My wife's son built one when he was 7 years old

My wife's son built one when he was 7 years old

Other urls found in this thread: to build a computer

are you out of slide threads?

this some old shit nigga

Where did the nigger steal the parts from?

What is this 1997? That's impressive?

Wow, What na ncredibly talented young man!

Africans are more athletic and more intelligent than white people. Truly the generation of the future.

Cool clock Ahmed

how much less time did it take your wife's son to lose his virginity?

anyone can build a pc


>building a computer
>an indicator of talent
am I talented too?

Even my brother who took 5 fucking years to learn how to power up a computer could build it if i gave him some instructions since today its like playing with LEGO.

Racism of lower expectations.

i build a pc when i was 9 or 8 cant remember exactly no one sucked my dick for it like this dudes guess black privilege is alive and well. to build a computer
literally this

wow such an achivement. much technician. lot of computer. wow.

>who's dumb now
Still niggers

Are you shitposting again straya?

>Building a Computer
He just assembled some parts.

To "Build a computer" all you need is a Case, motherboard, CPU, RAM and a Hard drive.

I could teach a 7 year old to do it.

Holy shit. Can he use legos too? Because that's about how hard it is to put together a desktop. There's even entire websites these days dedicated to telling you exactly which parts are compatible.

Slow news day when someone putting together pretty much anything plug and play is news worthy

>I could teach a 7 year old to do it.
>implying you would even need to

Also isn't window 10 a piece of shit?

Not a black 7 year old


>whites give savages technology
>they use it to blame us for everything

We need to rethink this strategy.

>putting computer parts together
>news worthy
It's literally as simple as folliowing the instructions that come with the components. It's not as though you're welding the pieces together... there are lego sets that are more difficult than building a PC.


People realize putting together a computer is like 1 step above Legos right? You dont "build" a PC, you assemble it. I put together a PC when I was around that age

Isn't it racist for parading this kid around just because he's black?

Black 'news' so desperate for some Black people can do well news, they report something millions of younger kids do all the fucking time as some kind of achievement

Its as bad as the stories showing some young black or arab and claiming some online IQ test has them smarter than Einstein

>give dumb whites technology
>they use it to improve and become the dominant race

Not sure if we fucked up or not desu.

Good job, putting a computer together is as simple as putting lego blocks together.

Not impressed.

Building Lego is harder than building a PC now.

Me and my preteen friends did the same shit back in the day. We pooled our money together from the holidays and got a PC built to play BF2. He didn't do anything special, just more leftie propaganda to get support for the dirty nigger refugees. Only a leftie could be so limp dicked to think building a desk top is difficult at all.

>A) give dumb whites technology
>B) they use it to improve and become the dominant race

How could B) happen if A)?

The Steve Jobs of black people

No that is a meme

>one nigger manages to do what white people have been doing for 30+ years
>headline news around the world

Yeah, blacks are totally our equals.

>black child manages to do thing that hundreds of non-black children have done before
>world amazed due to low expectations because black people are on average less mentally capable than non-black people

>wifes son
Your son or cuck?

>read manual
Nigger can read!!!
Racists btfooo

Yea (((voice-online))) might say that he built a computer..

but can he really build a computer?

last time I worked on my computer I was drunk out of my skull, and it fucked up when it really shouldn't have, so I rolled a joint, pulled that sucker out from under my desk, hit it with the air can, and did a full part by part inspection till it ran again, the fucking ram needed reseating.

Then I did an essay on that piece of shit.

Has this kid really just made the paper for putting some parts in a box? Everything was so fucking expensive when I was that age I pulled old computers out of the trash at the university next town over and fixed them pre-internet.

One time it rained and the monitors I got melted, even after drying them in the garage for a week.

Fuck that smug little shit. Why didn't his dad buy it?

Steve Gibs

They are literally more racist than us jesus christ
the only implication of this article is that niggers are stupid

>That pic
What the fuck man. I'm actually pretty angry seeing that.

"You didn't build that. "

Steve Jobless.


I don't think you guys understand the magnitude of this accomplishment.
It has


I unironically think that is not bad for a 11 years old nigger.

Europe is just a lot more vibrant than it used to be :)

What the hell is Cyprus?

Here's your (you). At least you don't half-ass your shitposts.

>Hey racists, who's dumb now?

This nigger with the side of his case off fucking around in there while the power is on. Just go touch those parts Tyrone. ESD isn't a thing and electricity can't kill you.


I believe it is a state within Africa, possibly East Africa.

>American education

It's an island near Cuba in the Indian ocean

The reporter is racist. To present this black child as something special for doing a rather simple task sends the message that most blacks are incapable of such a task.

We don't get articles about white kids baking cookies or mowing the lawn. Mostly because both tasks are expected to be within the skill set of the average suburban kid.

cuba is in the gulf of mexico retard and is not near cyprus.


My 3 year old nephew builds computers.
It's literally easier than assembling a Lego.

Windows 10 is hot garbage. It's what happens when you let poo in loos take over an American business.

Shut the fuck up and learn sarcasm.

Someone who doesn't care about the rules

define build

do you mean assemble

linus torvalds and theo de raadt prety white

That (((they're))) pushing this as an achievement speaks to their or their view of how ignorant the public is &/or relying on virtue signally to carry it over. children's lego kits are more challenging.

Fuck off Cyrus.

>hey mom. I put together a computer
>o lawd my boys a geenus
>no, it's pretty easy
>I'm calling tha papers, yous gonna be front page!
>please don't

Where are the proofs. Show me the SPEC and LINpack benchmarks, Crysis benchmarks, anything

Now instead of killing people in the streets, he can kill fictional characters on a computer screen

Truly magical

>supposedly 11yo (more like 15yo, seeing the picture) nigglet finally managed to assemble something lego duplo tier (basically 0-2yo)

>such an amazing achievment it's worthy of making the news

>could even have made it 2 years ago, but took him that long to steal all the parts

It took me like 2 days to put my computer together. It's actually pretty hard cause you have to read the instructions for every single part and they give you a billion cables but you have to use the right ones in the right places and most of them are useless

did your mom call the press?
did you get a medal, even a participation one?
did errybody merrily crap?
