This is kind of nice. And they smell much better than jockstraps

>This is kind of nice. And they smell much better than jockstraps.
>Maybe to you.
W-what did she mean by this?


She was a whore who liked badboys and cheated on Khan at least once. She was retarded for telling Peggy that, even though she was suppose to be the smartest wife.

>he hasn't gotten with a whole football team in the locker room

You think she wants a divorce?

Its my headcanon that she fucked Cotton. Guy with no shins, can please Minh

Jockstraps contain a lot of ball sweat, ie male pheromones. Minh probably gets off just like how some guys are panty sniffers.

do girls really like that?

Pretty sure you mistake that for what's her face with Dale.

A lot of gay men do.

>do girls really like male pheromones

You'd be surprised what scents activate female sexual chemistry. Male sweat, chocolate, chilies, even urine from pregnant women

to be clear, Bill, what do you mean when you say "female"?

He means females (women), not females (men).

A biological organism, this case homosapien, containing XX chromosomes.

Don't do this, user. Don't make us go down this path in this thread.
We could have a nice KOTH thread. Let's leave it at that.


Well you escalatiled by posting that now didn't you

Dang it, Bill.

huh, you feel that way these days?

Just.....everything about that bit. Forget about the stupid musical number about a chicks vagina. Who looked at that whole bit and thought " This is a good idea"?

I did