The Clinton Pedophilia Connection

Found fbianon? Pieczenik, is he the fbianon? Is this his twitter account?

Get tweeting goys

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy is obviously a shill

>obviously a shill
I thought about too, sent by CTR to distract us from other news?

Where is David Goldberg´s tweets? Would bring credibility. I like the man.

Don't try to identify FBIanon, you retard. That would get him assassinated.

I have some inside information that fbianon is actually David Duke. Don't tell anyone

This pardon shit is ridiculous. Just being able to let someone off the hook like that.

It's not an unreasonable counterbalance to the judiciary, even if it's often abused.

The plan seems to be to check Obama into not pardoning her if it comes to that, with the general notion of allowing him to remain above the Hillary mess by being more presidential and distancing himself from the corruption by supporting a smooth transition of power to somebody who is not so overwhelmingly criminal.

holy shit!


Whoever it is he posted anonymously for a very obvious reason you slack jawed moron.

That doesn't make any sense. You can't pardon someone until they've been found guilty. Get this LARP memelord out of here.

Also this!

marc rich was pardoned on jan 20th

november 9th has no bearing on pardon.....

I'm still convinced Obama hates her, certainly if I was him I would blame her as the cause of his unsuccessful presidency. As far as I can tell he's done the bare minimum to pretend to be on her side, even his recent comments on the FBI investigation are pretty benign considering. I'm not convinced he would actually pardon her if push came to shove

You can, actually.

FBI user is Sam Hyde

40 mins over a 3 min video?

So what we have here is an old fashioned Mexican standoff. They need to release everything, doesn't matter what the consequences are anymore.

If FBI goes all in and accuses Hillary before elections, Trump is guaranteed to become a president.


Pardons are good up to a point but there is so much criminality involved here that even if people are pardoned there will be a way to get around it and imprison these monsters. At worst we can always put a jew lawyer on it and invalidate through some bullshit technically.

Was it really anonymous? He made numerous references to his background before the FBI. If he was really concerned about security (aka real FBI) he'd have known how that can narrow him down.

Well, I don't think he can pardon her until there are charges against her at least.

I have it from a reliable source that fbianon is actually hillary clinton stoned off her ass on diazepam and a cocain cocktail. Please keep it a secret.

this makes no sense. the pro trump FBI team could just bring up charges for like 1 thing, she gets pardoned for that, but then when trump wins they could unload with the rest. it sounds like a fake tweeter role playing

On Nov 9, Obama can still pardon. Into the trash his credibility goes.

>sacrifice children to moloch and accept money from enemy states, have a shitskin spy on your side with access to government data while she supports ISIS tied groups

How is this going to work exactly if DOJ doesn't want to indict?

Is the FBI going to convene a grand jury or something?

What's the process like?

FBI, the good half, will keep pushing. If not NYPD will join in on it

No, you can make blanket pardons for anything for any length of time. Don't need to be charged or indicted either. "I pardon user for any crimes committed between 2010 and today."



I don't think there's any reason to believe that FBIanon is who he claims. It's just not necessary to assume it was other than role playing.

Option 1: Somebody with an inside scoop and good guesses who thought it would be good to drop the scoop here.

Option 2: Somebody in on it who is in no danger for creating a preparatory buzz here to send a warning sign and/or enhance the impact of a later potential more official drop.

>You will never martyr yourself for the future of the western world

“We, the people are rightful masters of both Congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

The Obamas and the Clintons do actually hate each other, the only thing that even keeps them on friendly terms is that they mutually profit off working together.

>Hillary gets to bounce on Obama/Micheal popularity and use them to talk to blacks for her
>Hillary gets elected
>Obamas legacy is protected for 4 more years and everything can't be blamed on his presidency when the shit eventually bursts at the seams

Way its starting to look now though is Obama's gonna have to make a choice when it comes to Hillary, to protect her as hard he can and quite possibly go down with her and ruin his legacy or drop her like a sack of shit letting Trump take over and still ruining his legacy.

At this point Obama and Micheal should pretty much be trying to stay as quite as possible and not rock the boat and just let the timer run out

So these people realize what could happen if Hillary gets pardoned or they pardon each other? That could EASILY spark a rebellion. EASILY. I could very well see a bunch of Oathkeepers, angry citizens and even parts of the military marching on D.C. for something so blatantly corrupt and treasonous. The citizenry will NOT accept something as grievously corrupt and harmful to the republic as this.

My guess is that if he has the sense to just leave it be and not fight the counter-coup then he'll wind up with a salvageable mainstream legacy as one of our many muddler presidents who wasn't entirely terrible considering what he had to work with. Not so bad.

Honestly I was afraid initially that he'd wind up being a bigger setback for race relations by being a less forgivably bad first "black" president.

This is some retarded source you got there. Whther its before nov 8th or nov 9th it doesnt make any difference. Obama is still president until January.

Furthermore the imleachment process exists just to stop this kind of behavior of rescuing them with a pardon anyway.

The thing is though is Obama is in this too, those emails will contain info about him causing and then covering up the death of Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi who was attempting to stop the arms flow to ISIS as well as the Iranian double cross $150B Iran Deal and who knows what other conflicts of interest.

>People that don't understand pardons
If Hillary become president she can pardon herself.a president may not pardon impeachment.

The military by and large hate the Obama administration and seem pretty public about the disgust over even the idea of Hillary as president.

Even the generals that Obama has brought up to replace those he's forcibly retired are pretty much having to bite their tongues.

If Obama pardons her how come Trump cannot reverse pardon?

That kind of stuff can sort of fade into obscurity, though. Consider that Hillary could have just faded off into the sunset and history would probably by and large have let her off the hook except for a relatively small group of people interested in real history.

At this point I don't think history can ignore at least a surface understanding of the criminality.

Whereas if Obama makes a poor decision here, then he risks getting dragged under the bus as well.

Who needs to reverse pardon when you can start an armed uprising

From my understanding the FBI are pretty much trying to talk Obama down off a ledge with the idea they won't bring his ass to heel as long as the Clintons get served up on a silver platter.

Granted its probably ran though his head a couple times of the Clintons trying to drag everyone down with em and point fingers and name names in the courtroom

i think its more along the lines of they know how Sup Forums is and they drip info here. we basically did all the work for them

....this is wrong in so many places I'm actually depressed some people on here can't spot the obvious factual errors.

Why even bother.
>FBI charges Hilary
>Obama pardons her
>half the voters go apeshit over it
>Trump wins
>reverses pardons

It's about legacy.

How Obama and Hillary will be remembered.

Yeah, but depending on what comes out in court they wouldn't necessarily have to nail Obama to the wall over it. If it really got crazy, Trump could step in and pardon / commute to put out the fire.

wouldn't that pardon be extremelly unpopular though? I mean that pardon would confirm there was something illegal going on with Hillary and people would find out right?

Or FBI and Trump could agree to keep Obongo under the rug and burn Hilary down.
If Hilary lied this much what difference will it make in court.

>clinton charged before nov 8th
>polls tank since people see collusion and lies

At this point Hillary is pretty much crashing and burning her, Bill, Lynch, and anyone else that gets to close legacy.

Even if she does win the election the FBI, and military are going to be on her like white on rice just waiting for her to slip up.

Not even to mention if the FBI does wait until shes in office before pressing charges then the only thing she could do would be to step down and let Kain pardon her.
I mean she could pardon her self but every other branch of government would theoretically be storming the White House at that point

Yes, everyone would be all "wait, why is she being pardoned if she didn't do anything wr-ooooh, so she IS a criminal, too late now though, i guess"

but im guessing if her and obama did that weird little "you pardon me i pardon you" thing, some sort of coup/revolution would occur



I am FBI user

>yfw he actually said this at the memorial for the dead Dallas Cops.

>You can't pardon someone until they've been found guilty
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was even charged with any crime.

My guess is the cock blocker in chief, Bozo, will issue a decree absolving the clinton crime syndicate from any and all investigations. Presidential pardon would be a great way to rip off the scab and keep the country divided, for the next 50 years.

I don't know if there's some crazy pedophilia ring or not. I have no special information on anything.

But I can tell you that though it may be difficult to PROVE beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT that Hillary Clinton used the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative as a clearing house for state secrets and weapons trading, Hillary Clinton very clearly used the CF and CGI etc etc.

There is a certain group of people that see this and are also willing to bring it up in polite company. These same people are currently being fed—through the very same channels that discussed the corruption—stories that point to some kind of vast pedophile ring.

I find this extremely suspicious. Furrthermore, to hear something like this from a guy that worked under Kissenger, neocon par excellence, is exponentially more suspicious.

Yes, it's possible this pedophile ring exists. Yes, it's possible there's some kind of alphabet soup soft countercoup going on. Please be aware that it is also possible that this is a psyop meant to discredit the people that have been pushing for so long on very legitimate issues and in the court of public opinion the poison well fallacy runs smoothly.

It's not like Steve chose to work under Kissinger or was part of any Kissinger crew. Psyop or not, you are free to review his public commentary about Kissinger and their relationship.


>WATCH THE Steve Pieczenik VIDEOS

Only us red-pilled would be angry. I think your underestimating the power level of lefties brainwashing. Half the country would celebrate in the street if she got pardoned.
>you lying sexest Russian spies can't keep us down

The three at the top are his latest open threats

He elaborates on the plan yesterday on Alex

You guys are a few days late. Go to "Pedesta/Pizza" threads.

Here is the most recent thread

You can pardon without a crime (Nixon)
You can pardon without specifically naming someone (Johnson pardoning all treason offenses after Civil war)
Pardon doesn't protect against impeachment.
Charges, indictments, convictions, do NOT disqualify you from running for President or taking office. (2 people have run from inside prison- but you'd have to be released before inauguration to actually fulfill your duties)

Great way to start an actual civil war

>tfw vanilla ISIS is not a thing yet

I want Trump to win, desperately so. Having said that, this shit reeks of an op aimed at distracting us and making any of our other claims look like utter bullshit.

Some of the stuff I've read on that Pizzaroni shit is far beyond conjecture and you have to look at the entire game:
On the extreme off chance that we are right, cool. One final nail in the coffin.
In the very likely chance that this bullshit info has been fed to us from the start with the intention of accomplishing what I stated above, then this op will accomplish that goal with expedience.

Tldr; you need more tinfoil

>intention of accomplishing what I stated above
>1 post by this id


>distracting us


suck my left nut you fucking faggot. Do you really just stay in one thread?

Obongo will not pardon her.

It will stain his tenure. Also, there would be no difference if they charged her now or the 9th. Because if she wins, her presidency wouldn't be effective until next year.

27th Podesta emails just dropped, get in here nd help dig through
27th Podesta emails just dropped, get in here nd help dig through
27th Podesta emails just dropped, get in here nd help dig through