Is Donald Trump the Ulfric Stormcloak of America?

Is Donald Trump the Ulfric Stormcloak of America?

No, he's Talos himself.

Ulfric is Nigel Farage.

Talos is Trump


Fuck off Stormclock scum, unironically kill yourself

By the eight divines no of course not!

Meme magic = CHIM

Gnosticism was a big influence on MK, the parallels are amusing nonetheless.

>Being part of the EU Empire

Stormcloaks = SD
Ulfric = Jimmie Ã…kesson
Imperials = Democratic socialists

Fuck you if you decide to side with Imperials

>unironically believes the empire is better for the survival of skyrim after some pisspoor mental-gymnastics based on the thalmor-dossier
You go girls!

>"We're fighting because we're done bleeding for an Empire that won't bleed for us. Untold numbers of Nords died defending the Empire against the Dominion. And for what? Skyrim being sold to the Thalmor so the Emperor could keep his throne! We're fighting because our own Jarls, once strong, wise men, have become fearful and blind to their people's suffering. We're fighting because Skyrim needs heroes, and there's no one else but us."

>Sleeper agent for the Thalmor (Jews)

I hope not.

Faggot. Go suck some thalmor cock.

Sup Forums are undeniably the stormcloaks

Trump has not the balls to stand against imperialism... he will acccept the voteresults and chicken off

>muh dossier
Are you literally fucked up in your little bitch-ass Anglohead? Can you even read?



No wonder the (((elves))) hate and despise his worship!

If Trump = Ulfric
Jeb = High King Torygg
Utterly torn apart with barely a fight.

Torn apart by only his voice.

no because ulfric is a massive lying fuckface who is the slutpuppy of Elenwen and will fuck over all of skyrim if he wins the war

trump is tullius but a tullius who is sick and tired of the elven bullshit and shitting all over them and working towards becoming emperor

This. If you do the Thalmor Embassy then you find out Ulfric is a plant for them to destabilize Skyrim.

Jesus Christ. It's like you didn't bother to play the fucking game at all.

Fuck the Imperials, fuck the Stormcloaks, the Dwemer shall return and wreak havoc on you fools.

fucking kek.

>Tfw more Aryan than a Nord.

I wish I could've joined the Thalmor. Why settle for the lesser monkey races like Nords and mongrel Bretons? They owe their existence to the Altmer.

Talos guide you brother. The stormcloaks never had my head on a block, and I'm a khajiit.

Am I the only one who didn't give a fuck about the story when playing Skyrim?

Yes he is. How isn't he? Everything he does benefits the Thalmor. You can be a plant without knowing you're one. He's an indirect asset. The Thalmor stated that as long as the war continued then they wouldn't touch him. They need the civil war so the Imperials stay weakened as well.

They also said they couldn't directly contact/control him and that him winning the war would be a negative result for them.

>not realizing that neither the Empire nor Ulfric and Skyrim have the power to oppose the Thalmor
>not realizing it's all about the Dragonborn uniting the provinces anew

Because the war ending is a bad thing for them period. They don't want either side to win. They want both sides to drain their strength on infighting.

That's true. That's why they were shitting themselves during the Helgan executions. They were worried that would have been a crushing victory for the Imperials. They need both sides to fight each other. The moment that stops, then they're usefulness ceases. If any side wins, it's bad for the Thalmor.

The Thalmor are just scum who made a deal with the Daedra for power.

Ask the Chimer how that works out.

Nords are pissed and now they have Dragons.
Thalmor prepare your anus.


Sup Forums is the Dragonborn. We will fuck those elf faggots (NWO) up.

American is a mongrel immigrant jew paradise and the most degenerate country on earth. It has nothing to do with nordics.

Ctr= dark brotherhood

Deemed ascended to a higher plane of existence, why would they come back?

Donald Trump is this guy.


Same here couldn't get into the plot thought it was pretty shit desu.
Oblivion was far superior.

ulfric is the BLM of skyrim