California was a mistake


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>thanks, reagan



Wasn't there a Sup Forums & The Donald campaign a couple of days ago to split the democratic vote to flip California for Trump?

What Reagan has done to make California deep blue?

1986 amnesty was a mistake to be precise.

>Junkie capital of World
>home of degenerate music industry
>San Francisco the gay capital of the western world
>home of 4 pro-pedophilia organizations

>California is a mistake.
>California has a higher GDP than most nations on Earth.

Pick one.

You never know. Lots of douchebag hipster cunts will vote for Jill Stein because it's a safe state and they want to make a statement XD

It could turn red.

ITT: Not Americans tell Americans how to live ...

If it wasn't for Hollywood and porn would that be the case?

>higher GDP

You mean the jewish companies there right?
By the way they outsource all production to China which means they create jobs there.

tell me a single product made in California. Even electric guitars are not made there anymore. You are delusional to think their GDP = wealth for the rest of the country.

California's economy comes from pawn shops, banks, drug dealing, hollywood and that's pretty much it.

thanks for participating, grandma
go take a nap and dream of Jesus

"The second largest industry, according to the Census, is Healthcare and Social Assistance."

"Economic force" yeah, right.


Also we invented the impact sprinkler.

>California produces almost all of the country's almonds, apricots, dates, figs, kiwi fruit, nectarines, olives, pistachios, prunes, and walnuts. It leads in the production of avocados, grapes, lemons, melons, peaches, plums, and strawberries.

What about silicon valley?
Honest question from an ignoramus.


services have value too m8, world isnt made of goods

>tfw California would collapse without Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and agriculture

>CA would collapse if it lost its entire tech industry, its entire entertainment industry, and its entire agricultural industry

Too many illegals. Weak border. Had a meme governor for a while too

(((Current year)))

You can't flip a state that's literally majority spic
A series of horrible politicians has let them run completely wild

nothing they create is produced in the United States and most companies don't pay tax.

Selling an ad, an operating system or digital products don't create sustainable wealth. If we look at Apple and HP for instance we are talking about selling a product that was manufactured outside USA and the only reason the headquarters are in the USA is because the copyright laws that are protected by US law.

if China had a judicial system advanced that protects patents just like the USA has these companies would flee there in 20 seconds.

Agriculture is not even a relevant point in California since the 1980s.

>tech industry
It's not an industry in the sense that it creates jobs and wealth. Again, you have to keep in mind the products they developed are produced in other countries and sold back in the US which means when a person buys a chinese product the money don't stay in the USA.

Satan heard you

A better argument is that it's in the process of collapsing despite all those things due to mismanagement and mass immigration. Despite massive revenue sources they still can't make ends meet and deal with our environmental issues in a sane and timely manner.

>Agriculture is not even a relevant point in California since the 1980s
Woah! Where the fuck did you learn that?
You're very wrong sir.
Try not to open your mouth about shit that you don't know about.
>Nice flag

United States
GDP by sector
Agriculture: 1.6%
Industry: 20.8%
Services: 77.6%

agriculture: 9%,
industry: 40.5%,
services: 50.5%

Now you understand why the "sillicon valley economy force" is just a meme

Public debt %GDP
United States: 104.17
China: 31.7
Russia: 12.2

You idiots don't realize but without jobs (a strong industry) United States will be worse than Mexico in less than 40 years

I want to see how you'll pay 20 trillions dollars in debt without creating jobs.

Anyway, give give california to mexico before they refuse it.

Porn moved to Miami FL due to stupid taxes and rules in CA

>United States
>GDP by sector
>Agriculture: 1.6%
That's nice, but you said "California", not US. Ag accounts for a lot in CA.

I didn't disagree about tech.

They probably misunderstood the LA times poll.

>Clinton only up 22.3

Going off of Michigan, Trump will win California by 2.7%. It's fucking over, California is red.

Go fuck a meat grinder fag

Agriculture (including fruit, vegetables, dairy, and wine production) is a major California industry, but at 2% of GSP it makes a minor contribution to the state's overall economy

thats because we spend most of our GDP on the military

Prove him wrong.
Protip: you can't
Whitey eternally BTFO

The Young Turks
>Executive producer(s):Cenk Uygur
Location(s): Culver City, California

Why is the richest and most populous state of the US so mindfucked by the left?

Still Democrats fault,they baby there voter with free the same time killing the American dream

With a population of 40 million people and the US federal government to bail them out when ever the state fucks up its budget it should be pretty wealthy.

>agriculture is irrelevant
>don't have energy industry
>don't have manufacture industry
>Don't produce steel


1988 was the last year California voted republican in the presidential election. Before that it was fairly balanced.

Why would anyone even vote Republican? Now I'm not lumping Trump in there he's different since he isn't really a Republican. What does the Republican party offer to people? They have no accomplishments and they don't fight for anything they preach. They have lost battle after battle, they say they're the party of family and traditional values well then why did they bend over for abortions, gay marriage, legalization of porn, sex taught in schools, allowing immigrants to change the culture of our nation. They say they're for fiscally conservative policies yet approved Obamacare, the omnibus package, still use trickle down economics, pay out huge sums of welfare, fund wars and militarize our police forces. The Republican party stands for nothing and they're too weak to even stand up they give democrats free reign because they're too scared to fight for their "beliefs" so why on earth would you vote Republican in all honesty. It's a failed party.

Im in one of what used to be working class neighborhoods that voted republican. Now its being overun by those faggot tech workers who are destroying the pockets of humanity left here.

A lot of Sup Forums misunderstands. They equate money and being wite with good values, is the sense I get from previous threads. The reality is that the same faggots who ruined this place moved to portland and texas. It's now being flooded with faggots who heard of mythical buttfucking in this state who come here and act as liberal as possible. I work in one of the wealthiest counties in the state. Almost completely white, but die hard Hillary supporters and degenerates. The only okay people, tend to be the rare long time resident, usually from a trade, who had to have an actual job to make what they have.

I'm just left trying to buy a home in another state. Then I can either assimilating as quickly as possible to blend in, or becoming a hermit so I don't accidently shit up their better state. Fuck Cali.

>It's a failed party.

We are voting for Trump not for the controlled opposition - a.k.a republican party.

And voting for the democrats just means californians actually don't care for anything other than sexual desire, abortion and liberalism.

The funny thing is thay it's leftist numale libcucks who allowed this shit to happen. It's funny but usually within a generation or two mexicans can pull themselves into at least the middle class. Most of the worst spics are actually el salvadorians or Guatemalans.

California fags are voting for someone under two separate FBI investigations. I mean how stupid can you get

California used to be the stronghold of the Republican party and used to be the most conservative state with even open white nationalists running and holding government positions. If the Californians in the 30s were told what their state would become a few decades later they wouldn't believe it. And this is all to blame because of unchecked immigration.

The democrats caused the problem by not holding up their enforcement end of the deal.

I know you're a shit posting faggot but I've lived in the bay area long enough to see it completely be destroyed. Its last hurrah was probably around 98 and has been in slow decline since then. Sf is one of the worst major cities. Notorious for its corruption, and its idiotic voter base that continues to vote identity politics while their city is destroyed by the openly corrupt, degeneracy, the fact that the remnants of the italian mafia are now "legit" businessmen who run most tourist sites. Shit I could go on endlessly. How about the simple fact that theres more cars than there is proper parking space?

San Francisco is fucking shit.

the middle class failed. They allowed themselves to be destroyed as long as they could buy a new car and their kids could go to college

They literally will vote identity politics. If you challenge their world view, they will typically say something akin to "N-no. Don't be so negative."

I had a highschool teacher with cancer who dies right after an election. When asked who and what he voted for his onpy response after struggling to name a proposition or candidate was "All democrats!" With a chuckle. What a cunt.

This. California is a Latino hell hole. It's a piece of shit state that's been fucking up the country for decades.

I can't imagine what kind of hellscape it will be in another 20-30 years.

This. Thank the boomers.

that's why the only alternative is to give it to mexico

There is nothing that can be done to remedy the situation other than separation.

California is going to be Brazil tier by then. Why do you think all of the Californians are fleeing to Texas? I hope we either take back Cali or build the wall around it. California is a failed state and should serve as a message to every other state to keep shitskins out.

Where is king Leopold when you need him. Treat Cali like you treated Africa

Yeah and then they will destroy Texas. Hopefully that will be the last straw.

Why can't whites have nice things. They're always ruined. Minorities always follow us around and invade our areas.

white people are destroyed by their own ego
They believe in the lies spread by Satan. They can't see the difference between good and evil anymore.

Because shit skins do nothing but destroy and consume. They need the production of the white man or else they end up creating another Africa, India, China, Iraq, Brazil, Mexico, Bahamas, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc, etc, etc.

Silicon Valley is a gigantic bubble. It's only a matter of time before many of these companies starting crashing down. I predict somewhere in the next decade.

>let's put economy over everything else, sure that won't backfire

lemme rape kayla first


Not for much longer.