So in America, there's literally nothing stopping someone from buying one of these, and using a daycare or a playground for target practise?
So in America, there's literally nothing stopping someone from buying one of these...
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Well that is illegal.
Why don't we just ban murder?
yes there is
well its illegal you know just like bringing a gun into a gun free zone.... look how that worked out most recent big shootings happened where exactly? right..
Yes but notice how that has never happened because most people who legally buy guns never use them in crime. if a majority of gun owners used their guns to murder people, we would have 10s of millions dead a year.
Well, nothing's stopped it from happening since 1982. 34 years would be a pretty good run if it happened today.
Kudos for using the Barrett as a scapegoat instead of the go-to AR-15.
This. What the fuck, that could actually work?? Why haven't we done it yet?
You can buy those in Australia too.
They cost 10,000$
Yeah, an AR15 would be more effective.
That gun is for shooting up trucks and hard targets. It's designated anti material.
In Australia theres nothing stopping you from buying a knife and traveling around in an ice cream truck sodomizing little kids with it either.
Why ban firearms? Do you want only the bad people to have them?
Not all Americans are niggers though.
i know! the bastion of progressivism in europe did, look how great it works for them!
This, Ahmed would just use a cheap AK.
> "literally"
> "nothing"
> "stopping"
You don't know what any of those words mean.
Come back when you've finished remedial primary school English.
You're not wrong. With the 1934 National Firearms Act, the 1968 Gun Control Act, the 1986 machine gun ban and a slew of other gun control measures, the Second Amendment indeed has been infringed. Other than a small faction using lawyers to bring cases to court (and losing), no one's doing anything about it. Almost like gun owners aren't the scourge of the nation they're made out to be.
There has never been a single case where a .50 was used for murder in the states.
Even if you end up finding one, I guarantee you it was most likely cartel related, right along the southern border.
And for blowing hajjis the fuck up with a round that costs 1 buck rather than a bomb that costs 100 grand
Ctr shill fuck off
The war is won not through making martyrs of sinister people
The weapon itself is at least 10 grand and the bullets are something like $5 per round.
Seeing that most of these shooters are poorfags I don't see it happening
but if you give a pre-k teacher a .22 she can defend herself and the kids :)
There hasn't been an incident when a guy buys a .50 caliber sniper rifle and shoots kids at a playground.
You are a prison colony, after all. That's why you're there and not here.
>it's another "Australian shitposts about gun control and gets literally hundreds of replies" episode
>.50 BMG
>for 1 dollar
a case of 100 costs over 500$
I prefer to get shot by one of these than being stabbed by a kitchen knife.
So there is literally nothing from stopping OP from sucking off an unprecedented number of cocks.
Which is good, 'cause that would cut in to his profits.
Here, have some funs. And try not to be such a faggot
Only the morals the rest of the world lacks.
Same way in any country literally nothing stops people from making a bomb and blow up a daycare of a playground.
Except morals, laws, background checks and such. Or you know generally being civilized people.
Which is why you see shitskins and desert monkeys shooting up kids all the time.
Don't they cost around $10,000?
You know those can take your arm off right?
Literally meaning instant death, much less painful than being stabbed and agonizing.
Even if it misses, you will lose parts of your body.
Literally the same thread every day with a different gun or vehicle. They're trying to one-up the Canadians.
Can you buy pressure cookers in Australia? What about U Haul trucks?
If so, one could easily bomb or drive the truck through a playground. Wtf Australia , you fucking barbaric shit. Ban these things now for safety.
Ok man, my point is that everybody has access to knives that may serve the same purpose than expensive precision rifles.
I wish
They're also pretty heavy, uncomfortable to shoot, require expensive ammo, and they're not THAT accurate.
Every time I see an anti-gunner Aussie, the more I forget why I like this country.
I hate being unarmed. I'd buy a gun now, but I'm saving it for when I live in some other country.
Nah dude you're not going to die instantly by getting your arm/shoulder blown off. This isn't a movie.
A 50bmg on a daycare? What a tragic waste. I could think of way better uses for a 50bmg. Perhaps an African safari?
Nobody uses these in mass shootings because they are expensive and heavy as fuck. Basically they are toys unless you're in a war zone.
The only real danger .50 cal rifles posses are against protected targets such as an armored car. But that's if your going after some rich oil Barron or celebrity in a typical armored car. If your going to go after a head of state you better bring your A game.
You can get 50bmg at Walmart for 3.00 a round 1.00 a peice if you can find surplus.
>and using a daycare or a playground for target practise
yeah thats illegal, but also those things are expensive as fuck and you can really only afford one if you're jewish or give in to the jew.
The .50 BMG round is actually pretty accurate. The issue is that most people don't like shooting it due to the over pressure and recoil.
Captain Price plz go.
You do know that's not a cheap rifle. with a decent scope you are looking at over 11,000$ easy.
Most killers just use pistols you fucking dumb cunt of an aussie and aussies are REALLY dumb cunts
This should really be in /k/ anyways you fuckwit
>1 post by this ID
The rifle and ammunition are very expensive
Did you know that if you don't keep every person on earth in chains, they might do something bad?
the m33 50bmg is inherently inaccurate, add that with the m82 being 2-3moa, means it is complete shit at shooting anything smaller than a scub missle/apc at ranges where you would need the power
That is a myth.
you know as soon as you take the first shot the targets are going to fucking scatter and your pussy ass wouldn't be able to hit another one at any range
I play Battlefield so I think I'd be able to snatch a couple of extra victims on the run.
Actually even in Britain and Europe antimaterial rifles are fairly easy to get. Bolt action ones anyway.
It would be a very inefficient way to shoot up a nursery.
Frankly guns at all are stupid way to massacre nursery. The milk delivery waits outside all morning. Poison would be alot better.
I don't understand spree killers. If i went on spree I'd want worthy opponents and a glorious death. Shoot up a police station or something. Not that I have anything against the police. I just don't get the appeal of massacring helpless innocents. Where's the glory.
Doubtful. If anyhing the Nursery women will congregate around the first body.
Civilians don't naturally scatter and if you don't have the relevant training you probably wouldn't either.
I'm more interested why there are no more JFK sort cases.
Ppl shoot up schools and gay clubs all the time, yet nobody targets politicians and activists who enable stuff that ultimately leads them to being miserable enough to an hero like this.
I imagine with a thing like this and some practice it would be really manageable.
Why so narrow minded?
remember what a surveillance state we all live in. Spooks can't scan for everyone school and nightclub.
and nothign stopping someone from shooting you after your first miss
put that in your pipe lymeee
Youve been playing too much carl of dooty cunt, if you really want to go over the top you need pic related.
does the same idiot keep posting these threads every day, with a pic of a different weapon each time?
Look, it's simple:
The OVERWHELMING, million-to-one number of firearm owners in this country DO NOT go around killing people. The reason is simple: we are not, by and large, insane psychopaths.
a murderous psychopath is NOT something that the government will keep in check by forbidding ownership of firearms; he will find some other means of committing his crimes. Moreover, the converse of this is that psychopaths are not CREATED by the exercise of one's God-given rights to own what one wants, and to be able to defend himself and his family.
something tells me that these posts are just trolling. who would possibly even ask such questions, sincerely and in good faith?
if you feel like YOU are inclined to go around killing people just because you own a firearm, then i suppose i'm glad you don't own any. if you grew up around them, respect their power, and have a conscience, then it would be the last thing on your mind.
Why the fuck would you do that you sicko?
You don't get to play with guns after they kill you or arrest you either so you just wasted like 20k
because the overwhelming number of cases of mass-shootings - the ones that get perpetual airtime atop the 5-minute news cycle - are acts engineered by those in power, with the express intent of banning firearms.
THAT'S why.
>something tells me these posts are just trolling
you don't fucking say
>So in France, there's literally nothing stopping someone from buying one of these, and using a Bastille day parade for off-roading practice?
Yes, is calles common sense
You're right, if only we could somehow pass laws to ban murder people might dial back on the killings a bit.
I can buy a semi auto 50 cal in canada with a non restricted license.
It's really a good thing leftists think this way.
After all, they're the ones who come up with these extreme scenarios like shooting up a bunch of children. Nobody else other than leftists sit around thinking about stuff like that. You just need to stop projecting and assuming everybody thinks like you do.
>almost 80 replies so far
When will it all stop?
To be fair, its not the pressure cooker that's the weapon, its what inside it..
Freedom is scary.