
Why is Putin the only non-cucked politician left leading a country? He's the only non-liberal straight forward thinking guy out there anymore.

Meanwhile EU and the West is bound determined to have the #1 name of their respective regions be Muhammad.


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He said no to the joose

Putin trolls. The most hilarious part of the Internet.

He is a kike, all his oligarchs are kike and he is co-responsible for emptying entire Syria into Europe why his stubborn support for Assad.

Duterte is 10/10 redpilled judge dredd.

>he is co-responsible for emptying entire Syria into Europe

He nukes Syria just as the US does; he is one of the main protagonists of the war (for his support for Assad).

Reminder that kike oligarchs are the second wealthiest "ethnicity" in the Russia, Putin pays a metric fuckton of money to mudslimes, whores out Russia's territory to China and there are a lot of illegals.


Why would he nuke Syria?
Russia has bases in Syria, and they depends on Syria to protect against the Saudi oil pipeline.

Because he has nukes. That's it. Nukes assure no one will mess with Russia and he can do whatever he deems necessary for his country.

I have lived years in Russia, USA and some Western European countries. If I had to choose to leave my homeland, which I won't ever do, I would choose only Russia. It has its issues and is not the fairy land some naive tools on/pool/ try to make it, but it is MUCH BETTER than any western country. The west is dead. Islam will rule it soon.

You seriously think Russia is spending butttons of billions to back Assad, only because of this shitty base?

It's a plot. Emptying entire Syria to Europe, while giving the Land to Eretz Israel. Very simple.

For the quality life of dating, I'm pretty sure every region trumps the West. Western women are below the bottom of the barrel. I'm not sure who to blame either.

Shitty parents, social media, society's need for perfection, etc. Too many elements to blame for why Western women are such shit.

The disparity between numbers of men and women in Russia after WW2 lead to Russian women competing for men. Nature literally bred them to be hot in order to have a higher chance with males.

There are still nasty social media whores and many Russian girls are gold diggers, but there are A LOT of traditional housewives as well.

If the ration in the west is 90% whores to 10% decent girls in Russia it's more like 60 to 40.

>non-liberal = non cucked
>implying we don't have mohameds enjoying special treatment
ok m80

Because the left and right do not exist in the EU, social Democrats and Christian Democrats are the same fucking thing, differing only in how much they love invaders and weather or not they like red or blue.

>If the ration in the west is 90% whores to 10% decent girls in Russia it's more like 60 to 40.
Holy shit, where did you live?

He is an extremely corrupt midget tho.

Am I wrong? I lived in different cities for 6 years. St. Petersburg and Syktyvkar the longest.

He just fucking hates terrorists..

Violence is an issue but Putin wants peace at heart. It's the certain satanic force that exists on this earth that troubles him. At least that's how i see it.

Interesting. When was that? With advent of social media it seems that ratio you described if slowly shifting towards western levels.

Wtf are talking about, stop correcting the record commiefag, you just describing excactly what would happen if Russia DID NOTHING, Russia backs Syria because we would experience a complete failure of the whole Middle East

Komi was 15 years ago (lived in several cities there), St. Petersburg 5 years ago.

Same shit is happening here y the way, I can actually see the current generation turning into facebook sluts.

>giving billions to keep mudslimes in check
After europe and the US its time to make russia great again

Sign me in

A bit of old news.

"Butcher of Chechnya" is now a head of state duma (russian parliament) defence commitee.

>Why is Putin the only non-cucked politician left leading a country?