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Isn't this the right decision from a legal perspective?
The referendum was never intended to be legally binding, right?
Imagine if there was no referendum and the PM decided on his or her own to pull the UK out of the EU... there would be a massive outcry that they didn't have the power.
Legally it would be no different here since the vote didn't have legal force.
It's up to the Parliament to not be cunts and to agree to give the PM the permission to trigger full Brexit.
Civil war when?
Well, then, what was the point of the referendum if it was never legally binding?
Was it just an exercise to do away with excess tax revenue?
Follow Nigel's lead, at least for now.
Sets a nice precedent for democracy tough.
Oh the people want something and have shown us that with a referendum? Oh thank god we don't live in a democracy and will continue to do whatever we want.
At this point it would be suicide for the conservative party if they chose not to use their seats in Parliament to enact this. Their main base would almost completely turn on them, while leftists would continue to vote labour, Ldp etc...
so what're the odds it'll happen anyway?
I hope Hillary wins the American elections so the world will be bathed in nuclear fire.
Will all willing citizens do what is right and lay down their lives for the cause?
Aren't referendums meant to be legally binding?
Isn't that what separates them from plebiscites?
>Democratic vote becomes just a poll
I'm kinda sad guys is this what they call false democracy?
He's so fuckin cheeky just look at that mug. Would drink a pint with.
It gave voters the illusion of choice. They were convinced Remain would win and the point would be moot.
are you retarded?
if you are pro democracy at all then why do you think this is how it should be
millions of people vote to leave and no you cant leave until you clear it with the handful of elected elites?
are you kidding?
Listen you dumbass Brits... you ain't going to do shit!!! You can not and will not do anything to stop your government!!! You fuckers will soon be back to your pre-brexit EU enslavement!!!
>Dumb Americans having a 2A to ultimately keep their government in check
How do you feel about having more freedoms now faggots!!!!
They should, but it won't happen...
thats called democratic democracy
The whole point of having a parliament is to exact the will of the voters,and the voters have already voted. The politicians are going to use this to weasel out of brexit
Nah man, it's not him, don't worry.
also pic related.
So that they can say it's the will of the people when remain wins.
To put it simply the whole referendum was embarrassment for the system. Like fucking up a speech.
Is this satire? Please be satire.
>Austria gets VdB
>Brexit fails
>Le Pen loses
>Geert loses
>AfD loses
>Merkel is reelected
>Trump loses
>Clinton becomes president
>11 million+ illegals are granted amnesty
>Orban dies suddenly
>Putin dies suddenly
>Turkey joins the EU
>Communists win in Spain and open the border with North Africa
Say something i'm giving up on you.
No surprise here.
>Communists win in Spain and open the border with North Africa
We're safe bro, the Cuckservatives are back in government
While I can't speak for all referendums, I do know that this referendum was NOT legally binding. Realistically, the UK doesn't have to do shit, but the problem is that most people didn't know that the referendum wasn't legally binding. So there will be a buttload of butthurt if something doesn't happen.
>Most Democratic thing that happened in our time turned out to be just a poll
I thought Britain was cucked Orwellian state where a butter knife get you arrested and nanny cams everywhere,but. The referendum gave me hope.
Now it so sad it was just a pol,and the fact that Brits got all this shit over a poll to the point they got bullied even thought nothing happened since it was just a poll.
Once people have seen that the ruling elite no longer responds to the voting booth, we'll see a real nice happening. History always repeats itself.
m8 pls. i'm already having a tough day.
With what? A butterknife?
Oh it was just a survey then? Fuck off Westminster!
Europe is chock full of underground arms dealers m8
First of all I'm not pro-democracy because I'm not a faggot.
But I'm not arguing about how it "should" be, I'm arguing about how it is. The UK is not a direct democracy, people don't get to have legally binding referenda there.
I'm making a legal argument, not a moral argument.
Actually, burger, on the ballot I was given, it was printed: 'This is your decision. What you decide, the government will implement.' So by their own words, it should have been binding.
Forks, spoons, garden tools.
Whatever is necessary.
You do know many people in the UK have shotguns and rifles.
Besides if anything did happen, I would imagine some people would find away to smuggle weapons into the UK.
Geert is a secret jew mate..
>inb4 he runs again and wins due to the countless outraged voters when brexit fails
Sure, I'm not saying its not, I'm just stating most of england is fucked in the butthole when it comes to fighting anyone/fighting back against a government or its police.
Are you honestly surprised your government lied to you?
> First of all I'm not pro-democracy because I'm not a faggot.
Then gtfo of a Western country and go back to whatever dystopian snithole you crawled from.
They promised one to get the ukip votes.
It kinda was "pro EU"
It backfired like it should and the campaigns were ran as if it were legally binding.
It was never sold to the public as non-binding.
You think the average british voter is more informed than the average voter anywhere else?
The police isn't armed in the UK. they will be the once who are fucked.
i'm confus, is it
a) Brexit has been voted down in parliament?
b) Parliament has been given the decisive vote on Brexit?
Is brexit fucked now?
Is there still hope?
Jeebus Christ what Cucjfest your parlament is.
No, but it's enough to royally piss me off still.
It's B. They have to vote to make it binding.
I like living in my Constitutional republic just fine
Is that not what it means to hold a "referendum?" Is the term "plebiscite" not used for a non-binding vote?
It was always just a poll, it was never legally binding.
I think it would be fucking stupid to treat it as such and not actually Brexit, but technically a poll is exactly what it was
Already happened in Greece.
Why would you think Brexit could "improve" their orwellian state? If anything, the state surveillance would increase even further when their government doesn't need to care about EU privacy protection laws anymore.
>Isn't that what separates them from plebiscites?
Referendums are a form of Plebiscites, neither are by definition binding.
>Although Acts of Parliament may permit referendums to take place, the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty means any Act of Parliament giving effect to a referendum result could be reversed by a subsequent Act of Parliament. As a result, referendums in the United Kingdom cannot be constitutionally binding, although they will usually have a persuasive political effect.
>UK fags don't even know how their own fucking government works
This is the Judge who killed Brexit
>He entered a civil partnership in 2006 and in 2014, after a change in the law, he and partner Andrew Stone were married in a traditional Jewish wedding ceremony at West London Synagogue.
>Conservatives put it to parliament immediately with no room for negotiation
>It fails after Labour shoot it down
>Call General election
>Labour party absolutely annihilated
>Conservatives then control Parliament and trigger Article 50 anyway
Seems simple to me.
Not that I believe the conservatives will actually trigger Article 50 even if they dominate parliament.
Pretty dubious fucking decision tbqh.
The concept they went with is that while it's legal for the Crown to alter international treaties, parliament must vote on domestic laws.
Well, since the treaty affects local laws, then the Crown can't sever the treaty without altering domestic laws - Hence the MP's must vote.
This seems dubious since, the treaty allowed the E.U. to alter domestic laws without a vote by parliament. Essentially they ruled that this law only goes one way - Which happens to be the E.U. way.
The woman who won the court proceeding works for Soros, I don't have the link right now as away from computer but look into it
>Trump wins
>USA helps free UK from EU
To be fair it seems they were lied to on their ballots by the government. If they were told "This is your decision. What you decide, the government will implement.'" then it stands to reason the vote would be binding.... at least until Exit won and the truth was revealed.
Don't know about the U.S., but referendums here technically aren't legally binding. I don't know why we call them referendums while we also have plebiscites, but anyway; They basically are like a fancy form of polling for the government.
>live in a "democracy"
>majority of citizens agree on an issue
>that just means the higherups get to determine the will of the people by conducting their own vote
>the decision is already pre-determined based on their bought-and-paid-for ideological ""beliefs""
what's the point
>Brits genuinely believed (((they))) would let them off that easily
Stability, direct democracies don't exist for a very good reason.
A British user elaborated on this in another thread;
>Prime Minister puts the issue to vote
>MP's reject it
>The majority of those rejecting it are the Labour MP's who represent the biggest Leave areas
>She then calls a general election
>The entire opposition is wiped out
>She could then use this to pass Article 50...or
>...She could essentially be leading a one party state, and could negotiate for a new, more interesting deal from the E.U.
>she's also a Remain supporter and a huge advocate of open borders :)
what .22 rifles?
>People vote for change
>Politicians ultimately have the last say.
Where is the Democracy now???
>Communists win in Spain and open the border with North Africa
no user, Rajoy is back
can't wait to see Podemos tumbling down
You called?
>some words on a ballot overrule the terms of an act of parliament
That's what the government promised the voters.
So it's not legally binding, but the voters will be pissed if the promise is broken.
So the parliament damn well better honor the will of the voters, or face the wrath of the voters.
But the voters don't have sovereignty. Nor should they really.
Imagine if we had national referendums on anything other than Presidential candidates (which technically aren't national referendums because of the BASED electoral college system). It would be a fucking clusterfuck.
soros wins again, as usual. it doesnt matter what we want or believe. soros will always win.
>Civil war in the States when Hillary rigs it
>Civil war in the UK when they try to keep us in the EU despite the vote
>Race war in Europe against the invaders
Praise kek
Every once in a while we let those fags in Quebec vote in a referendum whether or not they want to separate, but I don't think we'd let that happen if only a measly 52% voted to separate.
It's a representative parliamentary democracy, parliament is sovereign, not the government.
For people who were moaning about taking our sovereignty back it's pretty ironic that now they're suddenly against the idea.
thats like at the last general election
when Cameron came to power all corbin supporters had do was petition the high court
fucking retarded re-moaners and faggots
No fucker actually wants to trigger it though
Boris sure as fuck didn't. Hence why he didn't run as leader of the Conservatives.
He didn't even think leave would win.
I'm almost certain his plan was to fight for Brexit and then campaign as "the man who fought to leave" once it lost and Cameron finally stepped down.
As it is I reckon he's letting someone else fall on the sword that is triggering article 50, letting them take the blame for all the initial negative side effects from doing so (yes Sup Forums there will be some negatives, no it wont be as bad as remainers say, grow the fuck up and stop being so naive) and then swoop in after May fucks off to play the "I campaigned for it, but the way it was handled was a disaster, I wouldn't have done that) card.
Boris plays 5d chess quite well.
What's hilarious about this is that the U.K. among others have slammed Putin's stance on "Sovereign Democracy" which basically means;
>I run the show
>Election are just there for the public to tell me what is they want me to focus on
Because they're inherently conservative which is bad for business.
Just look at Switzerland. Just think about how disgusting it is that the Swiss have such racist and insular attitudes resulting in a lack of menial brown labor, driving their minimum wage up to 25 bucks an hour.
Stop it! Hofer will win, Brexit will happen, Turkey will never become a full member of the EU. And Trump will fucking win!
Not in British law, no. In general you're right in that distinction though
>what's the point
You should know by now literally the only reason a referendum happened was they thought it was going to fail.You don't start a fight unless you've already won.
Noone wants to be the one to trigger it I should say
Don't worry lads, Houses of Parliament due for a big fireworks display on Saturday.
If (((they))) think (((they))) still have a chance, (((they)))'re sorely mistaken.
Just give up you pathetic parasites, your desperate struggling is sad. What, you think because they never gave up and now they're kicking your ass, (((you))) can do the same? It doesn't work like that kikes, you're done.
Brexit will very likely not go through because it is a British tradition to shuffle your feet and mumble when the government tells you what you can or cannot do.
This is why they are Brits and not Americans or Australians.
ah, that's actually a good argument for why this decision is dubious. Thanks ausbro.