Brexit is now reversed just like I said months ago.
Trump is about to get landslided by Hillary.
The right wing is dead. No matter what you do, you will never, ever have a real effect on the world.
Just as Colbert said, "Reality has a liberal bias."
Brexit is now reversed just like I said months ago.
Trump is about to get landslided by Hillary.
The right wing is dead. No matter what you do, you will never, ever have a real effect on the world.
Just as Colbert said, "Reality has a liberal bias."
Other urls found in this thread:
kek is with us
check the 7th post in this thread (inclusive of OP's post)
>Brexit is now reversed
not yet burger, it's just that parliament gets to have a vote. The prime minister and the leader of the opposition both want it, so it's gonna happen. don't worry. and if it doesn't, there will be no end to the violence.
Its not.
Globalism wins. Progress wins. Multiculturalism wins. You're on the wrong side of history. Your kind are dying out. Deal with it.
It's true...
Sage. It's dangerous to go alone. Take this.
Nah, the right wing is far from dead, it is just that the entrenched leftists are giving a good fight. We have only just begun. Trump is going grab HRC by the puss in just a few days.
Thank God parliament will axe this fucking gay brexit shit.
This rod you who voted out are retarded cucks who like sucking dick daily.
you poor, stupid fuk. your world is going to be shattered. you should jump off an overpass now and avoid the "meltdown" that is coming.
The Referendum was meant to be a bit of theater; it was never actually meant to pass. And now that it did, they are terrified.
Farage will have to see this through, one way or the other.
Corbyn may want it, but most of his party doesn't.
History is relative. The right just rests on common sense, the left just rests on migrant cock
>Corbyn may want it, but most of his party doesn't.
they shall fall in line comrade.
>"Trump is about to get landslided by Hillary."
You stupid fuckin shills/useful idiots need to just stop. Trump and Hillary both want to expand the NSA, renew the Patriot Act, not abolish the Fed, infringenon the Second without trial, and both love Israel. Both.
They are the same.
My numbers tell a different story.
Who's gonna build a wall and deport illegals?
Who's going to get out of NATO?
Who openly praises Putin?
Who wants Japan to have nukes by themselves?
Its a bunch of crybaby MPs who have delayed it because they want a say
With the way so called high courts flip flop all time, soon as its reversed once they can go ahead before traitors can try and appeal again
That quote is retarded. Colbert needs a bullet in the head.
well if you don't love it get the hell out of my country ya gay ass emotional cry baby.
What is the outcome for our future if globalism fully takes over?
World peace and unity.
tfw soon enough people like you will die out because no love and constant consumption = no children and if you do they'll be slaves of the goverment so eventually the elites will go back to egypt and destroy the accident that america was ayy lmao
try again and you need to be 18 to post on this board
War is peace! Slavery is freedom! Ignorance is strength!
Theresa May doesn't want Brexit. She's just doing her """duty""" knowing that the country will go to shit when she will retire with a smug smile and say "told you so looool" and she'll move to Monoco or something
No need to be so upset. I can't wait to stop back in after the US election and once this whole Brexit thing gets thrown in the trash where it belongs. You all thought you could drag the world back to a point in time that we all worked so hard to move away from, and it's blowing up in your faces. It's absolutely glorious.
>World peace and unity.
you delusional faggot
gtfo my board nerd virgin
>saged and hidden
Every country will become a copy paste of the worst parts of Brazil.
George Orwell was a life-long socialist. The inventors of the term 'red pill' are left wing trannies, get your own memes.
Col who?
Hilary win will not make the trump voters go away. Each year there are more of them. With lrss and less to loose.
Your dead.
orwell was an anarcho-socialist not a marxist fucktard pretty big difference
>the people overwhelmimngly voted for Brexit
>elites deny it
>so election where the people are overhwelmingly Trump the elites will deny it
You lefties have gone full circle. You are the fascists.
the nationalists of the blacks and browns will overpower and overtake the reign from you pussy lliberals though. You are nothing but useful idiots for the non-white nationalists.
kek says that your mom sucked my dick yesterday.
Not really.
>British people continue to get red pilled thanks to Europe's social failure, plus are hating on Muslims more and more.
>Hungary is being Hungary
>Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia and Greece will be disbanding soon
>Lithuania is economically thinking, because gibs.
>Netherlands seems to be seeing some kind of light
As for America, I always predicted that the're fucked, and that Hillary would win. Not to mention that the '''god emperor''' can't do jack shit to save USA anyway. See pic related..
>United States
All my predictions have been right within the last 2 years, and the ones that havn't happened yet seem to be on it's path to being reality once again.
Also, you watch S Korea get it's cultural enrichment next summer.
sorry, I meant to say she sucked 100 dicks, one of which was mine.
>No matter what you do, you will never, ever have a real effect on the world.
A crypo-fascist is currently leading in the national polls for the most powerful political office in existence.
You are free have your own opinions, I am free to have mine, However, your statement simply is not true. We do exist, in every way, shape and form, across the entire western world and beyond.
We hold values, policies and opinions that are supported by a public minority, that I accept. However, there are others, (((pic related))), that do have the potential to summon the support of a majority democratic vote.
Not so bad desu.
nah trumps winning and you are going to love it you fat fuck virgin nerd.
I only hope that whoever wins in US election will liberate Russia.
Shut the fuck up, you embarrassing spastic.
>Brexit reversed
It's futile isn't it? The globalist machine is unstoppable. (((They))) will do anything in their power to prevent us from interfering in their grand scheme.
I will lose all hope if Trump loses. No point carrying on.
It's been fun lads.
You sodomites faggots are only desparate, the day of the rope is coming for you traitors fuckers.
Jews have too much influence, their financial stronghold is in London. You will never live britbongs, your lawmakers does not serve you. :^)
i want to see 9 nov' /pol
>"How do i kill myselff?"
>"Helium FOR SALE"
Sorry my hue friendo, I don't want a shower head with shoddy wiring and my obligatory daylight mugging a just yet
I think there's still hope, but a war with Russia would truly be the end. The main purpose of that war is to pretty much destroy the white population.
Hey I've got a question, why don't people who suicide by jumping off a building try to land head first? It seems like it would guarantee death
Asking this for a friend's scientific project
Guess some cunt must have missed the game last night. Normally this thread would just be shit, but after last night's magic, this thread is hilariously pathetic and shows how desperate you guys are. Mememagik had already spoken!!
Not really, if both of them happen it's just the case that the right-wingers have exhausted all the peaceful options, which leaves only one route to victory left.
We might actually live to see a double civil war both in the US and Europe. I'm pretty sure if we chimp over Article 50 being blocked then half Europe's nationalists will take the excuse to do the same go full 1848 on the EU.
Well those are very old shower heads.
About the mugging, they won't mug you if you belong to their community lolz
But it is not worse than Philadelphia anyway
How often do people get killed during those mugging a? Is it true that if you don't make a fuss they let you go about your day
>Who praises Putin?
Why would I wanna be cucked by a fucking snow goblin that runs the irrelevant shadow of the USSR, my hated archenemies?
Dude I got mugged last year, second time and it was harsh, I was dumb let me tell you the two times it happened to me:
>1st time had car window open in known shit hole area, traffic stopped some random idiot with a knife told me to give him money, I gave him the equivalent of 7 USD and he left.
>2nd time, the harsher one, I was drunk and high as fuck walking through Crackolândia (Yeah, Crackland), the one place that gathers all drug users, pretty much like East Hasting in Canada. It was 3 AM and they got me good and stole my phone, watch and other things.
They do not really kill you, it is kinda rare, they just tell you to go away after they mug you.
Now, why is the murder rate high in Brazil? Well.
>when people react to muggings they usually get killed.
>Favelado people killing each other over drugs or bar fights
It is sad but they usually do not really bother regular people that much, only in the least civilized States they kill for you for not paying for drugs, States like São Paulo has drug dealers that will just not sell you drugs anymore instead of killing you, which brings less attention to their businesses