dean dads dead
Dean dads dead
it's your fault sammyboy
No dean we need to stick together
heee heee
don't mind me just the friendly LARPing nerdy geeky tech-savy know-it-all Hackergirl coming through!
hello dean
>queen of a LARPing community who everyone loves and all the guys want to fuck because shes so hot but shes actually into hot chicks teehee
Supernatural was a good show once.
The Guild was a great show though.
>Homer is that you?
>stick together
stick it to where the sun don't shine sammy...NO DAMMIT SAMMY, NOT IN THERE!
i nearly spat my fucking drink out you pos
No is cas
Should've bought stronger potions.
Why is purgatory the only remotely interesting realm? Heaven is the office and hell is the office with stock options. I thought they might do something interesting with fae but that went nowhere fast when it just became a DND fan fiction with lesbians
Because monsters. The bad place was pretty interesting, too
that 'Empty' place was interesting
They better fucking make use of this shit. There better be more sleeping horrors in there
No, that would be stupid as shit. Let the empty be a mystery and realm beyond the shows normal reach. Let being before God himself be just that... a being far beyond everything else going on in the show. Let there be shit out there so ancient and powerful it should only really just be teased and hinted at. But no more escalating threats bullshit. Fuck off
Hell and heaven used to be interesting, former being nightmarish scape reminiscent of stuff like Hellraiser and Dante, latter having an awesome concept of all roads in heaven leading to a garden
I can't believe they turned heaving into an office building and hell into a castle
this tbqh, although I wouldn't mind stuff leaking in through the alternate reality portals if they have to keep shit escalating
Guess who's back baby!
dean im cthulhu