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getting mad.

And why the fuck does a dominican try to be black? could anyone answer me that?

>country yelp

This Island spic Is should not exist.

Her twitter is full of "whitey be crazy trynna be black n sheet" while she herself is somekind of spic, how the fuck does that work?

She likely lacks reading comprehension and has no idea what reductionist means.


Even minorities buy into the one drop idea. Her great grandfather was probably a nigger or something.

It's like kangs, kanging kangs. A real mindfuck

It´s funny how they never can argue for shit when someone tells them that they are plane wrong, it´s like they are 6 years old and their best burn is "uh yea I know you are but what am I?"

And still they make fun of whites that says their grampa was ("insert minority here")

it´s a mindfuck

The left has become so warped that niggers can now claim they invented the moon and not a single liberal will say a word.

For example, that south african nog that was arguing for science to be abolished as it was created by evil whites. The libcucks actually defended her madness.


Yea sound like the "womyn studies program"
You dont need facts for shit, if you got a feeling, then this is the truth

white people invented the internet and the world wide web. Please stop appropriating our culture at once.

Modern country music is just rap with guitars. This seems like an easy mistake to make.

What have the dominican contributed to the world? no seriosly I have no clue, any ideas?

To be fair, the only decent country is just white people blues.

The popular stuff is garbage.

white ppl invented rap music, it's just it was presumably less shitty back then


From what i can tell she looks half white. Is she acting black?

a few baseball players, that's it.

>have Chuck Berry and Jimi Hendrix
>fight to be associated with country instead

Haiti containment and baseball players.

Black people are the most likely origin of country music, this is true. The bluegrass fusion with blacks is basically country music.

The only step left for blacks to take is to realize that they were NEVER the enemies of poor whites, that it was always the elites that were huge fucking racists, and we're going too have a fusion of right wing militias and BLM rank and file types.

I know it's a meme for BLM rank and file to be opportunistic looters but this is also an MSM meme that needs to die. Understand that the elite strategy since the rise of the slave economy of the US South was to paint whites and blacks in opposition. They shilled to whites that slavery was competing with their labor, they shilled to blacks that whites hated them, and this has been the consistent strategy for literally hundreds of years.

Look, the same evidence whites have that blacks are all looting monsters is the same evidence that blacks have that whites are all church-burning lynchers. It only takes about twenty people to paralyze a community through racial terrorism. How many millions of blacks are there in the US, but ten people burn down a CVS and this proves the entire BLM crowd are terrorists? Dylan Roof shoots a few churchgoers and this proves white people are terrorists?

I firmly believe there is space in politics in 2016 for a new Teddy Roosevelt styled nationalist progressive movement. 40% of people refuse too identify with a political party. 50% of the US doesn't even vote. Trump has started the fire.

fake as fuck

Tell that stupid nigger they get their jigaboo chimp chimp music from the Irish! If she wants facts she can look up Thomas dowel he's black so she can't shrug it off.

Looks pretty black to me

God, there was a sad, sad time in my life right after I graduated college where I would cheer this woman on.

I remember making a big stink at a party once about cheerleaders and cultural appropriation.

Why was I such a bad person?

Australia invented country music
mericans nicked it during the aussie gold rush

>. It only takes about twenty people to paralyze a community through racial terrorism. How many millions of blacks are there in the US, but ten people burn down a CVS and this proves the entire BLM crowd are terrorists?

Well, to find out what race might contribute more to crime and violence, is to compare crime stats by race. And gosh, would you look at what trends emerge when that is done.

But blues uses guitar and guitar is arabic I believe so blues is arabic

I had my doubts but she did type it twice in all caps. That's how you know it's super serious.

The guitar originated In Spain, with many similar instruments all throughout Europe.

I don't dispute this.

>making a big stink at a party once about cheerleaders and cultural appropriation.
This isn't the type of faggotry you grow out of. Faggot.

Don't they realize that literally every single aspect of their ""culture"" is a non-original adoption of southern redneck culture? (Which is a slightly more original adaption of the culture of Scottish and Irish immigrants)

What do kids learn in school these days?

>no citation
>autistic sperg outrage for niggers and a shitty genre of music
who cares

>implying those whoops aren't from yodeling
>implying country isn't a mixture of negro soul hymes and European folk music

David Allen Coe?

This. All human civilisation invented a string instruments of sorts (except niggers and abos) on their own.
Also "blacks" didn't invent blues. Blacks in america, with white instrument and being influenced by European and American music did. The feral blacks in botswana sure as hell didn't.

Nobody "invents" music. A new genre of music is created through a slow progression, evolution, and also derivation away from its contemporary standard which makes it so distinguisable as to be something else entirely.

This can form in different cultures.
In terms of country music, there was many white, black, and some hispanic influences that led to its formation.

>what do kids learn in school these days

Sarah has 2 daddies and gender is a social construct invented by nazis

Guitars are an extension of harps and lyres which date back as far as Mesopotamia and possibly beyond. The Ubaid peoples weren't Arab.

daily reminder that if you do yoga you're stealing indian culture and deserve to be shot in the head

TFW will never have to worry about my children being corrupted by Jews

>Africans are the only ones that ever yelled in war
>laughs eternally

>and deserve to be shot in the head

I kek'd pretty hard, til I remembered that's actually the liberal end game.

country music did not come or the blues. WTF!!!!??? it came from appalachian mountie music which came from scoltand and ireland and britain folk music. listen to the american anthology of folk music. holy fucking shit. REEEEEEEEE


also beyonce had no business being at the CMAs


tell me about it!

"she got it on like donkey kong" vs "good bye joe me gotta go me-o my-o"

Blacks and Scots Irish Whites are joined at the hip.

The first Chinese, Japanese, & Martial Artist were black! African Presence in Early Asia

Ever notice how lots of blacks have Irish names? It's very strange.

t. Jamaal O´keefe