guy.

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I'm not british but I am a fucking retard

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You guys wanna hang out then

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except not as loveable

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Every year I get closer and closer to just becoming Ricky altogether.

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