Lemme guess

Lemme guess,

"It was just a false-flag bro! A false flag!"

Niggers are too stupid to pull off a 'false flag', but they try anyway


It's a fucking obvious false flag BRO

Clintons did this shit before.

>I want people to vote Trump
>I'll burn down a church and paint VOTE TRUMP on the side
nah not buying it

Mocking the idea of it be a false flag doesn't make the fact that it's a false flag any less true.

What would an actual Trump supporter have to gain from doing something like that?


It's obviously a false flag and you're a fucking moron if you think otherwise.

we dont know, was it?


Ah yes, the religious candidate burns down a church and puts an ad on its' ashes.


Most likely.

But that's not even the issue.

>some guy burns a church
>everyone who supports a candidate supports burning a church

Racist and sexist much?!

Podesta suggested this in an email.

Trump supporter would have burned down a mosque


it might actually be a legit hate crime. it is Mississippi.

I say this as a Southerner.

I also say it horrible to burn down a church.
I hope whomever did this is caught and punished.

Question, why would anyone who actually supports trump burn down the churches BEFORE the election?

It couldn't just be edgy kids or a bankrupt pastor who's looking to create as much buzz as he/they can in the national media could it?

I mean any go find me campaign/Kickstarter to rebuild the church now would surely fail, right?

>1 post by this ID

CTR butthurt their shitty little false flag had 0 effect because everyone knew it was false flag

'Hey Tyrone, watcha doin'?'

>hehe how can i convince people that trump likes black people so more people vote for him
>heh i'll burn down a black church and say that trump fans like this


>hehe how can i make people think that trump is racist
>mayb i can burn down a black church and say drumpf fans did it heh

this is the most blatant false flag in the history of false flags
if a white church was burnt down and had "vote hillary" painted on the walls i'd still claim false flag

oy gevalt

Confirmed false flag

Google "vote Trump"

>in mississippi
A state that was always going red. Yeah I believe this happened.

>I want people to vote Clinton
>I'll firebomb a North Carolina campaign office
nah not buying it

It they wanted to make it even slightly believable they would've painted "fuck hillary", not "vote trump". Niggers can't even false flag right.

probably a false flag too


Fucking google isn't even being sly about it.


Why do churches in USA look so shit?
They've had hundreds of years to build proper churches and they still build them out of spit and plywood.
If your church is flammable then it's not a real church. Merely a church shaped object.


doesn't that state have a human development index similar to fucking Angola?

This is the part where I mention all the times people have been attacked/had their cars keyed/etc for having Trump signs or stickers, then compare that to the number of cases of Clinton supporters beaten up by Trump supporters.

Then I search in vain for the VOTE CLINTON painted across the campaign office, and wonder why a campaign office was chosen at all in that case instead of a random church.

And all this without even mentioning the fact that I never actually stated that was definitely a Clinton supporter at all, or even mentioned that incident before you brought it up.

You have proof that this was done by Trump supporters, other than muh spray paint?

1. A Trump supporter is going to be conservative. Why would a conservative burn a church?
2. Why would a Trump supporter do something that would so obviously be damaging to Trump's campaign?


When your country is the size of a small American city, you can't really talk. The church is out in the middle of nowhere in a nowhere state like Mississippi. There are nicer churches in larger cities.

Wtf would any Trump supporter do this?

did the firebombers write VOTE CLINTON

they didnt so your retarded point falls flat

They did not spray paint "Vote Clinton" on the side of the building did they?

Why? Because that would hurt their candidate.

OP does not possess critical thinking skills.


>I want people to vote Clinton
>I'll defame a church in a racist fashion accompanied with a pro-Trump tag

It is definitely plausible, especially since we know the Clinton campaign has been planning similar dirty tricks since the beginning.

...I'm only just now realizing that threads like this are the real point of the election. The election is a giant douche versus a turd sandwich and their supporters are steadily going rabid, the civil war rhetoric is there, the shill and the false flags are trying to keep the fire of it stoked and after the election, either way... that's meant to be the powder keg.

I came here to post this

It's irrelevant anyway. No one ever said there aren't arseholes on both sides. What does one idiot setting fire to a church say about US politics and Trump? Genuine question.

Underage b&. Not too long ago, the christians were freaking out about goths and satanism in the teen population and so teens would put "hail satan" everywhere. The fact that you can't understand that this is the same thing proves that you're either mentally retarded, underage, or both.

How can this guy be so redpilled?

Did he see the future?